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Posts posted by marcushu

  1. Ich bin zwar nicht wegen Inaktivität abgemeldet worden aber vom 22.07. 22:00 bis 23.07 00:15 mit entnervender Regelmäßigkeit vom Server Tulak Hord rausgeworfen worden. Die US Server funktionierten wunderbar, ist also ein lokales Problem. Keine Ahnung woran es liegt, vllt fühlt sich wieder ein Kiddie zu Unrecht gebannt und fährt rachehalber ne DDoS Attacke gegen die Server, weiß der Geier.

  2. I have two separate installations of SWTOR one German one English. Every time I start the English client the German client is corrupted. It downloads a 9.5GB "patch" and then texts/buttons disappear or are missing.

    However I found a workaround (you have to have some PC knowledge otherwise you inflict MORE damage):
    Make sure ALL folders are visible (system/hidden). If you don't know how to do this skip this guide.
    Go to the folder C:\Users\<YourName>\AppData\Local\SWTOR\swtor\settings and look for the file "client_settings.ini"
    Edit this file with a text editor  (notepad++ in my case).
    Change the line "CodeVersionChanged = false" to "CodeVersionChanged = true"
    Save & close. Then restart the launcher.

    In my case it did a 5GB "patch" which was rather a 2.5GB patch that took roughly 5 minutes. After that the German client was fixed. At least until I started the English client again.
    Unfortunately the text line gets reverted after starting the launcher - so if your client is corrupted again you have to do it all over again.

    Maybe that helps.

    May the force be with you!

  3. So here is my feedback:

    • Compared to an existing server, how is the performance?
      I found no difference at least not in the areas I tested.
    • Any specific areas or planets where you feel the performance has lessened?
      Factoring in that I connected from the far side of the world (Central Europe) the performance was nominal with a 300-600ms lag.
    • What region/country do you reside in?
      Central Europe/Germany
    • Provide a comparison of ping from existing servers to Shae Vizla.
      Usually I have 60-80ms server lag. Connecting to the APAC region I had a server lag of 300-600ms.
    • Is grouped content working properly?
      I never play group content. I have a disability that hinders me playing with "normal" players as I can't keep up with them speed-wise and I mostly get vote-kicked after 5 minutes into an FP or OP.
    • How quickly can you get into a match or Flashpoint you’ve accepted?
      Didn't test it.
    • Is travel to any location (planet, Stronghold, Fleet, etc…) hindered?
      Travel seemed to be fully OK.
    • Are there any issues with the UI such as missing assets or loss of functionality?
      I did a complete "100k conquest points" run and didn't miss anything.
    • Are there any issues with visuals or sounds with the cinematics?
      I had a very minor glitch where the hands of my cyborg weren't shown as intended but as bare hands. Once I moved a tiny bit the expected appearance was restored.

      So far I only tested solo content and there was no difference to a normal server. Everything seemed to be OK.
  4. Same for me. Regardless which companion you choose: They despawn. Tested it for toons who didn't complete it before 7.0 and with one toon who completed it and I re-visited. All the same. The moment one of the swarmers touches you your companions are bugged.
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