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Posts posted by -Jay-

  1. He's letting them know that certain mechanics in a few of the new operations are a lot harder with the lag APAC players experience, Corruptor Zero's anti-grav field is one that comes to mind, another can be the aggro dump on Draxus, the simplification on Tyrans, the puddles on Bestia, and the knockback on Raptus. these mechanics aren;t hard to grasp, but executing them with that amount of lag is suffering, And before someone tells us to just jump once we're out of AOEs, that doesn;t help when it takes the server 300ms to actually register that jump.


    Pretty much. If you make the decision to introduce 300ms lag for subscribers on the other side of the world. Than you bloody well better not introduce mechanics like those listed above in game unless you want them to un-subscribe. It makes the challenge impossible so what's the point of playing?


    Normally I cant wait for SWTOR content updates, but honestly this time around. I am cringing at the fact that nightmare mode is going to be the new content. Hard Mode DP/DF has been a nightmare as is.

  2. Next patch that includes operations that do not make allowance for APAC players at the latency they now have. Consider my account /un-subscribed never to return. I am not saying it is impossible, its simply significantly harder and takes any fun out of the game. Tonight was a night where 250ms less latency would have been another boss kill. Instead we saw constant rubber banding.


    It is beyond a joke.

  3. Lol. these logs are jokes. ¯\_ (ツ) _/¯


    Point out an alternative, legitimate method to rank individual ability? Log ranking has always been the standard to measure pure performance across a lot of MMO's. While DPS meters are used to gauge DPS ability in operations. I am yet to come across a guild that does not use dps meters in progression operations.

  4. *Slow Clap

    TBH for a healer as long as everyone does there stuff right and heals keep up it doesnt matter in PVE.

    His a Sorc, they have Revivification In a SM 16man ops. :) just Sayin.

    "as long as... and heals keep up it doesnt matter in PVE" I have to ask, do you contradict yourself regularly?


    What does Revivification have to do with 16 man ops. Oh how quaint, you actually think it heals everyone who steps into it.


    1/10 troll, needs more willpower


    While I'm at it, Pandemic also has the server best (second APAC best) DPS. http://www.torparse.com/statistics/Overall/Damage

  5. the problem is the server poulations are low on all the APAC servers compared to the US/EU servers


    Try, MDN is so low their is only a few guilds left that are able to make up numbers for operations. 16 man ops just don't happen anymore. PVP queues go for hour or more during the day, flashpoint queues don't pop during the day.


    Many people in my guild log in and they are either the only person online sometimes or one of a few people. Its freaking scary bad.

  6. Latency breaks this game for both PVP and PVE. Talking as someone that has seen first hand 2 guild members go from an operations liability (constant wipes) to top DPS and full clear (after changing ISP). Its a game breaker.


    Guilds making progression in ops need low latency and anyone wanting competitive PVP should want everyone to be able to play.


    my vote is above.

  7. Option 2


    1. Force Merge into 1 super server (Dalborra)

    2. Open up xfers to those that arent happy to US and EU servers

    3. Do what you did last year and give all APAC registered players to XFER their chars off EU/US servers to Dalborra.


    Speaking as someone on MDN and who would lose out a tiny pointless part of the game. I would not care. As long as we can recruit players for operations and ranked pvp, I am fine with it.

  8. What utter lies.


    Every single subscriber on Master Dalanar is completely in dismay. We cannot Pug operations because their is literally NO ONE ONLINE. PVP queues are nearing 1 hour or more!!!! How can we see end game content when their is no one to fill the spots!?!


    What a horrible game this has turned into.


    Come 1.7 if nothing is done, allot of subscribers will be talking with their wallet.


    To put this into perspective we currently have 19 PEOPLE ONLINE in imperial fleet (Saturday afternoon)

  9. there wont be any problem if BW provide x-server LFG or free server transfer system,

    or just re-design the whole wrong MMO game architecture with cloud computing concept.


    Obviously you do not use the LFG tool very much and do not run operations. Operations require mentoring underskilled people before they can raid. Otherwise you get underskilled people who cause never ending wipes and frustration.


    Cross server LFG tool will NEVER fix a low pop server problem.

  10. I have had enough, Master Dar'Nala is a ghost town. 20-30 people on in fleet during the weekend during the holidays. All my characters are on this server and I have played through all story lines so I am not re-rolling on another server.


    Come 1.7 if their is no action done about the server my account subscription will be removed with no intention of ever coming back.

  11. Talking as someone who spends their time on the Master Dar'Nala server with 17 people on in fleet, i am now very seriously considering moving on to a new game. I am tired of wasting my time playing the Bioware game of hurry up and wait.


    APAC server Master Dar'Nala is a joke.

  12. Endgame tanking actually isnt as easy as the previous poster makes it out to be. Talking as regular who runs guild ops 4 times a week, tanking is quite difficult in some fights esp with early tank swaps and snipers in your group.


    Tanking is fun.


    Talking as an end gamer, we only need more operations and the new operation may just prove to be enough.

  13. Just unsubbed this morning (20 days left). I have no desire to go to an over populated server. Decided since they are remaining silent, best to unsub now and just keep an eye on the forums to see if they elect to have a few light to moderate population servers. Doubtful though.


    No one quits a game they enjoy because they have to change a name. You get a free chance to change your name to a better one.


    These forums really are full of trolls.


    Haters gona Hate.

  14. Hi Bioware,


    Thanks for the free transfers its all well and good to get pop back up on those low pop servers. I however am still waiting to be able to transfer my characters to the Pacific servers. As you are aware you set a create date limit for when characters could transfer and 2 of my alts did not qualify. Being that I have not been playing end game (maily because it barely exists) I am getting sick of not being able to play with my friends.


    When will you allow me to transfer my characters to the pacific servers? Its becoming a joke! I want to play with my friends in my region and I am sick of playing by my self! Let me put all my characters on the one god dam server!

  15. Their is a really nice piece of almost sad music (sounds very familiar). Its not in the list of music Bioware has made available. I first noticed in on Alderaan after coming back from some pvp.


    It sounds very similar to Aleraan, The throne @ 3:08, however the song overall is too upbeat.


    Will see if I can record it and upload a sample.


    Alternatively is their a list of all the music used in SWTOR?

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