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Posts posted by Braneric

  1. Finally getting Risha to cave in and marry me felt like such an epic moment, particularly when it lead to the most hilarious dialogue I've ever heard in their wedding vows. I particularly liked the following:



    "It's about time! Do you have ANY idea how many beautiful women I turned down for you?



    If Bioware ever lets me go to Dubrillion and lead a planetary revolt to install my wife as queen, I'm doing that in a heartbeat. Even if it forces me to retire my character.


    Although if Viverone Zare/Darth Alluress ever wanted a favor from me, I'd do it <.<

  2. The problem is you ignore that cover puts you away from your target or facing the wrong way or moves you out of line of sight sometimes. Worse is it locks you to the ground while your opponent is beating on you and you are facing the wrong way. There are more problems with this ability then I can even begin to describe. It does not work correctly, it is subject to lag as first you have to Take Cover then you have to fire. Now that 2 seconds have gone by you then begin to use Charged Burst and that takes another 2 seconds. So about 4 seconds have gone by and you have done NOTHING yet.


    I don't know if you realize this but you can map rolling into physical cover and crouching in place to separate buttons. As far as having to take cover before firing, if you don't like having to strategically place yourself before blasting away then you should pick a different class.

  3. So I've taken Risha as my wife (after some truly epic wedding vows) and i've gotten her affection maxed. Is it possible to actually go to Dubrillion, lead a revolution to topple the current corrupt government, and replace it with a different corrupt government with Risha as queen and me as the king skimming no more than 10% from the royal treasury?


    If not, come on BioWare! I don't have the Independent Anarchy, Sabotage, and Insurrection skills just for kicks!!!



  4. All of the FP's that have hard modes have plenty of dialogue and story, which is 6 in total at lvl 50.



    Maelstrom Prison/Foundry

    Taral V/Boarding Party

    Directive 7

    Battle of Ilum

    False Emperor


    The leveling ones (IE all the ones you enter through the Dropship hangar) are really just there to fill the gaps in the leveling process.


    Why do all of the other flashpoints need to be filler? With the layout of the planets there really aren't any leveling gaps that I've noticed, and even if there are there are plenty of Heroic quests to fill the gaps. I'd really like every flashpoint to be just as cool as the first one.

  5. One of the things I have learned is that you need to use different companions in different situations (I'm guilty of not doing this enough myself, but now that Risha is almost maxed on affection I think I can do this more). Sticking strictly to PvE (haven't done PvP at all) first decide if you want a melee companion or a ranegd companion, then decide if you need a tank or not. As a SS I'm guessing you want the fight to end as quickly as possible, so let's assume for a moment that you don't need a tank. If the mob is going to charge you (you can usually tell by class name and weapon carried) consider having Akaavi rush in first while you slowly ramp up your DPS. If it's ranged try using Risha and just go to town on it. Or you could use Guss and have him heal your way through the fight. It is kind of a pain to keep all of your companions properly geared, but I think the versatility is worth it.
  6. With 3 talent points you get 3 charges that also give back 5 energy when they explode. They only explode when hit by blaster fire, so I like to use Speed Shot to detonate all three in a very short time. The damage itself isn't that high, unless of course you crit (and I've been able to get upwards of a 1/3 crit chance).
  7. Techblades are what IA Operatives use instead of Scatterguns, so they will be a bit harder to find. Your best bet is to ask around for an Armstechwho can make you one.


    FYI Qyzen isn't the only character that this is an "issue" for: Akaavi Spaar for smugglers is melee DPS and uses the same weapons.

  8. My biggest issue was that even after I managed to burn down Diego anything I did would cause the Jedi to break away from the Sith and attack me (willingness to put out trumps everything >.>). I eventually had a guildie come help me. Not my proudest moment but at least i got through it.
  9. The advanced classes in SW:TOR are closer to the talent specs in WOW. People have talked about how Gunslingers have two pistols and Smugglers have a Scattergun. Gunslingers are DPS while Smugglers heal. Well, Ret Paladins use a two-handed weapon while Prot and Holy Paladins use Sword and Board. Ret Pallys only DPS while Holy Pallys heal and Prot Pallys tank. WOW used talent specs to change how the class worked while SW:TOR uses Advanced Classes. WOW allows the player to change the way their classes work; SW:TOR does not.


    I don't agree with this at all. To use your Paladin example, in WoW every paladin has access to healing spells, every smuggler does not. Any paladin could use two-handed weapons, not every smuggler can use scatterguns. Talent specs in WoW were used to change what the class was focused on, all paladins had access to almost every ability. In SWTOR around half of your abilities are unique to your AC. Like in WoW talent trees are used to more clearly define your role. There's nothing preventing a Scrapper Scoundrel from laying down some healing, he/she simply won't be as good as it as a Sawbones Scoundrel.

  10. This confused me at first too, but the game labels the Empire outpost as your direction beacuse it is technically the shortest path to get you where you are going. Otherwise you can use the other entrance to the area that goes through a Republic outpost. You'll have to do more legwork (or speeder-work), but it also means you don't face almost certain death.
  11. I've read most of the reasons given for wanting an AC respec and quite frankly I find them ridiculous:


    1) "I accidentally clicked the wrong button at level 10." Slow down, don't spacebar through the dialogue that describes the two ACs, take the time to read each description carefully, inspect the talent trees to make sure, and then carefully click the right button. If somehow you still manage to make the wrong choice, you can easily get through the starter world again in 3-4 hours.


    2) "My guild needs X for a raid but I have the wrong AC so I should be able to switch." Not only would you be almost completely clueless about how to use all of your new abilities, but if your guild doesn't have a plan to fill that need then your guild is to blame, not BioWare. You may just have to do something besides raiding that day.


    3) "ACs aren't separate classes anyway, I should be able to switch between the two at will." This is just wrong. Looking at it strictly from a smuggler standpoint, Gunslingers use two pistols and explosives to deal large amounts of damage from a distance while Scoundrels have stealth, use scatterguns, and either heal the party or focus on sneaking up behind enemies and blasting them in the back. If those sound like two completely separate classes, it's because THEY ARE.


    4) "I don't want to have to repeat the same content again." First of all, if you are one of those people who finishes a game and then never plays it again you are in the wrong genre. Second, if you had fun doing them the first time there shouldn't be any reason you can't have fun doing them a second time (unless you are one of those previously mentioned people). Third, there are plenty of ways you can make your experience different. Use different companions, go DS instead of LS, romance a different party member, change genders, etc.


    I know this post sounds snarky and it's not meant to be directed at any one individual, but to me most of these reasons for switching ACs seem born out of sheer laziness, and I don't want BW to let laziness dictate the course of this game.

  12. I think you are automatically assuming that anything that has to do with the Empire outside of destroying it is automatically evil, which is not the case. You may not like what the Senator is trying to do (hey I stole the parcel myself), but the fact remains that hacking into the Senator's droid and stealing confidential information is clearly an illegal act, and if you chose to go through with it you get DS points. I see nothing wrong with that.
  13. We can presume that incremental advancements were made over the 3000 between TOR and TNH (i.e. hyperdrives in the movies > hyperdrives in TOR), but in addition to what others have said about the various wars that have raged across the galaxy the fact is that technological plateaus do exist. We have been spoiled by the fact that we are living in an era of rapid technological advancement, so it's hard to forget that for about 2000 years humanity used various iterations of essentially the same weapons (spears, axes, swords, etc.). It takes a lot of factors for major advancements in technology to happen, so it's not at all surprising that people are still using lasers and proton torpedoes 3000 years later.
  14. If you choose to steal the parcel you get DS points because as the aide says you are sabotaging the democratic process. Even if you believe that the Senator's plans are evil, the act of stealing from a Republic Senator whom to the best of your knowledge is not doing anything illegal is not something someone with integrity would do.
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