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Posts posted by DiscoDavey

  1. I'm in the same situation mate, ever since the update, never a problem previously. It feels like a VRAM issue but I've had no problems with any other game. and if it was i don't know why it would just show up following the latest patch. Tried all the standard stuff like checking drivers turning off AA etc. but no joy so far. Do share if you come across anything that helps.
  2. Your not the only one mate, this is happening to me. Got to be something to do with the update, as like yourself I've never had an issue until yesterday. no help as of yet though. Make sure drivers etc. are up to date, unlikely its a hardware issue.


    As of right now though the game is unplayable for me for longer than a couple of minutes.

  3. Never had issue running the game, but since i updated yesterday i get about 5 minutes of gameplay before I get a crash to desktop. Its an odd one though, as its not a true crash because the game still seems to run in the background (more like I've tabbed out of the game) Anyway once this happens i cannot restore the window, task manager shows the program as "Not Responding." I've consistently been getting this tool, its not a one off.


    Anyone else having similar issue?

  4. Just a few things to add.


    1) Here's a thought, the guild summit is coming up. They said they will answer more questions there so if I am BW I am going to save the big question answers for that (eg. SGRA, Legacy to name a few).


    Would that mean people who are not part of a guild and have no intention to join one are left by the wayside in the advancement of the game?


    Certainly looking that way, for the time being at least.

  5. Is there any plans or considerations into increasing the depth of customisation for your character?


    For example:-



    - A greater variety of options to choose from at the creation screen; facial features/hair styles/scars complexions etc. (an age option would be nice, instead of having a million beautiful young characters tearing up the galaxy.)


    - Adjusting the colour of your armour/ clothing (or adding new gear entirely!) would add a greater feeling of control, this is an RPG after all.


    - Remove the force side alignment from lightsaber crystals, for something purely asthetic i see no reason to have this barrier, and have heard more folk mention it.


    Just my 2 pennies worth


  6. You know that whole crystal restriction makes no sense to me


    Anyone remember in KOTOR when you could make your lightsaber any color?


    I mean it's just a crystal, a component in the machine, the color of your saber should have nothing to do with your alignment


    Agreed, in fact I think in SW lore, the only reason a Siths crystal is red is because they are syntheticly made. Unlike a Jedi who must actively search for his own naturally forming one.


    Raises and interesting question as to why you never see anything but red, blue and green in the movies but can get more or less whatever colour you want in most Star Wars games.


    Anyway going back yo the original point, there's a ton of literature out there discussing dark Jedi and shadow Jedi or grey Jedi or whatever else the EU decided to vomit up and give to a publisher. I personaly play a Jedi but rarely act in accordance with what the council would consider good working practice and it suits me fine.



  7. Evening folks, first post on the forums, so hello there!


    Wondering if someone could clarify something for me. If you mod the hilt of your lightsaber does that change the look of the weapon or is it just a stat adujstment? In which case, do you buy/loot different saber designs as you progress through the game?


    It's still very early days for me as im only at Lv11 on my first play through.




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