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Posts posted by FkLex

  1. (Ex SW ToR player here).


    Logged on . Seen my 50 Juggernaut with only 2 action bars and 5 War Zones / week , item restrictions . Checked prices for buying Quickbars and the must have unlocks on ToR. Checked available credits in game (escrow ftw). Logged back out.


    Thank you Bioware...for nothing. Seriously...2 action bars? Why not make us all wear white items while you re at it ?

  2. I load into the Fleet, and a whole bunch of people are standing at the load in spot, infecting everyone, who goes to the Fleet, and it cost 2k for the stim, to remove it for 6 hours. If this is a joke, it isn't funny, and its a little late, from april fools day.


    I will not be paying, to play a game, that forces stupid stuff like this on players.


    Please remove this, if you want to continue to have me, as a customer.


    Some like it, but i think its completely out of line.


    Let me see if I get this right.


    You're crying about a "event" that infects you with the Rakghoul Plague ?


    You're crying about the fact that you have to spend 2k ( !?!??! ) on the cure? You know you DONT NEED TOO right ?



    You're threatening that if they don't remove this you're leaving from the game? Oh please do. We don't need your kind of players :).

  3. Ok so after some cash spending I still haven't figured out some things.


    Regarding armor pieces. What exactly gives an item its + armor ? I tried putting the armoring of a champion piece into a orange chest and it didn't receive the armor the champ piece had.


    Also the same goes for lightsaber's force power. Can anyone explain how this works please?


    Basically I'm looking to have the exact same attributes I have in my BM gear but in orange *CRIT* crafted gear ( that looks better and obviously I can further enhance it ).

  4. Stop crying already. Regardless of ranked WZ , 1.2 is still a major patch. Few games provide so many changes in one patch. Sure, Ranked WZ won't come this patch but if they weren't working fine then thats fine by me .


    If you come here and tell us you re unsubbing ... please do so , this community doesn't need this kind of players.



    Competition is around the corner? You REALLY think GW2 will be that good? Everybody seems to think that GW2 will come out flawless and be so much better than ToR.... guess again.

  5. Healing Debuff like in world of warcraft. With our burst taking longer to set up in 1.2 (from what ive read) we are going to need something else.


    I hope my rage jugg doesnt get nerfed to much because right now even with my 6-7k crits a good GUARDED healer and just heal right through my disruption/charge silences /dps.


    1.2 will make or break SWTOR imo



    from all the 1.2 posts im thinking it will not be good in the long run.




    sad because i like this game


    I do agree of Juggs need a mortal strike sort of ability but I don't know if Rage is the right tree. I'd rather have it in Immortal but that might just be a biased opinion , myself being a Imm Jugg and having little to do against healers.

  6. First of all, I do not consider myself a MMO veteran but I do think I played enough of them to make a pretty accurate opinion of ToR. I played WoW for 5 years + , EVE for some months, Football Superstars for 2+ years, SWG for a short while and some other F2Ps for a short while (CABAL,DCUO, CO, STO )


    Now onto SW ToR .


    Pro's : - Great leveling experience ( best I've ever seen ).

    - Great graphics for a MMO.

    - Unique companion system.

    - Interesting mechanics for Huttball.




    Con's : - Too much instancing

    - The engine isn't properly optimised and can't perform well enough on mid to lower end PC's especially on Ilum and in Warzones.

    - Would of preferred a sandbox SW ToR rather than a theme park game.

    - In my opinion, end game raids are boring.

    - Not enough end-game PvP content.

    - Ilum is broken.

    - No fleet vs fleet system ? (Im thinking horde vs Stormwind etc)


    Still, SW ToR has only launched for 4 months or so. I think ToR has had the best MMO Launch ever, not only from a population point of view. Sure it had its flaws, bugs, etc...but every MMO ever launched was worse than ToR really.


    The problem I see is that everyone expected a a top-notch game to rival with Blizzard's WoW from the beggining. I don't think it's there yet but I think it has the potential to be . ToR has massive funding and the game updates are quite huge. Also, remember how WoW was on launch before whining about ToR . :)


    I think the biggest mistake ToR did was making possible being a Force User from the beggining. The game is overfilled with glowsticks unfortunately. I think many people would of preffered the SWG way.


    Overall I do believe the game is pretty solid altough it needs much more content and features than this or a legacy system.


    - New raids.

    - New boss mechanics

    - Better story behind those raids.

    - More PvP balancing

    - More PvP Warzones. A classic capture the flag? A PvPvE warzone ? A warzone with vehicles / starships maybe?

    - Arenas (1v1 , 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 )

    - A working Ilum.

    - Factions attacking each other's fleet.

    - Faction battling over territory. (Not like Ilum btw.)

    - Player City's. (Make one or two planets that have the space for player city's and stations).



    I did use caps look intentionally there because I do believe that having a optimised engine makes alot of difference. It would probably also get you more users because not everyone has Quad Core's etc. Still, performance in War Zones and Ilum should be increased and not only by decreasing turret fire rate and turning graphics lower. The problem isn't on our end Bioware it's on yours. Stop turning down the graphics and start optimising the engine.


    As a conclusion, I think ToR has had a good launch and is a pretty solid game but has certain flaws. Flaws that ( looking at the current patches and how massive they are ) will probably be solved soon. I hope people stop bashing it and the BW team and rather provide more constructive criticism towards making this game better. Come on guys admit it, ToR is darn good for a 4 months old MMO.

  7. I seriously /facepalmed when I checked the attributes Battlemaster War Leader set gives.




    SURGE ?! REALLY ?!


    The only use for Surge is for a rage spec which CLEARLY should not be favorised in a TANK set.


    War Leader needs DEFENSIVE STATS ... not surge. Hell , if you re going to put something offensive on it put +crit. What good does Surge to a non-rage spec? in Champion WL Set my crit is at 13% . What good is it if I get my crit damage to 150% if I only crit 13 hits out of 100 ?


    Also Rakata War Leader. Why all that accuracy ? Getting past 100% doesn't make much sense especially considering abilities get a +10% .... Seriously mad at this lol.


    You're making us swap alot of mods/enhancements..

  8. Oh it does have a very big place in PvP.


    Immortals are very good at :


    -> One man guarding turrets ( untill reinf come ).

    -> One man guarding doors.

    -> Being ball carrier.

    -> Controling the game and by this I mean taunts, lots of stuns that can take healers out of the game , intrerupts.

    -> Guardian



    Taunt plays a very big part in this. If you mass taunt a 5+ group you spare your friends of ALOT of damage this way .


    A well played Jugg makes a big difference in a WZ in my opinion.

  9. The problem I see is that PvP Daily's are becoming too much of a chore. In my realm for example, I have to spend atleast 2 hours to get 3 warzones wins simply because my faction sucks on my realm.


    This probably is the case on many other realms aswell. While I do appreciate the community feeling we currently have I do think that we need Battlegroups.


    Also maybe redesign PvP quests and ask for Kills instead of WZ wins? Just throwing ideas here...

  10. Is that utility you posted viable for Intel aswell? I mean after all it only stops processes so it shound't be affected by having an Intel CPU.


    Also, for me ToR Bottlenecks at RAM not CPU. My CPU usage doesn't exceed 60-70 % (assigned to all cores both the processes) but my RAM slowly builds up to 95% usage.


    I get decent-good performance in WZ , after a while it needs a restart tough .



    Got a core 2 quad clocked at 2.5 GHz

    4 GB RAM

    250 Geforce GTS 1GB VRAM.

  11. Oh its so obvious you we're / are a WoW player lol. Think "Shield Wall" and "Trinkets" gave you away .


    Good guide anyway.



    Not sure how vengeance/rage fare as leveling specs but I am currently on Immortal (level 40) and can do pretty much anything I want. PvP is fine ( tanked the huttball past the line with like 5 guys on me lol ) , dungeons are fine aswell (obviously im MT ) and leveling goes quite smooth. Can do even gold mobs if I blow some CDs.

  12. I think the idea is good and we should have a system of this sort for every planet except maybe capitals.


    Players should be able to pour credits into both offensive / defensive movements .


    Holding a planet should give benefits to the faction controling it maybe a slight xp boost on players on that planet or something like that.


    If such a system would be implemented the developers need to make sure there will be enough of incentive to make players go for these sieges both max level and low levels.

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