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  1. Also it is my only working pc. A gift from a friend of the house who has left the planet alas. On the bottom I see a windows code. Deep In the regedit I see another windows code in some IDbackup folder. (AVG told me that this is the correct one) .....it is my only working pc.... πŸ˜… GL with the fresh 2TB SSD πŸ₯Ά *I can always put back the 500GB one if all codes bounce. ....unless I cannot.... πŸ”¨
  2. On a partition I made from the 500GB HD. (Not an SSD), so not on C. I always make partition in case windows itself needs a re-install. Gonne then the magic word =. (both games and.... nature movies...) (*It should be forbidden for shops to discourage pc buyers to make partitions and not provide software/means to make this easy/the standard b.t.w.) I got a fresh 2T SSD I can install. But I saw the changing of chips and HD on youtube and I fear the 50 screws... πŸ˜… This year my agenda is full anyway. And the heat is not helping too....
  3. *Do not tell Omen I distrust anything with 666 in the name πŸ€ͺ
  4. Try support@swtor.com if all the aboves fail, or before trying if a healty distrust fogs the mind πŸ˜„
  5. Ray told me he was gonna hack his buddies. .....and he did.....
  6. Running the game as admin and excluding it in the firewall and antivirus definitions is also good to check. And check GlassWire to see if hidden programs are using the internet like Predator, Pegasus and RayWare.ArchTraitor.Inc.πŸ‘‹πŸ‘ .....the usual crappy suspects....
  7. DX9 is needed for this game (even if you got a higher DX installed) C++ is also needed as a pure install as windows itself fails at doing this correctly. Try to find these sources by microsoft help pages if you can. Hackers exist. Avoid Microsoft Voluntary Moderators. And everything with over 2 sixes in them. They are the pinky-up-club.... They speak with split tongues....
  8. I play on a Vostro laptop from 2012 with extra RAM and disabled DELL suits (I hate pcfreezing checks during games with only 2 cores.. πŸ˜›) and my Antivirus in Game Mode and find that the launcher starts, but sometimes take 2 minutes to do that. I blaim invisible Pretty Good Anticheat that might have come with any game and freezing pc's left and right with funky checks. SWTOR also got a repair utility exe on some weird EA forum, but no idea if this program still does anything. Also when updating an update might freeze cause the drive is FULL! DO NOT STOP THE UPDATE AND START OVER AS THE OLD STUFF HAVING BEEN DOWNLOADED WILL NOT BE ERASED AND IS NOW DOUBLED OR EVEN TRIPLED IF YOU START OVER TWICE!! Solution: Move files to other drive from full drive DURING THE DOWNLOAD!! (I had to do this for over a year with lot's of DATA files of WoW for a total of 45GB, lol.. πŸ˜…) Other stuff that is needed for this game is DX something version 9, and closing browsers by WiseCare (free cache cleaner that can also close hidden Edge running on the background). Also look in Taak (task) manager if other programs are eating up memory or disk calculations, and wait it out or close them. Updaters and compatibility crap are prime suspects.
  9. I had to uninstall WoW a week or 2-3 ago, as a secret weekend event called dragon flight or something levelt my trial ftp char to lvl 21 without warning, and locked that character from being played untill the Sun dimms out, as only subs can play lvl 21 and ups. I worked years to get my chsr into blue and gold lvl 20, clearing half the Wailing Cavern on my own, Slaughtering Snake Bosses and that Legendary Turtle too as soup ingredient. (Got screenshots even of me solo smashing these bosses) But this evil secret weekend event stole my character, and uninstalling is my only option with a locked char and therefore account. My char had many plans. That cave in Orgrimmar with the 3 Legendary Hellhounds that oneshotted me was on my list. (I did not then have the tank Earth Elemental yet, and that weekend update gave me 2 other Elementals too) I have no idea why they wanted to lock my account. As that is what happens if you secretly level a player's ftp char to lvl 21 in WoW... Years of work..... ....shredded..... And by ticket they told they cannot downlevel a char. I just......don't want to understand..... πŸ’€πŸ’”πŸ‘¨β€πŸ¦―
  10. I currently have a running ticket by support@swtor.com and even if my ticket is still not resolved I got a reply within the day. Something horrendous happened to me. I had to clean up my backpack as I only had like a handfull of slots and a full legacy vault and full personal vault. I found a "Copero Jubilee Miniprobe" and since it was already unlocked in my legacy vault, the excellent candidate to shred to pieces. So a shred it was. And 3 seconds later I already had a baaaaaaadddd feeling, and went to my kiosk 3m away.... Do not do silly things like that. As the trade kiosk will show you it is MOST UNWISE to shred point 3 Billion items!! πŸ₯³πŸ₯ΆπŸ’€πŸ”« (I hope by ending the program instead of slumbering the pc they today got the correct log backing up my claim, I have no way of finding out if pc slimbering an active game corrupts MUCH NEEDED CORRECT logs...)
  11. *I only use Star Wars pics, No 7 of 9 πŸ˜‰ **On bad days I run this one for instance.. ***I will not put my code here. Even though it is not malicious...
  12. If I run the game by cmd line I get the 64 bit version of the game. I run it by cmd line code (by .bat) because that puts the original LoadingScreen.jpg back before starting the game in the same code (in a bat) cause if I don't and the game starts with another jpg as LoadingScreen.jpg, the checksum fails and the game goes into repairmode for 10 minutes, lol. I also got a .bat that changed the LoadingScreen.jpg into another one by funky namechanging code. Changing it back and forward is a puzzle I solved. With namechaning cmd code, nothing 'hacky'. The code that changes it to the pic I want needs to be executed AFTER the game has passed the password screen a few seconds, so the checksum is finished. Anyway, this cmd code that just starts the game itself after calling the normal .exe is the only way the games starts in 64 bits on my win pro 64 bit system. If I just start the game by mouseclicking the .exe laucher (WITH ORIGINAL SCREENSAVER, OR ELSE HORRID REPAIR STARTS 😁!!) I get this 32 bit one: (I freshly downloaded the SWTOR installer few months ago, and updates all are applied)
  13. Maybe SWTOR got an uninstall tool, like they got this funky repair tool on ea. Have you tried running their repair tool? *[Repair utility has been temporarily removed due to the release of the new launcher] https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion-Technical/GUIDE-Launcher-Troubleshooting/td-p/4805820 Looks like 'repair' is now part of the launcher. No idea if they got an uninstaller.
  14. Yes. One has to maintain keeping the reputation up. Not sure if people like the traidoff of having stuff to do in order to be able to buy stuff for the effort. Maybe some golden items as option to buy if one is able to keep the rep at 90%+ a year long. Special under-the-counter items. Rare ones that roulate/swap around. A bar counting down warns players that the 90% is about to hit soon will be needed. A bar that counts down during play time only. Not too hard to prevent forum fires... πŸ™ƒ *Maybe events determine which ones don't countdown during the event. There might be a LOT of rep bars, so it must not become a 'mission impossible'. And if these vendor sell season tokens, this might be a nice bonus. 5 % rep for 1 token?
  15. Go to taskmanager by CTRL-ALT--DELETE, and close all 14 instances of SWTOR32 bits. Then restart game twice, and close the second 'Cannot start double instance'. Now start the game in CMD line while 32 bit one is running. This second one will be started in 64bit mode. Now close the bugged 32bit one in Taskmanager. Enjoy the game in 64bits...🀫 (It is Pretty Easy Anti-Cheat that is doing all the freezing. It also prevents game from closing and starts game in 32 bits.. It is tha flunk!! 🀫)
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