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Posts posted by Diadh

  1. How quickly we seem to forget all the backlash they got last year....


    I had not returned to the game when last year's items were released. What kind of possible "backlash" could people have had over reasonably priced, interesting decos? I know that people complain for the sake of complaining, but c'mon....

  2. Almost all the "Zakuul" stuff is set to hooks way larger than the items are. Even the widest display case is barely wider than a medium narrow hook. The Floor Lamp is the size of small hook, but requires a Medium Narrow. A lot of display stand tubes are medium hook, but are literally no larger in diameter than a medium narrow hook.


    Honestly, I almost wish they would let everything go on any hook, and the player can decide if they like it there or not.


    "Almost" is accurate. Have you seen the size of the stasis bunk? That thing was made for giants.

  3. Here we are on the eve of Halloween and have yet to get any "seasonal" market items. I am more than aware that these last two weeks have been a huge lift for Bioware, but I can't help but express a measure of disappointment. I was really looking forward to getting my hands on some of the stuff from last year if it was made available again. It is what it is. HAPPY HALLOWEEN everyone!!
  4. Now that I have your attention... I've got a bit of cash (to me at least) invested in some of my companion gear. Is anyone else going to vendor trash everything they can before our companions disappear on us during our years long absence?
  5. There are several. Alderaan and Quesh have dedicated speeder vendors I know for sure. There are also a few speeders that I have seen on random vendors. While it is still Tattooine, one the black market vendors in the open pvp area sells one or two.
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