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Posts posted by jstergar

  1. hey i am fairly new to the game and i want to make a dps maniac for pvp... any suggestions


    PT/Vang, Mara/Sent, Sniper/Gunslinger if you want DPS


    Assassin/Shadow and Scondrel/Op are also nice. You will lose some DPS in trade for utility (stealth, etc) As a sentinel the class I hate the most is an Op. When I mark the ones that buttpoke I typically stay away from them cause you can expect a hard long stun and a major *** rapage.

  2. I can see why this is confusing to new players (not saying the OP is new, just that this is confusing, and more so to new players). There should be a better indicator why your Force Leap (or other CC) didn't work when someone has immunity that is not related to Resolve. Heck, new players are already confused enough by Resolve.


    I don't think we get the standard resolve "immune" message on the leap because roots and snares are not effected by resolve. I guess I should pay attention but I'm pretty sure there is no indicator when immunity CD's trash an incoming root either.

  3. Merc is TERRIBLE in PvP...QUOTE]


    Somebody just hit 50 WZ's lol. Nothing new here. Same ole **** just a different day.


    Also, the two most *****ed about classes are ranged classes that have alot of their main attacks with channel and activation times. Those classes would be merc and sorc. If they made those two classes more mobile by removing activation time on maybe 1 main attack then the class would be overpowered. For example, take a pyro merc. You already have two nades and railshot with instacast. This makes you pretty mobile but damage is not great. You have to stop to Unload. Arsenal mercs are screwed because of the activation times on Tracers. If they took powershot (I think that's what I remember it was called) and made it instant cast the class would be a kiting nightmare. All ranged classes have their abilities designed to make them stop. IMO the best way to fix merc would be to adjust powershot so that it still needs an activation time but can be used on the run.

  4. I havn't noticed any issues at all except for classes than have immunity to CC effects. Even then most of the time they get rooted because their def skill is on CD or has not been activated. Also, I normally see the root not working when I jump a PT and assassin a few seconds after they engage a group.
  5. I know jugs get % hp increase talents for a short while, couple that with medpacks which also boost % hp and also endurance stims, then I can reach 37k on my jug for a total of 15 seconds.


    It's possible to get over 30k temporarely. I've seen a Vang in full PVE gear with 29k. A guardian at 29k with HP boosts coupled with medpack boosts would be around 34k for 15 seconds.

  6. One time, on the way to light saber camp, I ***** a merc so hard that his Legacy mother felt it and out popped a rerolled FOTM pyrotech.
  7. Several fanboys have also quoted the above post, countering it with typical fanboy comments. Everything this guy said is 100% true, and it's hard for me to admit that.


    I concurr. He's ab****ely right. 6 months ago I was one of those fanboys that would have told him to get lost. Today I just sigh cause I know it's true. My playing time per week has dropped considerably. I just don't have that much motivation to play anymore after leveling 7 lvl 50's. I won't grind a third WH because it too much a PITA. I'd love to pvp with my merc or operative but that's not going to happen with the current grind system. Too bad for that cause it would've added another year's worth a gaming fun for me.

  8. Sounds more like PvE than PvP.


    I edited some. It would be only be a PvE fight if there's nobody to defend. That's still a good thing though. It gets players together to coordinate for the takeover. A zonewide announcement that the base is now under "Imperial" or "Republic" control would add some incentive for the opposing faction to come in and turn it back.


    There is NOTHING in this game that brings the opposing factions together to fight other than a Q system with instanced warzones. All this is doing is creating a focal point where we will cross paths and have a good fight.


    Take Illum as an example. Stick a small base right smack in the middle of it. Add a control console like the node consoles in Novare Coast which are used to turn the base faction. Then add in some elite NPC's and a half dozen strongs to help protect the base. Move the Heroic 2 daily and maybe a new non-heroic to the base. That way your faction has to control the base to get the missions.

    A single player will not be able to turn the base. Make enough NPC where it takes a 2+ in good gear or 4 in bad gear. This also helps a single player viable for defense against a group. If the base is being attacked a zone wide announcment would be nice. This would bring in enemy players to defend it.



    1) PVE - You get access to your Heroic daily and maybe an extra non-heroic daily.

    2) PVE - How about making a weekly where you have to cap the base and receive 3 daily comms as a reward.

    3) PVP - I would absolutely love to see a system where you get X non ranked comms per enemy kill if it's within X amount of meters from the base.

  10. Nobody mentioned what will happen to guarded healers if TTK was increased. We have a tank shadow and commando duo that can hold a node against 3 enemies indefintely. I've seen a few jugg/merc duo's do the same thing. It's a royal PITA to take either of them down with anything less than 3 allies bursting them down.
  11. Send your tickets now! Flood them with tickets on CC and resolve.


    Let's voice our discontent tonight by having the entire fleet line up on the railings in the pvp area. We can all jump to our deaths at the same time /yell "GOODBYE CRUEL CC WORLD...... AHHHHHHhhhhhh.hh.h..h" SPLAT.


    Maybe we'll get lucky and the server will crash.

  12. I know exactly how you feel... I bought a Big Mac on Tuesday for $1.79.

    Get this!!!!

    I drove by and they're on sale Thursday's for $0.99 :eek:

    Screw you McDonald's!!!!


    BM on sale for $0.99. Dammmmm!!! This is the only thing I found interesting in this entire post and I stopped reading at that point. Actually I stopped reading cause I hauled *** to McD's in search of BigMac's.

  13. Like I said in another post. Hutball matches will b determined before the match even starts. The total number of consulars/sages will be the winning factor especially with the new resolve system.


    Also, I'm still at work but was talking to my brother in law about how he liked the changes. He plays a sorc and was telling me how fun the new KB was with it's extended range cone effect. You can now bunny hop from a lower catwalk and blow somebody off the top catwalk. Now how Fing fun is that gonna be?

  14. •Force Speed now has a 20-second cooldown (down from 30) for all Consulars and Inquisitors.

    •New Sorcerer/Sage ability, Unnatural Preservation/Force Mend: Heal yourself for a moderate amount. Only usable on yourself. Instant, costs no Force, 30-second cooldown. This ability is trainable at level 18.

    •Dark Resilience/Valiance: Now additionally increases the healing dealt by Unnatural Preservation/Force Mend by 15% per point.

    •Fadeout/Egress has been redesigned. Now causes Force Speed to remove all roots and snares and grant immunity to roots and snares for the duration.

    •Polarity Shift/Mental Alacrity now additionally grants immunity to interrupts for the duration. Improved visual FX to demonstrate this effect.

    •Backlash/Kinetic Collapse: The incapacitation effect caused by this skill no longer breaks on damage.


    Hmm faster with a root breaker and immunity to interupts. Wow I see Huttball matches boiling down to how many inquisitors/consulars are on each team.

  15. Like the previous poster said, you may not be utilizing your defensive CD's properly. You have to play smart since your squishy and utilize everything you have. I'm going to use the Illum Heroic 2 daily mission as an example. Each fight consists of 2 strong which heal and a elite. You have to kill 3 sets of these guys.


    On the first fight I will hide behind the building to force the strongs to come at me. Once I engage them I will pop Rebuke and Saber Ward which soaks up good amounts of damage. Also I pop my Valorous Call and hit my Inspiration damage buff and AOE mez the group with Awe. I then engage the first strong and he will melt like butter. Doc usually is taking a little bit of damage from the other two which is fine. Let him tank a little. Then I turn to the next strong, pop a force sweep to get both of their attention and hit my Unity which grants 50% def bonus for I think 15 seconds. Once I finish off the 2nd strong, I Pacify the elite, pop my Zen, and burn him down. If you get close to death you can always pop Gaurded By The Force for 4 seconds (thanks 1.4 patch you SOB) of godmode. Doc will catch up on your health at this time and you can finish off the elite. Also, be sure to use Force Statis on the elite because that 3 seconds of CC will get you another heal without taking damage and also gets your CD closer to poppin.


    2nd fight is simple. I pop my Heroic and rain Lightening Storm, Orbital Strike, Force Choke, Flame Thrower, and Force Sweep. It pretty much demolishes the 2nd group within 10 seconds.


    3rd fight I wait a minute my CD's to come back from fight #1. Then it's a repeat of fight 1.


    Also, if you cannot defeat most regular NPC's with a single Master Strike or a Blade Rush > Blade Storm combo then you defintily need better gear.

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