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Posts posted by Malisaah

  1. 1. How do you think your Sniper spec is perceived by other classes?


    sniper marksman is a easy kill dies in 3 to 4 hits , dosent do alot of damage , to easy to stop and lock down . when i play a jedi or sith snipers is my first kill to get points, easy, no hard time fighting them.


    2. How do you perceive your own spec?


    shilds dosent last or dosent work and you die in 3 to 4 hits, takes to long to fire our main hits, damage against jedi or sith is realy piss poor i cant match them in any way i try , rifle shot is piss poor on damage per hit, our knock back is telegraphed we are the only ones that has to stop and kneel to set it off by that time everyones out of the way, would like to see snipers get cloke to sit and fire from and they wont see you till there 10 feet in front of you not the neon red shild saying hay im here firing at you,

  2. hell i asked a question all i get from people on this site is bull **** no wonder you got the same people on here all the time no new ones asking questions, every post i read or leave a question theres several ***** spouting off bull ****.

    i had it with this so called game im out of here for good and i will tell others about this site you guys run here.

  3. i was fighting a toon named HEFF a power tec bounty hunter i hit him with leg shot , scatter shot ambush , followthrow , snipe , series of shots , take down crossive dart , snipe , follow through , and rifle shot four times in this manner he ran like he has sprint on and he took no damage , why i ask you that he didnt die. i got all battle master gear war hero pants and sniper rifle , if im hit i run like a slow turtal in tar , sniper build realy sucks cant do a snipe when hidden because you cant hide it takes to long to fire off most of these shot i told you i used cant hit from long range because everyone runs away faster than i can shoot off a shot assissans types can hid but mauriders and guardians going stelth hell what next teleport behind someone and kill them in one hit .
  4. my fav too is the imperial agent sniper marksman since it was crappy to play as in crouch poped you any where shelds dont work or last long enough to protect you the damage we did to other players was the lowest in the game and takes to long to get off one shot and you died to fast to do anything , you just sit there and take a beating so i quit playing it for several months and now after all the so call changes to the class i been playing it again to see if its any better well the croutch is good but everything else still sucks dog poop so im off to the other class in the game so before you so called smarties say anything the class im talking about is ( imperial agent, sniper, marksman ) not any other in this class just this one.
  5. it takes to long to get off one shot 2.50 sec to fire with a 15 sec cool down, other classes dont have that long to hit or shoot or run to you , shilds dont protect you if the do its for 15 sec 3 min cooldown, 15 sec 45 sec cool down, 3 sec 1 min cool down, 20 sec 1.15 cool down , this is pethetic im shelfing my sniper marksman damage till ti gets better at shooting times its to slow for pvp fighting this class realy needs a overhaul , eather faster shooting times or higher damage to the target of stronger and longer shield time .
  6. i like a real answer , why dose it takes so long to get off ambush and snipe and it dosent put out a huge amount of damage pluses to the hit, if it takes a long time to get off one shot it should give a huge damage plus to the hit to the target as it is its not worth the time to fire off one shot for the damage output while i can try to get off 20 rifle shots and get the same affect in less time and be more mobil in the process
  7. why dose it take so long to fire off one shot when every other class fires instinly and dose more damage , i cant get off one shot before my target runs behind somthig and i have to set up all over again and our rifle shot dose crap in damage its all white hits its nothing to the other players i can run all over the place and shot and kill no one it dosent even dent there armor or health there shield absorb it all while my shields are useles one hit and my shields are gone.


    sniper marksman (damage).

  8. sniper is not a sniper if cant kill a target in one shot and hide wile doing that a sniper is suspose to control a area by single shot kills and hiding from a long range distance this class the bioware put out is not a sniper class its a easy to kill class for easy points and the first to die all our abilites are telegraphed the enemey see what you are doing and counters that no other class dose that. this is why i dont play my sniper anymore and i am full battlemaster geared. so keep on playing this loseing class so i can get easy kills and medales in wz on my other classe



  9. i stoped playing sniper marksman damage for good , i will go with a class that can do some killing i played this class from level 0 to 50 and the other classes out level me and out geared me in all ways they survive fights better than i can, i died 40 times more than they do, to many problems with the shielding , energy use and the damage we use, the white hits dosent hurt other classes like there basic hits do to us and trying to do heroics and flash point is pointless other classes do better damage than us so people dont want a sniper soo ill chose one that others will like on there team , SNIPERS SUCK A@@.
  10. i bet you guys play force users or bounty hunters try playing a sniper marksman (damage ) at lvl 50 and i bet you will have 15 or more war zone battles and not get one medale or reward the other team wiil see you as a easy kill and lock you down try it if you dont belive me .



  11. well i can say i for one, if i dont get 3 medals so i can get point and rewards in a match i leave the match. my time can and will be used else where in leveling and getting credits or helping other guild members level, as i see it no points or rewards for my effert in fighting move on to the next war zone or other things to do. and when i tell the team good luck in the fight and im leaving all i get is greef from them since they all ready got there medals since the ones that have medals are force users and bounty hunters and im a lowly sniper marksman( damage) the best target to kill for easy awards all ways the first to die if you dont think so whatch who dies first in a war zone.


    good luck and have fun. :D:sy_target::sy_target:

  12. well if the light saber users can through rocks at you for 997 damage in the red for each rock in that one ability and you cant dodge it why cant a bullets do the same or more i noticed im doing 447 white shot from my rifle shot and they dodge over half of it you cant compeat if they do that kind of damage by throwing rocks faster than you can snip or rifle shot or over load come on if i put a hole in you in real life your going down but rocks come on .
  13. in playing hut ball on sunday,april 15, 2012 at 11:34 cst the frog dogs had a full team and ran over everyone and just locked us down and us rockworms had only 2 players getting a serious smack down not fun at all is the match susposed to be cancled on uneaven teams like that if not please let me know so i can leave the match so i doint have to give them free points in killing me with over wealming foce i would rather leave the match than put up with that crap and by the way im a sniper marksman (damage) weak to all classes no match to the other classes.:mad:
  14. i used my compaion to attack when darth jadus starts fighting her i pulled her back to me and darth jadus is chaseing after her then i started shooting jadus and layin down all my debuffs slows and buffs oh and heals as much as possiable and keep your compion attacking and healed , it was not easy i died 15 times till i got it right oh i forgot to tell you i keeped backing up keeping distance between you and jadus if you dont he will one shot you dead and it hurts.:D
  15. im waiting for someone to get the ball to make a real long range sniper, long one shot one kill with camoflage thats whats needed thats what everyone realy wants a long range killer, BUT NO ONE WANTS TO SEE THAT DO THEY all the melle classes will cry foul that they cant jump on you and beat your brains in and you cant do nothing about it except it which it is as is now shilds dont protect you our shots suck as damage and you sit there as they beat you up trying to shoot back but our shooting time counter gets off 2 or 3 shots and your dead there 15 hits for 2000 plus damage each to our three 1200 hits dont match for crap, SO I SAY SCRAP THE SNIPER CLASS ITS USELESS IN A LONG FIGHT OR A SHORT FIGHT THIS CLASS IS FODDER FOR THE OTHER CLASSES FREE KILL POINTS.
  16. im waiting for someone to get the ball to make a real long range sniper, long one shot one kill with camoflage thats whats needed thats what everyone realy wants a long range killer, BUT NO ONE WANTS TO SEE THAT DO THEY all the melle classes will cry foul that they cant jump on you and beat your brains in and you cant do nothing about it except it which it is as is now shilds dont protect you our shots suck as damage and you sit there as they beat you up trying to shoot back but our shooting time counter gets off 2 or 3 shots and your dead there 15 hits for 2000 plus damage each to our three 1200 hits dont match for crap, SO I SAY SCRAP THE SNIPER CLASS ITS USELESS IN A LONG FIGHT OR A SHORT FIGHT THIS CLASS IS FODDER FOR THE OTHER CLASSES FREE KILL POINTS.
  17. i thought you guys said you fixed the shields im still getting knocked out of them i turn all my shilds on and i mean all of them even bunker and im still being knocked out of them and even been tossed back several feet and stuned by one guy and another took my health 95% down in one hit in my shields your fix bites ***** and the damage we do still very very piss'n poor. :mad::mad::mad::mad:
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