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Posts posted by BorisKarloffe

  1. Tried to do a tactical FP on PTS with 3 other players to test things out. Got the Battle of Ilum through Groupfinder, which caused one of the other players to complain and leave immediately. Since it was a Tactical/Story Mode FP, we weren't worried, until we encountered the second group of adds and two of the Imperial troopers were NOT synced to the player levels for the FP (49 I think for the players).


    One of the adds was level 57 and the other was level 60. We could not damage them and couldn't speeder past because of other adds later on that would cause the adds in question to catch up. Unable to progress. Group disbanded.

  2. You don't realize yet that they're releasing all the high-price GTN sets specifically bring the prices on the GTN down?


    It has nothing to do with the GTN prices and everything to do with being able to squeeze more real life cash out of players.

  3. I assumed you meant a lousy or inexperienced tank. What does it mean exactly? I'm familiar with scrank or scranker but those are not really pejorative terms.


    The term "skank tank" originated from pvp, particularly from team ranked matches where teams were using tanks in dps gear and/or spec to try to one up the competition. As I described earlier, it was a player using a class that could tank that would be in tank spec but dps gear.


    In pvp, at least you had to be in tank spec to get in the matchmaker, but for FP groupfinder, this requirement isn't there and anyone can queue for whichever roles their class can perform regardless of what spec or gear they're in.


    PVP was largely the only place you would encounter such (along with a few Operations Boss encounters where only one real tank is required), but as I mentioned earlier, I'm running into more and more of them in the Master FP queues.

  4. And if you don't believe how unpleasant pugging really can be just look at this comment. I'd rather maintain some semblance of dignity by keeping to myself than ever being referred to as a "skank tank".


    As long as you don't try to game the system and make others suffer for it, no one would ever accuse you of being one. Or do you not have any idea what I'm referring to?

  5. While this may not technically be a "single player game", Bioware turned it into one over the last two years by deliberately focusing only on single player content and basically allowing any Multiplayer aspects of the game to rot. One of the side effects of this was that a lot of the veteran players who knew how to do group content left the game and were replaced by "solo mode heroes" or "I have 248 gear heroes" who don't know how to properly play their roles or pay attention to mechanics.


    While Pugging always had the potential to turn out badly before if you got a bad draw, now I'm encountering a lot more skank tanks and fake heals in the queues. They have dps gear, but queue up instead for the heals or tank role to get faster pops.


    It's not something that matters on Veteran Mode for the most part, but if you're doing Master Mode FP's, it's not going to cut it.


    And if you do say something to them about being in the wrong gear/spec for the role they're in, they ragequit or expect the rest of the group to carry them because they "do it all the time".

  6. 1. Crappy and Ridiculous excuse for story writing.

    2. Excessive amounts of RNG and grinding added to the game as a stand in to mask lack of actual content.

    3. Mistreatment of Companions in story, customization, availability, and purpose.

    4. Lies and Misleading from BW on a variety of topics.

    5. Technical and Creative Incompetence/Laziness in tackling Game Bug fixes, Class Balancing, and Design decisions from BW.

    6. Unwillingness by BW/EA to invest in the future of the game despite wanting us to keep paying sub fees for it.

    7. All desirable in game items now only attainable through the CM instead of in-game activities.

    8. The destruction of the MMO playerbase by starving the game of MMO content for far too long.


    There are a number of other things, but they are all minor compared to these.


    This game could be one of the top 3 MMOs in the world right now with a competent studio. Instead, we're more or less in "Milk-it-til-it-drops" mode before I surmise they close it down when Anthem launches.

  7. I decided against putting the author's notes at the end of the last chapter because they were quite lengthy. So here goes:


    Author's Notes for Episode 7


    1. The Scions aren't developed very much in the game. They're just kind of there whenever the plot requires them to be. So it's a fun puzzle for me to develop what an order of Force Seers would believe,act, and behave like. Ashara was the obvious candidate due to both her disillusionment with both Jedi and Sith codes as well as her ease of connection to Force Spirits.


    2. There's a huge disconnect that I feel I have to address that gets glossed over in the KotFEET chapters. The player character confronts Valkorion in the throne room at the start, and knows from the presence he senses that it is the same as the Sith Emperor, but after that chapter, Valkorion is gone. Realistically, no one else would know this was true. The Zakuulans would've known nothing of the Sith Emperor, and certainly wouldn't believe "Outsider propaganda" that their dear leader was in actuality, a planet eating murderer. Even the people in Republic/Imperial space and even the Player character Companions would not know that Vitiate/Valkorion were the same except perhaps some of the most powerful Force users, and there would be no reason for the general populace to believe them.


    In the story, when characters like Senya and Koth get confronted with this, they resist the idea for all of a couple lines of dialogue before accepting it for some inexplicable reason. It's what the first season of KotFE SHOULD have been about. Convincing others to join your cause despite the obstacles thrown at you by this dilemma and all the while narrowly avoiding Arcann and his minions and having Valkorion whispering doubts in your mind.


    3. Ashara's vision is highly symbolic and I spent a lot of time trying to fit in as many symbolic details as possible. Of course, we as players have the hindsight to know what a lot of it means, but these characters do not.


    4. The fic is getting plenty of views, but no one is saying anything. So, I must be doing something right...or wrong. Not sure.

  8. Episode 7


    Asylum Space Station


    "By the Omnipotence of Izax.....with the Compassion of Scyva....through the rage of Tyth....for the passion of Aivela....to be tested by Esne....and hated by Nahut..." droned the repeated chants of the Scions of Zakuul in one of the innermost chambers of their enclave.


    Walking slowly forward between the kneeling chanters, Ashara Zavros had divested herself of her old robes she had worn as both a Jedi and a Sith apprentice.


    She now wore a simple one piece tunic made of Inyakid hide.


    Walking forward, she ascended a few steps to where Heskal, their leader, stood with an expressionless visage, his light blue eyes shining brightly beneath gray eyebrows.


    "Be reborn" he exhorted amongst all the chanting, stepping aside and gesturing behind him to a small pool with an old sculpture of some sort placed in the middle.


    As he did so, two Scions stepped in from the side and poured large pitchers of what Ashara knew to be the blood of an Inyakid Matron into the small pool.


    Heskal then extended his hand and activated the statue somehow through the force.


    Its eyes glowed yellow before causing the pool of Inyakid blood to swirl and bubble, sending up wreaths of reddish orange plumes that swirled around the pool area in misty clouds of reddish orange, punctuated only by the glowing yellow eyes of the statue itself.


    Then the chants changed.


    Instead of all of the Scions chanting the same verses back to back, they now broke into groups with each one chanting one phrase of the chant repeatedly but also at the same time as the other.


    The cacophony of chants immediately ratcheted the tension up, and Ashara balked for a moment, wondering if she would be harmed if she stepped in the fountain, or if this was all a big mistake on her part.


    "There is no going back now..." hissed Heskal quietly just behind her.


    He was right. There was no going back. She had come to them. This was her path, painful though it might be.


    Taking a deep breath, she stepped forward and stood silently as the two Scions by the fountain came to her sides and helped her out of the Inyakid hide tunic.


    The chanting then increased in volume, growing louder and louder.


    "Remember to keep your eyes open..." hissed Heskal again from behind her as she stepped right to the edge of the pool.


    Ashara was surprised to hear Heskal's exhortation, particularly since Oramis had told her the same thing earlier, but she hadn't expected to get advice at all from him. Until she was reborn as one of them, she was still deemed an Outsider.


    Raising her arms out to each side, Ashara took a deep breath as the chants continued to increase in volume, now to the point of shouts.


    Then she stepped into the fountain.


    Immediately, her entire body was sprinkled and misted by the Inyakid Matron's blood.


    Her gut reaction was to recoil, close her eyes, and cover herself.


    Instead, she kept her eyes open, gritting her teeth even as her eyes began to sting and burn from the mist getting in them. Keeping her arms out to her sides, she heard no more chanting, but was vaguely aware of a growing rumbling.

    Using every ounce of will power to keep her stinging eyes from closing, she tried to focus on the glowing yellow eyes of the statue.


    Just as she opened her mouth to scream in agony, it seemed as if everything faded away and she was suddenly lying on a snowy plain.


    Getting to her feet, she was surprised not to be cold as well as finding herself dressed in her old Jedi robes, but her marvel was short lived as a distant rumbling grew louder and louder.


    As she turned to see what was causing the noise, she was surprised to see Arcann, the hated adversary of the Scions, walking slowly towards her.


    He said nothing, and Ashara readied her lightsabers as he withdrew his and ignited it.


    Then, to her surprise, he kept on walking, ignoring her completely and continuing to walk further away.


    Unsure of what else to do, Ashara followed him at a distance for a short ways until she saw figures kneeling on the snowy tundra.


    As she got closer, she saw that they were Scions...all of them were Scions, though some of them were with their families as they knelt.


    Arcann still said nothing and to her horror, immediately set about slaughtering them with his lightsaber and considerable force powers.


    "Wait! STOP!" Ashara screamed as she ran closer.


    As she ran, though, she was aware of a vague, distant presence in the Force, as if she was not the only one watching what was unfolding in front of her.


    She had felt this before. There had to be a Force Spirit nearby or somehow connected to this vision.


    She froze for a moment, conflicted over her course of action.


    If she stopped to meditate, Arcann would continue cutting Scions and their families down, their screams echoing across the frozen plateau, but if she tried to intercede, she would likely not find out anything about the mysterious Presence in the Force.


    Trying to block out the screams of those dying to Arcann's fury, Ashara sank down onto the frozen ground, tears slowly streaming down her cheeks as her conscience stung her with a guilty pang over her choice.


    Summoning her willpower, she nervously assumed a meditative kneeling position on the snowy ground, but she could not block out the screams of the dying. The pain, loss, and agony kept interjecting themselves into her thoughts like scything blows.


    Putting her hands to her ears, she clenched her eyes shut and desperately tried to focus on the ghostly presence.


    She hunched over on her knees, almost bringing her face to the ground, but was finally able to focus enough on the mysterious distant presence.


    As she focused more and more on it, the closer it seemed to get.


    Suddenly, it seemed almost next to her, and she opened her eyes, startled to see a figure in a dark cloak emerging from the frozen ground nearby.


    It appeared out of nothing, but rose up out of the frozen ground slowly, as if ascending invisible stairs.


    It...briefly turned to regard her, and Ashara froze. The face was a shifting pallet of faces, some old, some young, some male, some female. Most appeared human, but they appeared so briefly, she couldn't tell.


    She watched as the mysterious apparition walked slowly toward Arcann, who seemed oblivious to it.


    Ashara thought for sure something would happen when the apparition reached Arcann, but instead, it merely followed in his trail as he continued to cut down the Scions and their families.


    The she noticed that the apparition was growing in size.


    Moving closer, she noticed that as it followed in Arcann's wake, it was absorbing the essences of those Arcann was killing, then she noticed for the first time that the Scions weren't fighting back at all.


    She had thought they were just helpless in the face of Arcann's power, but they weren't resisting at all. Some even eagerly offered themselves and their loved ones in a horrific display of sacrifice as Arcann gave them no regard or quarter before cutting them down, the apparition moving slowly behind Arcann to absorb what was left.


    Growing larger and larger, the thing was now several feet taller than any normal human and still growing.


    "Wait! Can't you see what you're doing!" Ashara screamed at her fellow Scions that were left.


    Then the apparition turned to look at Ashara, and she saw its face again.


    This time it wasn't a changing series of images, it was the face of an old man, looming large over her.


    She couldn't recall seeing that face before, but his eyes immediately drew her gaze, his pupils black like the heart of a black hole.


    He was still growing in size, even as he took several steps, advancing on Ashara.


    Then a terrible laughter rumbled out of him and shook the frozen tundra.


    Ashara tried to get a sense of the apparition's intentions, but she immediately was rebuffed as if a much greater force had swatted away her efforts.


    She began to realize this was a mistake as the apparition grew even larger, put his arms out to his sides and opened his mouth, sucking in the essence of the Force from all around, devouring, consuming, destroying everything.


    Ashara heard the loud cracking in the frozen tundra as an earthquake rumbled and threatened to destroy all beneath her as the apparition continued to devour all before it.


    Fleeing was futile, as the vortex around the devouring maw of the apparition was so great that Ashara could not stay on her feet.


    Stabbing into the ground with her lightsabers, all she could do was scream before she was wrenched from the ground and drawn into the growing darkness of the void...



    "NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Ashara screamed as she bolted upright.


    She glanced around wildly to find the faces of Heskal, Tersu, Berusal, and Oramis all regarding her with intense scrutiny.


    Breathing wildly, and relieved she was back in the Enclave, she sank back onto the mat on the floor, closing her eyes and reopening them to ensure she was back with the Scions and not still in the vision.


    Thankfully, none of them asked her immediately about what she had seen. Instead, she was given water and food before being allowed to rest. At some point during her Vision, they had clothed her in basic Scion robes and given her a complete set upon waking.


    After a day of rest recovering from the experience, she was unsurprised to see Heskal, Oramis, Tersu, Berusal, Zaxun and several other Scions whose names she didn't know enter the general quarters area where she had been given a rudimentary sleeping pad for a bunk.


    Seating themselves cross legged on the floor around her, Heskal broke the silence.


    "You are one of the first to be blessed with a Vision in some time. Tell us, what have you seen?" Heskal declared, fixing her with those bright, almost white eyes.


    "I was on a frozen plain, dressed in my old Jedi robes...." Ashara began, growing more confident as time passed.



    Some time later, when she had finished reciting what she had seen several times, the Scions were silent, all of them seeming to be lost in thought.


    "Visions are not usually this long" Oramis finally replied, a slight frown marring the usual stoic expression on her face.


    "Or in such detail" Berusal added.


    "Still, the Force has given us a glimpse of something, symbolic, it seems" Heskal ventured "It will take some time meditating to sort it all out. In the mean time, I suggest you show our newest sister the Protection Ward" he continued, nodding to Oramis as he finished.


    Wordlessly, Ashara departed her quarters, following Oramis through a series of corridors further into the heart of the enclave.


    She was surprised to find herself being led into a thick doorway guarded by two Scions and two guard droids. None of the other rooms or hallways had guards that she had seen so far.


    Entering a room that was larger than it first appeared, she found herself looking at a number of enclosures with....people in them.


    The enclosures were about the size of a normal set of bunk beds with walls at the each end and force fields on either side and over the top, but Ashara's gaze was immediately drawn to the people inside the enclosures.


    They weren't Knights of Zakuul, lowlifes, or enemies of any sort.


    They were Scions, or at least had been. Most of them wore the robes of the Scions, though many of them had torn and ripped them.


    Moving closer to one of the enclosures, Ashara stood transfixed as she looked at the young woman inside.


    Haggardly thin, her hair had been shaven off and her eyes fluttered around wildly as she rolled around languidly on the floor. Her arms were restrained by the particular cloak she wore, apparently designed to be a strait jacket of sorts.


    "What happened to them?" Ashara asked, kneeling and trying to look into the unsteady gaze of the young woman inside.


    "The Force is the most powerful thing in the Galaxy, but the mind...is only so powerful. Sometimes the visions are too much" Oramis replied sadly as she walked on past.


    "The Visions themselves are too powerful?"


    "Or what they see in a Vision proves too difficult for the mind to accept"


    "They cannot be...saved?" were the only words Ashara could think of, walking past another enclosure where a man who would've been a foot taller than her huddled in a corner, tear streaks marring his cheeks as he muttered incoherent things to himself.


    "One cannot unsee what has already been seen" Oramis replied, continuing to walk on "One can only learn to make sense of it and accept it for what it is"


    "Why not allow them to get some sort of...treatment?" Ashara queried, looking at the twisted bodies and empty stares as they walked by enclosure after enclosure.


    "It would be both dangerous...and impractical" Oramis replied as if it was obvious.


    "I can understand with Arcann hunting us how it would be dangerous....but why impractical?" puzzled Ashara.


    "There are no medicines or doctors who can fix what ails those here. Only being able to reconcile what they have seen will bring them back, and there is no one that can do that for them" Oramis replied, stopping before one particular enclosure.


    "But...if they could find some sense of peace--" Ashara started to reason before Oramis cut her off.


    "Look at him" she nodded toward the bald older man sitting in the corner of the enclosure, passively staring lifelessly, almost as if asleep "He has plenty of peace, but he lacks purpose"


    Ashara stared at the passive eyes for a moment before Oramis continued.


    "The Scions are not in the business of finding peace, like the Jedi. Nor do we seek power, like the Sith. No, the Scions are in the business of seeking and fulfilling the purpose for ourselves, for Zakuul, and for the Future. Is that not why you came to us?"


    "Y-yes...I suppose so" Ashara replied timidly, still staring at the vacant eyes of the man in the enclosure.


    "Heskal instructed me to show you the Protection Ward as a warning. If you cannot handle the Visions granted to you by the Force, you may end up here"


    "Have any of them ever recovered?" Ashara asked as they moved on.


    "Not...recently, but back when we served Emperor Valkorion, many did recover"


    "Why do you suppose that is?"


    "Too many Scions do not know their purpose anymore, and lack the resolve of both mind and body to perform their duties" Oramis answered coldly before softening her tone "but...also, the Emperor seemed to have a way of clearing confusion, and making our paths clear"


    Ashara was weighing asking more about Valkorion, but found Oramis staring intently at her.


    "You have been blessed with a Vision, but be careful. Peering into the mysteries of the Force is not for the faint of heart. I do not wish a fate like this on anyone" Oramis declared, strongly at first before turning and muttering the last part as they looked at the enclosures.


    Ashara silently contemplated this as they moved to depart, but Oramis stopped at one of the enclosures.


    "Oh dear, we'll have to shave her head again"


    Ashara sadly noted the young woman inside, who's shoulder length blonde hair was disheveled and bits were pulled out and laying on the floor. She wasn't wearing the same Scions robes that the others were.


    Instead, she wore a loose brown tunic and lay on her side while drawing shapes on the floor.


    "Who is she?" Ashara asked, noting for the first time there was nothing on the enclosures to identify those contained inside.


    "Yvenna....Yvenna?" Oramis gently called her name to no avail.


    "Yvenna?" Ashara knelt and called gently to her, but the young woman simply turned away from them.


    "She is Heskal's daughter. Two years ago, she was sent with a group of Scions to a shrine on Voss to investigate the possible Visions we might receive there, but the Knights of Zakuul attacked. They killed all of them but Yvenna, and then tortured her for the location of Heskal. Refusing to give in to them, they tormented her for days, even broadcast some of it to try forcing Heskal out of hiding. Eventually....her mind broke, but the Knights of Zakuul had grown lax and were ambushed by Gormak. I suppose they saw no threat from her and let her be after slaughtering the Knights. We found her like this, surrounded by the dead on Voss"


    Ashara could see scars of cuts, burns, and force lighting running across any expanse of skin that showed outside the brown jerkin.


    "So she was not driven mad by Visions, but still she is confined here?" Ashara snapped back faster than she meant to.


    Oramis gave her the briefest frown back.


    "We tried keeping her in a regular room, but you see how she is" Oramis nodded at her torn and knotted hair.


    Ashara tried to keep the bile from rising in her throat as she angrily considered the tormented girl's plight.


    "Still, somewhere, there is still a light in the darkness of her mind" Oramis muttered as she knelt down and stared at some complex etchings made in the end wall of the enclosure.


    Their musings were interrupted by Berusal.


    "We have questions regarding the Vision" he announced while demurely gesturing out of the Protection Ward.


    None of them said anything as they departed the Protection Ward, but Ashara's mind turned back to her vision and the only conceivable explanation to the strange entity.


    There was only one person or thing that could devour life on such a scale....the Old Sith Emperor Vitiate, but he was supposed to be dead, defeated by Darth Nox and her strike team 4 years ago.


    She knew she would have to confront them with the possibility that their "benevolent" Emperor Valkorion was either possessed by or at least influenced in some way by the former Sith Emperor.


    But would they believe her?






  9. 1. My Sniper is still pining for the lovely Shara Jenn. #bringbackwatchertwo

    2. I'm sure there are plenty of Troopers who'd love to see a recovered Sargeant Jaxo return to the fight.

    3. Players have been crying for a legit Satele Shan romance since before the game was launched.

    4. Shae Vizla should have been a legit romance option for Bounty Hunters.

    5. Senya has already been mentioned, but I would find it highly offputting if they did put one in but don't allow for a Satele Shan one (I know she's canonically supposedly 67 by the time you find her playing botche balls with Marr out in the woods, but she looks nowhere near that old).

    6. Acina should have been a legit romance option for Sith players.

    7. Both Female Troopers and Smugglers should have another romance option in Jonas Balkar.

    8. Why was Vette or Kaliyo not allowed to be Romanced by other classes?

    9. Veroa Denz or Sana Rae should have been legit Romance options.


    *Come on Bioware. Players won't replay a storyline for one or two flirt lines, but they will for a legit Romance with a beloved character that gets conversationS and screen time with.

  10. A lot of us mock and/or criticize BW/Ea for saying a long time ago "Choices matter". It left a lot of us (some who may or may not be here any more) asking how do choices matter? What decisions did we make that matter when we are on a seemingly "on rails" story?


    Here are a few choices that kind of mattered.




    You can choose to kill Senya and Arcann

    You can choose to kill or exile Kaliyo or Jorgan

    Your choices can drive Koth away and give you the opportunity to kill him

    You can choose to let that force ghost, tenebre's father, be free or stay imprisoned

    You choose to use Valkorian's power

    You choose to save either Vette or Torian and thus making the other companion dead.


    Obviously, if a companion dies, that companion no longer appears. Your choices matter.

    If you use Valkorian's power in KOTFE during ch 8 or use Valkorian's power one too many times during KOTFE 1-7, the events towards the end of KOTFE ch 8 play out slightly different. So, your choices did matter.

    Whatever decision you make regarding Tenebre's father force ghost affects the final fight.

    If you do too many bad things to the people of Zakuul, Koth leaves you and then later you will have an option to kill him. So, those decisions matter.



    Almost all the things you've pointed out are in Kotet, well after people pitched a fit for the rightfully panned Kotfe "choices" not mattering.

    So, some choices did matter. They don't greatly affect the final outcome of the story, but they do affect it in some ways. That's just a fact. BW/EA's mistake then is probably hyping up too much the mantra "decisions matter". Some decisions do matter, but no decision greatly changes the story.


    Their mistake(s) were misleading players and then implementing poor design choices. Hallways filled with Skytroopers got old real fast, and contriving players into repeated "fake dilemmas" only exacerbated it. Throw in some retcons, lore nonsense, and complete disconnection from previous story content, and you should understand why so many players hold KotFEET in such disdain.


    So, and this an honest question, what we were hoping for in the "choices matter" situation?

    What do you hope for when you make choices? Obviously, you make choices to get a desired outcome, but if all the game gives you are the same outcomes, regardless of what you chose to do, then...guess what, your choice didn't matter one iota.

    Did we want the game to completely branch out in different directions?


    Is that what people wanted?

    No, of course not. That's why that petition got started before 4.0 released to make sure the choices didn't make any difference.



    Also, I've seen criticisms of KOTFE and KOTET that the story is on rails.

    The entire xpacs are on rails. Levels, hallways, even mob spawns. It's not just the story.


    What great story game (RPG) does the story branch out?

    What great RPG isn't an on rails type of story?


    Mass Effect 2

    Baldur's Gate 2 (maybe, little fuzzy on that since I haven't played it in years)

    The Witcher games

    Elder Scrolls Skyrim (some wouldn't consider it a great story game, but your choices result in vastly different outcomes for most of the non-main quests).


    I think you're failing to understand what "on rails" means for a story. All stories have a start and end point, but in an MMO, that can be an open ended end point since the game (presumably) will continue to get added onto. Also, having the same start and end point is no problem, but not having any different path to getting there is, particularly for a game that started off with 8 different story characters all partaking of the same Universe and events with different companions, quests, alignments, and choices.


    Look at some great classics (yes I know. These are not MMOs. but, they are relevant because they are good story games)

    Final Fantasy 6.

    Final Fantasy 7.

    Chrono Trigger


    KOTOR 1 & 2.


    Never played any of these except KOTOR 1 & 2, and those two games both blow away KotFEET in terms of story, character development, and lore.


    For the most part, the story is the same.


    No, it isn't


    ......the KOTOR games have different ending cut scenes but the overall story is the same (even if being LS and DS gives the story a different feel).


    Well, let's see. In the KOTOR games, the player has to deal with murder mysteries, puzzles, feuding NPC groups, Companion issues, and vastly different outcomes for the main storyline in the first one at least (destroy friends and the Republic to embrace the Star Forge and the DS, or resist the temptation, rescue companion, and destroy the Star Forge). KotFEET has almost NONE of these things and the ones it does have, are mere shadows of the ones in the KOTOR games.


    So, why is there criticism that KOTFE and KOTET are such on rails stories?

    Because they are.


    I'm am genuinely curious as to why people criticize KOTFE and KOTET for being on rails when that seems to be the norm for RPGs.


    Maybe read any of the DOZENS of threads about it back when they were launched, or did you think that time would erase their flaws?

  11. Episode 6


    Planet Virgillia 7 in the Outer Rim


    A basket of muja fruit fell to the ground and the reddish yellow orbs rolled out onto the windblown grass as Kira Carsen stared in disbelief at what was left of her resistance cell's hideaway.


    Smoke and flames of plasma belched and churned from a crater the size of a volcano where their mountain base of operations used to be only half an hour before.


    Slowly, she bowed her head, hoping to still the raging emotions at the loss of so many of her friends and fellow fighters.


    She wasn't sure how long she stayed this way, but a gentle hand on her shoulder interrupted her mourning.


    Turning, she was surprised to see Sumalee standing just behind her and another young woman she didn't recognize beside her.


    Sumalee looked past her at the devastation and sighed heavily before sitting down.


    "W-what happened?" asked the younger woman Kira didn't recognize.


    "Zakuul found us out" Kira replied, her mind turning over the possibilities of how they could have known.


    "How?" Sumalee tiredly asked, wondering the same thing Kira was contemplating.


    "I don't...know. We were so careful. Everyone was carefully screened..." Kira replied almost listlessly, her mind drifting back to the people she had spent the last year and a half with.


    "We thought the heart of the mountain would be safe from bombardment...even if they did find out about us, but...this...w-we never thought they could blow up the mountain itself" Kira wondered aloud.


    She felt a gentle tug on her arm and turned to find Sumalee looking at her intently but with a pain in her gaze that Kira knew all too well, especially now.


    "We should go. Those ships will still be in orbit and they may send down a patrol to sweep the site" she muttered before casting a glance skyward at the distant faint outlines of a several Eternal Fleet ships.


    Kira found herself being led back away from the smoking cratered ruins of the Resistance mountain base back toward the City of Ragero.


    Kira felt like she was sleepwalking after suffering the shock of the terrific explosion and running out of the city to behold the wasteland that was left of everything she'd worked towards for almost the last two years.


    Before she knew it, they were in a dimly lit hangar approaching Sumalee's shuttle.


    They were in for a rude surprise, though.


    Five heavily armed men slowly walked out from behind nearby shipping crates with blaster rifles trained on them.


    "You, Tortuga, what is your name?"


    "First of all, it's Togruta. Secondly, I'm not in the habit of chatting with strangers pointing blaster rifles at me" Sumalee snapped back.


    "She's not scared at all. She must be the one..." muttered another of the men eyeing them over.


    "If you don't put those toys away and start explaining, I'm afraid I'll have to notify the City Marshals" Sumalee continued before casting a warning glance back over her shoulder at Kira.


    Coming out of her shocked state of mind, Kira sensed there were two more assailants up on the walkway behind them, likely with sniper rifles or even something heavier.


    "I don't think you'll be calling the City Marshals. Not many Tortugas show up in the Outer Rim worlds, and Bounty Boards only have one Tortuga listing. So that must be you" the one in the middle replied before motioning with his blaster rifle as he finished.


    "And here I thought it was just my killer looks" Sumalee retorted with a small smirk, before briefly striking a pose with her hands on her hips.


    It was only a moment, but it was enough for the eyes of the men to flicker briefly down her body for the three women to spring into action.


    Grabbing a fuel container through the force, Sumalee pulled it in front of the front group of gunmen before drawing her blaster and firing into it, blowing it up in a plume of purple.


    Aris had ignited her newly constructed lightsaber and was ready to deflect any shots that got through.


    Kira leaped sideways and ignited her lightsaber, spinning and parrying away two shots from the snipers behind them.


    She saw the plume of flame from a rocket round whistling toward them, and extended her hand, force pushing the rocket round away and back toward the wall, exploding where the walkway met the side of the hangar, sending it hanging partway on the ground.


    Blocking another sniper shot, Kira then flung her lightsaber in a wide arc, its green dual blades spinning and humming through the air before slicing the middle supports to the walkway, sending it and the two assailants tumbling to the ground.


    Meanwhile, Sumalee had taken the offensive to the front group.


    Somersaulting in, she kicked one of the rising gunmen off his feet before sweeping a lightsaber blade to the right to finish another one rising from the ground.


    Pivoting left, she cut the blaster rifles the other two were holding in pieces as she spotted Aris out of the corner of her eye engaging another of them.


    Aris had been prepared to block blaster bolts, but the gunmen had been intent on taking them alive. Unfortunately, she wasn't ready for the stun beam that came flying in a bluish circle at her.


    She tried to block it as best she could, but it still didn't stop her left arm and left side from seizing up in pain from the shock as she fell to one knee with a groan.


    As she looked up to see the gunman leveling his gun at her for a follow up stun, Kira's green dual bladed lightsaber came flying in from the right and sliced across the lightly armored gunman's torso before being yanked back in the air to Kira, who stepped up beside Aris and gently helped her to her feet.


    Still partly paralyzed from the stun hit, Aris had to be helped into the shuttle as Sumalee kneeled over the remaining gunman.


    Dazed from hitting his head on a Cargo crate, it was easy for Sumalee to reach into his conscious mind and suggest a favorable outcome.


    "When you wake up, you'll remember you weren't attacked by a Togruta....or a Tortuga" she added bemusedly before continuing "You were attacked by wild...ugnaughts".


    "We were attacked by wild ugnaughts..." murmured the entranced man before Sumalee thumped his head against the cargo crate and sent him into unconscious slumber.


    As the shuttle slowly rose into the atmosphere, Aris nearly vomited on Kira as she tried to get her situated.


    "Ourghh....sorry....my stomach feels...wrong" she meagerly apologized between coughs.


    "You're going to wish you had gotten hit with the full stun" Kira eyed her over briefly before strapping her in and retrieving a blanket.




    "Because on a full stun, you're out cold for the worse symptoms, and your system would've taken the hit in its entirety. A partial hit means your body's still trying to sort itself out, and you won't be able to sleep for awhile" Kira continued, looking down at the younger woman as she coughed and occasionally spasmed.


    "In the interest of getting out of there quick, I didn't ask before, but...is there anyone else from the cell left that we should notify?" Sumalee cautiously announced before glancing back over her shoulder at Kira with a slight frown of concern for her fellow ex-jedi.


    "Not that I can reach. Local contacts will know what happened and keep a low profile, but all the codes and holo-frequencies for our allies in nearby systems were in the base or logged in TR-4's memory core. I would be guessing if I tried to reach out to them, and that would be too dangerous" Kira replied before slowly sitting down on the floor.


    "Then we need to make contact in person..." Sumalee replied before trailing off thinking over what they needed to do.


    "Not right away....Zakuul will be watching for anyone fleeing into nearby systems and is probably on the lookout for any more Resistance fighters. We need to lie low somewhere for a little while before we try making contact" Kira murmured, looking sadly at the floor.


    "I know somewhere..." Sumalee murmured as she typed in the coordinates and punched the hyperdrive controls, flinging them into the blurred lines of hyperspace.


    "By the way, what'd you mind trick that bounty hunter back there with?" Kira queried.


    "Oh, I told him that they'd been attacked by wild Ugnaughts" Sumalee smirked as she spun her chair around.


    "B-but there's no s-such thing as...wild Ugnaughts" Aris murmured from her chair, still shaking occasionally.


    "There's no such thing as Tortugas either, but they don't know that" Sumalee replied before casting an intent look at Kira, who was looking sadly at the floor.


    After a long pause, Sumalee slowly got out of her seat and sat on the floor next to Kira.


    "I know it probably doesn't help any, but I'm sorry about what happened down there" Sumalee murmured, clearly uncomfortable discussing any emotional issues.


    "It's...not my first....Zakuul massacre" Kira replied almost absently.


    "It never gets any easier to handle" Sumalee answered, staring at her hands clasped in her lap.


    "Just when you think you're making progress, making new friends, getting new contacts, training new recruits..." Kira started to bemoan before trailing off.


    "Speaking of recruits, did you find....or hear of any other Jedi?" Sumalee perked up, genuinely curious before softening her tone, aware that it might bring up painful emotions.


    "Yes, we had two of them with our group for awhile. We got them as a couple"


    "A Jedi couple?" Sumalee mused.


    "Yeah, Bottas Koare and Yaliri Kurswa. They were both adequately trained in their force capabilities, but were....lacking in some other important areas" Kira stated, growing less sad and more pensive.


    Sumalee gave her a puzzled frown for a response.


    "They were very young, little more than teenagers fresh out of Academy, thinking they'd run off and save the world"


    "And found out the World is a lot more different than what they tell you in the Academy?" Sumalee posited.


    "Not just that. They did not truly know themselves very well, and things just went poorly from there. I tried to train them, but it became obvious after a few months that this wasn't what they really wanted. Finally, I just asked them to leave" Kira replied matter-of-factly.


    "That bad, huh?"


    "They came to us as a couple, but when they left, she was pregnant...and he wasn't the father" Kira finished, looking over at Sumalee as if inferring something unspoken.


    "I-I don't...understand.." Aris murmured, knowing there was something important there, but she didn't get what they meant.


    "I see you were successful in finding a protege" Kira smiled for the first time in awhile as she got up and looked down at Aris.


    "I found a few other Jedi and even an old Sith acolyte, but they all wanted to be left alone, just happy to be alive and trying to do something that didn't involve the Force" Sumalee replied before rising to her feet as well.


    "Your name is Aris?" Kira smiled down encouragingly at her before kneeling next to her chair.


    "Aris V-vauranelle" Aris coughed again.


    "Well, Aris, sometimes, when a Jedi leaves or gets forced out of the Order for one reason or another, they thrive, adapt, learn new things, figure out how to get along without a code or Council to arrange their life around" Kira briefly glanced at Sumalee before continuing "But sometimes, once they get outside the Order, some of them don't know what to do without all the structure and rules that came with being a member of the Order. They can't adapt. They can't find any balance, and instead swing wildly between indulging their passions and being focused and disciplined. They lose focus, and eventually lose their way."


    "Y-you mean the Dark side?" Aris asked.


    "Occasionally, but mostly it's just confusion....confusion that leads to frustration....which leads to poor decisions"


    "Meditation is supposed to help clear the mind" Aris replied, now finally starting to feel her body calm down.


    "What if you're still confused about something after meditating on it?" Kira asked.


    "Well....um...meditate some more?" Aris replied with uncertainty.


    "Maybe, but just remember that sometimes, it's okay to not know the answer to something. Too many Jedi think that if they don't know the answer to something, that means they are failures and can't figure out anything"


    Aris nodded and they were all silent for a moment Kira looked down and found Aris staring at her again.




    "I j-just can't believe it's really you....everyone said you were dead" she murmured.


    "Oh, well I'm not dead, and I'm not sure who at the Order would've declared me dead without any proof" Kira frowned for a moment.


    "These days, the Republic prefers dead Heroes to living inconveniences" Sumalee almost growled.


    "That bad, huh?"


    "You would probably be the one vomiting on the floor if you knew who was on the Council now"


    They were all silent again before Aris spoke up.


    "M-master Kira...do you think you c-could tell us a story?"


    "I'm no Master. Just call me Kira"


    "Could you tells us a story?"


    Kira was a little taken aback for a moment, but then she noted the hopeful look on Aris' face and even a hopeful look on Sumalee's countenance, even though Sumalee was already familiar with any story Kira would've shared.


    Even as she was reflecting on this, she felt in her pocket one of the Muja fruit. Somehow, one of the ones she'd dropped had gotten into her pocket somehow.


    Perhaps it was appropriate to talk of the past.


    Remembering the good times would help get them through the bad ones. Zakuul wouldn't always have better technology. Eventually the rest of the Galaxy would rise up. Eventually, someone would put an end to Arcann, just like all tyrants.


    "Please tell us about the Hero of Tython?" Aris begged.


    Sumalee immediately fired Kira of look of deep concern, knowing Kira's closeness to him, but Kira breathed deeply and beamed a smile back, casting her mind back to cherished memories.


    "You know, he did have a name" chided Kira before continuing "Adan Drexel......."






  12. Does the OP seriously think that rehashing the merit of the GC/CXP/RNG debacle now will somehow make it not as bad just because someone who is paid to promote the game said something nice about it in a stream?


    Have all the subs that fled at the advent of 5.0 come streaming back to the game, overjoyed that this wondrous thing called GC was still here?


    If you wanna kiss up to the Devs, go right ahead, but try not to oversell the lipstick on a pig. We're still not buying it.

  13. Episode 5




    The gentle THUD of the ship touching down on solid ground woke Darmas Pollaran from his chemically induced slumber.


    He didn't get much of a chance to rouse himself from his stupor before a hand on each shoulder yanked him up and dragged him through a series of corridors before depositing him on a grassy patch of ground beneath the ship.


    As his bleary eyes adjusted to the light, he saw the Arkanian he had seen before standing some fifteen feet away, looking off into the distance through some macrobinoculars.


    Looking around more, Darmas was surprised to see no one else.


    He knew better than to assume he wasn't being watched.


    His concerns were justified moments later when two fully armored men uncloaked their stealth generators and moved back inside the ship.


    Both them and the Arkanian were wearing the same type of armor. From what Darmas could tell, it was an upgraded and modified version of the old Trimantium Onslaught Armor that he had seen a few times on Imperial Agents, but he doubted this was an Imperial Operation.


    He still had a few friends in the Empire, and he knew that Imperial Intelligence was still a pale shadow of what it once was, not helped by Minister Beniko's abrupt resignation and departure.


    Besides, the Empire already had a presence on Belsavis. If it was an Imperial Operation, they would've landed at one of the Outposts. Instead, all Darmas could see around them in any distance was lush vegetation and wild growth.


    He was pondering scenarios in his mind when he was interrupted by the re-emergence of the two previously seen armored agents, but this time they were dragging a woman with them, shoving her roughly on the ground next to Darmas.


    The Arkanian immediately ceased his gazing, turned, and moved directly to them before kneeling down in front of the woman.


    The pause gave Darmas a moment to take in the new arrival.


    Well, perhaps working for these...people might not be so bad after all.


    She was actually quite beautiful, even though she had obviously been roughed up some. Her bodysuit was ripped in several places and had smudges of dirt and grease on it while her hair was wildly dishevelled.


    Still, Darmas knew a looker when he saw one, and immediately upon the sight of a beautiful damsel in distress, he figured his day had improved significantly.


    The Arkanian paused for a moment, as if looking her over, before roughly grabbing her by the chin and turning her head to one side, fixing a disapproving eye on a bruise forming on the side of her face.


    "I expressly told you to avoid any damage to her head!" he hissed, whirling on the two men who had dragged her out.


    "It...was...an accident. She hit her head on a bulkhead while we were trying to get her out of the cell" one of them mumbled by way of excuse.


    "We....do not have...accidents, and if you ever want to see your number rise to the top, you will make sure that the only accidents that happen, are the ones I instruct you to create!" hissed the Arkanian.


    Both of the agents nodded their apologies before the Arkanian turned back to Darmas and the woman.


    "Darmas Pollaran, it looks like your services will be required far sooner than either of us would have liked" the Arkanian declared, his tone returning to the civil but authoritative crispness that Darmas remembered from the Pazaak table.


    "And what might that be exactly?" Darmas sighed before rising to his feet in an attempt to stretch his cramped arms and legs.


    "First, find out where we are" snapped the Arkanian, evidently angry that he either had to admit they were lost or that something had not gone according to plan.


    Darmas simply gave him a quizzical look, hoping for some sort of explanation.


    "Since...someone...tried to sabotage our ship on entry to the system, we came in more or less blind" the Arkanian sneered, casting an angry glance at the woman before turning back to Darmas.


    "Well, it would help if--" Darmas began to try to beg for some sort of creature comforts for his services, but was cut off when the Arkanian shoved a datapad at him, forcing him into a fumbling gesture to try to keep it from dropping.


    While Darmas was fumbling with the datapad and looking at the initial sensor scans, the Arkanian turned to the woman, kneeling down in front of her again.


    "As for you, yes, it's true we need you skills and implants for this job, but that is all. I don't need the rest of you" he growled, pulling an ugly looking vibro-knife from somewhere and running the edge down across the woman's cheek and then back up to her nose.


    "Try crossing us again, and I'll start cutting pieces of you off and feeding them to the beasts here while I make you watch!" he hissed by way of finishing before shoving the woman back down onto the ground for good measure before he rose back to his feet and turned an expectant look at Darmas.




    Darmas grimaced.


    "Not sure where you were planning on heading, but you put us down in one of the worst spots" Darmas snapped back, the realization of their location pushing all thoughts of comforts and amusements from his mind.


    "How so?"


    "This is right in the heart of Sector 17" Darmas muttered, lowering his voice and glancing around wildly as his senses began to re-invigorate after the chemical's effects wore off.


    "Who runs the Sector?"


    "This is Bazja's territory. We need to leave. Get in the ship and fly to somewhere else on the surface!" Darmas had lowered his voice to a whisper and subconsciously moved back toward the ship.


    "Not an option. Besides, lowlifes and thugs are no obstacle" the Arkanian dismissed him as if he was a frightened child.


    "Bazja's group are cannibals" Darmas hissed back, outraged that they were showing no concern for his warnings.


    "Well, moving the ship is out of the question and would only draw more unwanted attention. We set out from here. Where is the nearest Command Post where we can slice the Network?" the Arkanian continued, unfazed.


    Darmas was aghast. Did they really not know what it would be like to try traipsing through the wilds of Belsavis in a Sector overrun by cannibals and feral beings who would literally tear you to pieces?


    If they were really THAT afraid of attracting attention, then this really wasn't anything to do with Imperials or the Republic.


    "The nearest...Command...Post!" hissed the Arkanian, pointing emphatically at the datapad in Darmas' hands again and giving him a similarly threatening look that he had just seen on the Arkanian's face when he threatened the woman.


    Darmas sighed and did his best to give a desperate and forlorn look at the pretty young woman.


    If he was going to have to brave the wilds of Belsavis at the behest of these...agents, might as well make the best of it. If he played his cards right, he'd soon have the woman on his side, helping him plot their own escape.


    Darmas had a way with the ladies, and one in distress would be far easier to manipulate than most.


    As they set out for the coordinates he indicated on the datapad, he was mildly comforted to note six more agents emerge from the ship. As if on cue, almost all the rank and file agents went into cloaked stealth mode, leaving just Darmas, the Arkanian, and the woman trudging without cloaking devices.


    They moved with surprising speed, the Arkanian keeping them walking at a brisk pace.


    Apparently, there were more of them than Darmas had seen since the Arkanian would occasionally get reports in, and they passed several recently slain beasts with carbon scoring from very precise blaster fire.


    Maybe there was a vanguard unit in front of them, clearing the way.


    Just as Darmas began to be more optimistic about their chances, a tremendous explosion rocked the group and sent them diving for cover.


    As they slowly poked back out from cover, Darmas' stomach lurched with the realization.


    Their ship had just been blown up.





    Freighter Lorgath Minor


    Jaesa Willsaam tugged on the restraints holding her wrists and ankles against the ship bulkhead as they hummed along through hyperspace.


    She tried to focus her senses outward, but the neural disruptor on her neck prevented her from using her Force capabilities very much and would send a powerful shock into her nervous system if it detected too much neural activity.


    She hissed in frustration, trying to find a way to circumvent the Disruptor on her neck.


    "You shouldn't have told him anything"


    The voice of the Republic soldier broke the long silence of the darkened room.


    "Finally plucked up some courage, eh?" she mocked.


    "If you are always testing your restraints, you'll wear yourself out" he chided, ignoring her insult.


    "Typical Republic lackey, always masking your own fear by pointing out the danger. If you don't ever test your limits, you'll never be free!" she retorted, licking parched lips.


    "Is that why you're a prisoner?" came the heavily sarcastic response.


    "Oh...I've seen what's in your mind. I know you feel guilty about your lovely Jedi lady friend" she sneered, determined to get under his skin "What, did you two....break her oath to the Order? or are you worried someone else will deflower her before you get a chance to?"


    "I wonder. Do Sith ever know what it's like to devote yourself to someone, and have them be committed to you in return?" the man returned, sounding sad.


    "Sure we do. It's called an Oath of Servitude" Jaesa sneered, pleased she was able to successfully roil the man's emotions.


    "More like Slavery"


    "Ha! Every being serves someone or something as its Master. To say otherwise is naive and foolish!" Jaesa snapped, remembering her own time in slavery to the Jedi Order and its ridiculous codes and traditions.


    "There's a difference, though--" the soldier began trying to explain before Jaesa cut him off.


    "There is no difference! That is the lie! Don't you see? They feed it to you from the time you're barely a child in the Republic--urgh!" her declaration had started to grow in volume, but the Disruptor sent a shock into her system, silencing her.


    "If something happened to your Master, would you care? If something happened to you, would your slaves care?" the Republic soldier queried earnestly after a short silence before continuing "There is...a difference."


    Jaesa would have argued further....or even choked him for his annoying persistence if she could have, but the Disruptor smothered any outburst she could have mustered.


    The brief silence was interrupted by the door to their room unlocking and sliding open, though again, Jaesa could see no light.


    "Well....well...look how the mighty have fallen" came a mocking voice that Jaesa finally recognized.


    "Captain Silas Durette!" she growled, finally recognizing the voice of the former captain of her own guards "You....traitor..."


    "I have always served Lord Jadus, mostly from afar, reporting the activities on Dromund Kaas to him while he waited and planned from the shadows. You were merely a pawn in his game" Durette mocked her as she heard him slowly plodding across the room.


    "B-but...I.." Jaesa sputtered, recalling how she had peered into the minds and hearts of almost all in her service and had seen no treachery from him.


    "Oh....you're wondering why you could not see it coming? Heh, for the same reason you cannot see me standing here right now. Because Lord Jadus does not wish it so" he chuckled at her disbelief.




    "I must admit it is quite amusing, watching you grope about. You still don't understand, do you?" he taunted.


    Jaesa could think of no response. Any threat she could come up with would seem ridiculous, given the circumstances, and she still couldn't fathom how one of her own could've betrayed her and she not see it coming.


    "Lord Jadus has taught his followers well. There are ways to misdirect and obscure that which you don't want someone to see" he sneered as he drew close to her "Now, since your Force sight is the only thing useful to him, Lord Jadus has blinded you of your physical sight. You'll learn to be a good little slave in time, won't you?"


    "NO! you lie--urrgh!" her outburst was silenced again by the Disruptor.


    "Oh, I'm not lying. Am I, Republic filth? Is this room not fully lit, and is this not a canteen of ration fluids?" he jeered before tossing the canteen to the Republic Soldier.


    Jaesa could hear the swish of liquid as he caught it.




    "No.....No! NOOOOO! Give me back my sight! Give me back my--urrgh!" she screamed at him angrily before the Disruptor again shut down her growing rage against the helplessness she found herself in.


    The sad silence was interrupted by a chiming over the Comm system.


    "Well, looks like we're almost at our destination. Enjoy your new life. I suggest you get used to it" Durette snidely declared as he turned and departed the space.


    A sullen silence fell on the cabin as Jaesa's emotions raged, but stayed mostly contained, knowing an outburst would trigger the Disruptor.


    Even as she fought back tears at the prospect of completely losing her sight, she suddenly felt a presence nearby.


    "Here, you need this more than I do" the Republic soldier muttered, shaking the canteen and its contents near her so she knew what he was offering.


    A dozen snide retorts flew through Jaesa's mind as she hesitated, angry that the Republic soldier dared to show pity on her.


    Not knowing what else to do, she slowly relented.


    They were both silent as she leaned forward slightly and he slowly gave her his drink of ration fluid, which she was so ravenously thirsty and hungry for, that she consumed all of it before long.


    "By the way, the name's Felix Iresso"








  14. reading is an amazing thing.


    Please note we will not introduce a new set of Tier gear for Galactic Command this year! Instead, we will be offering a special set of Augments to enhance your existing gear. These will drop in the Copero Flashpoint or can be purchased from a Copero vendor. In addition, we’ll offer an even better version of augments you can craft from materials gained through both PvP and PvE activities.


    "...an even better version..." than what? current augments? or the ones from the new FP? If they're the same as the new ones from the FP, why differentiate them? Will it be like current gear, where you have to get the BIS stuff through gameplay, but can craft a slightly lower tier? It wouldn't make much sense to be able to craft better BIS stuff than what you could get from playing the content.

  15. The Good:

    1. Server mergers: needed to happen a long time ago, but I'm sure a lot of ppl will be happy about it.

    2. A New Warzone

    3. New GSF Map

    4. New Flashpoint

    5. Prioritizing ease of access to Multiplayer activities (wow, someone remembered this was an MMO).

    6. Increasing Legacy Command XP perks

    7. PVP Bolster increased to 242 (again, long overdue)



    1. Vague QoL references

    2. Roadmap makes the United Forces Patch rewards sound like a daily area thing, but the blog makes it sound like an event, only available for a limited time. Which is it?

    3. Adding another clone companion to the stable isn't exactly a thrilling enticement.

    4. "Great New Rewards"....could mean anything, and maybe you should clarify BEFOREHAND if any of the rewards are...say, locked behind Stronghold max counts or something similar.



    1. So the next stat increase in gear is walled off behind ONE Flashpoint only? Really?

    2. "We know Companions make this game feel totally different while pulling on your emotions and making conversations exciting, frustrating, and extremely entertaining." -- This is clearly ********. Otherwise, we would actually HAVE conversationS with them, and the most meaningful ones wouldn't be AWOL for 2 years and counting.

    3. You do remember we were supposed to have all five Ops bosses by the end of the year? Not three...

    4. Raina Temple returns. Bioware needs to prove they are actually going to handle companions correctly instead of the half-assed way they've been handling them for the last two years. Until then, I'll remain wary.

    5. Adding in things that should already have been there, and then acting like it is a great feat: Customizable companions, class balance and utilities adjustment, etc. are all things that should never have been an issue.

    6. "The next Roadmap update will arrive in the early part of 2018"....lol okay. RIP "quarterly" updates. This one was a month late. Don't want to put ourselves in that bind again, do we?

    7. No major expac announcement: the game really needed a big expac to generate interest and bring players back who had been alienated by the GC system and long droughts of Ops and multiplayer content. So, not only is there no major expac on the Horizon, GC is getting left in place (though it's "under review"), there's still not going to be a full Operation out, and the "story" will only consist of a FP snippet.

    8. The absence of any mention of "Bug fixes" was rather painful. My Sniper, Slingers, and Merc STILL have to realocate skill points EVERY time they login.

  16. So do all imperial npcs you meet through out the game just die? not just that but it is some of my favorite ones too, such as Darth Lachris, Darth Decimus, Moff Dracen, Darth Gravus (I've heard they made an idiot out of him in the novel), and Darth Serevin, but at least they didn't kill Viktus off, and apparently lord Magras was supposed be in a mission in the imp side though never made it into the game, but they kill him off in the republic side regardless so it wouldn't make a difference. Those are the only ones that come on top of my head right now, but I am sure there are more. What pisses me off even more is the fact that these characters are probably one of the few sane people within the empire.....it just feels like everything I did for the imp side is screwed over by my republic toons.


    Not all of them are dead. Darth Acina still leads the Sith (depending on what you decided to do on Iokath). Darth Vowrawn is shown to still be alive via in game mail to the player character. Darth Jadus has...never been confirmed to be dead, only imprisoned. A high mortality rate makes sense based on the social Structure built on naked ambition and competition.


    Throw in another super-powered empire that wipes all before it (no matter how lame that is) and I doubt many would still be alive at this point in the story. If it's any consolation, the Republic isn't in any better shape.

  17. I shall endeavor to go first.


    1. Ops bosses will begin randomly appearing in PVP matches: thought PVP was getting stale, unbalanced, boring, annoying, and full of trolls? Prepare to be amazed!


    -Watch as the Terror from Beyond randomly appears in the middle of your Hypergate match and begins devouring both teams! Tired of watching slobs afk in the corner? Watch with glee as the Terror eats them first! And of course, because the spit is corrosive, anyone that gets straight up eaten loses All....Their....Gear!


    -Thrill as Dread Master Styrak appears suddenly at the end of a Huttball match, sending his Dragon to the opposite Goal line as he lays waste to all he sees! Of course, if he force chokes you, he only does it on one of the fire traps, and if the dps and heals aren't fast enough, he fries you so bad you start LOSING COMMAND RANKS!


    -Gasp in horror as Revan, HK, and his ghosts appear in the middle of a Novare Coast Warzone, crushing the opposition and turning the turrets toward you, the players! Dodge the cannon fire or be hit and expelled from the warzone immediately at a cost of command points equal to your hp!


    2. A new minigame: Companion Punting! Always thought there should be a minigame in Swtor? Were you tired of all the clones you've amassed? Don't know what to do with them? Don't want to invest in bribing them? The solution is here!


    --Now, for those who bought the Manaan Stronghold, there is now a plank you can force your companions to walk! Below in the water are ravenous Firaxan sharks, eager to devour anything that falls in. Laugh as they thrash around in the water while you collect Command XP from their demise! The longer they last, the more CXP you get! Gain Darkside points for shoving them off, or Lightside points for talking to them first and then shoving them off!


    3. Introducing a Brand NEW Game Feature: Critical Failures! Did you ever marvel at how many Star Wars characters got hands and other body parts chopped off? Now, the players can share in that same authentic Star Wars experience!


    --Now, every time the player character critically fails a roll, something terrible can occur, usually in the form of a hand, arm, or leg gets cut off, burned, smashed or destroyed, permanently. Of course, every time this happens, the Luke Skywalker scream will echo in the background, indicating something done gone wrong! Did your entire Ops group wipe? Watch as their bodies transform to cybernetic parts one at a time, every time they respawn at the medical droid! Bask in the glory of not having your Ops group look like a full group of terminator models as you emerge victorious from an Operation. Everyone will know who the elite ones are, then.


    4. New Story Expansion: The Hunt for the Time Crystal! Did KotFEET leave you dissatisfied, empty, and staring vacantly at walls, searching for the meaning of life? Ignore Theron's betrayal, and instead follow Lana around as you join the Scions to track down the long fabled Crystal of Time, a Crystal so burgeoning with the Force that its use will take the player back in time to before KotFEET to make sure it never happens! (Warning: use requires the Archaeology skill)


    If I think of some more, I will post them.

  18. Here be the place for all yeer WILD SPECULATIONS!


    List what you think will be in the fabled Monday Roadmap!



    1. It must be a WILD speculation. None of these realistic things like "another Op boss" or "an announcement of an announcement". It must be WILD!

    2. It must be desirable. It has to be something someone would actually WANT in the game (even if it's not you or the majority of players that wants it).

    3. It must be specific. No vague stuff like "more content" or "a new planet". The more details the better to make the imagination flow and fester!

    4. It must be plentiful. Wild speculationSSSSSSSS! Please list at least three, but no more than five per post. That way we have enough to consider without getting overloaded.



    -When the Roadmap actually gets released on Monday, we who have posted may judge who has the best Wild Speculation and anoint them:


    King of Imaginary Wookie Cookies™!



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