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Posts posted by Hudson

  1. i'm happy for you that you like the animation, personally i don't care about how the animation looks. But don't you think it would be a win/win situation if they keep the animation and just make damage apply instant? unless you really think the damage number would look that much prettier if it is applied at the end of the animation.


    Totally agree with this statement. On my Jedi Sentinal, when I use my force leap ability to begin a battle the damage is instant. The target is while my jedi is still flying through the air.


    I say make the damage instant, keep the animation the same.

  2. actually, given the amount of time this game has been in the works i actually do expect it to be at least as advanced as wow in the last year or 2. why? because when i buy a game i expect equal or greater play and function of the previous game of the same type i played.


    anything less is boring and lazy.


    Then go back to wow and stop trolling the TOR forums.

  3. yes. ignore any and all advances that wow made and accept swtor as a totally new idea with all perfectly working functions with no problems.


    what an amazing world you must live in where everything is new and inventive.


    "ooh glass of water, this is a miracle"


    10 min later.


    "ooh a glass of water, this is a miracle"



    That's not what I am saying at all, you nerf herder. What I am saying is; You can't expect this game to be as advanced as WoW is. It's going to take time for all the kinks to get worked out. So accept it for what it is, and enjoy that glass of water.

  4. So stop comparing this game to wow. I played wow for years, and stopped playing before Cata. I distanced myself from MMO's for a while so when SW:TOR came out I would have a fresh non-objective opinion of the game (So I can enjoy the game for what it is.)

    Do yourself a favor and stop trying to make this just another wow expansion. Erase that part of your brain that constantly compars your Jedi Knight to your Death Knight. Your Rogue to your Smuggler. They're not the same, and they never will be.


    If you do this you'll enjoy the game SO much more. Trust me.


    It works.





    "Use the Force, Harry!" - Gandalf

  5. And Sagajin comes out of the gate with the obvious response. Kudos to you. Lets try to be constructive here. Where else are you going to find out about good fansites. Its not like there is a fansite index somewhere.


    Back to the OP. I am a webdev and I frequently pass bugs onto my friends at Wowhead (also Torhead in this case.) If you can tell me where the bug is I can isolate the code for them and help them zap that bug faster than you can say "Orkin man".


    Here is a screenshot of what I am talking about. any time I click on another tab it wont switch over to the info on that tab. I am using IE9 right now.






    The grey bar that holds it all together is what appears to be overlapping and interupting the tabs.

  6. Everything on the site works fine for me with no button overlaps. What browser do you use? I use the latest version of chrome.


    I thought that might be the issue but I use Chome at home and IE9 at work. I get the same issue from both places on both browsers.


    *Womp womp... :confused:

  7. I know I really shouldn't complain about this because the game just came out and there isn't a lot of knowledge in the database right now BUT, that's not my issue.


    My problem is that the website itself is just plain busted!


    I am understanding of missing information about quests, items, NPC's, ect, but to have the website mechanics not work properly just bothers me. None of the search tabs work. Buttons overlap and never connect to appropriate links. Someone please donate to the site so they can fix it!! (And yes, I already have. I am not F**king Bono.)



    :::You may commence trolling now:::

  8. Sounds like your Smuggler might be on another server. I would arrange the order of the server list by the number of characters you have on it. Hopefully you'll be able to find him.

    Also, the game won't delete a character unless you manually do it, and it makes you type in the word "Delete" every time you actually get rid of a toon.



    Hope this helps!

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