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Posts posted by Caltone

  1. Kindread, I got stuck like this too. I think any toon that was partially through Forged Alliances Pt1 got messed up by the reset. I submitted a ticket which basically told me the same things you can read in the KB...


    My solution was what iusCogens mentioned earlier, just queue for the one you need to complete it, then you will be back on track to run the next one solo if you wish.

  2. How can anyone who raids in this game not see that basically walking through an Ops without killing a boss but getting loot is an exploit? I dunno, I would hope that most players period (any way you measure it) would not use an exploit, I guess I don't get the appeal of cheating anywhere but especially in a game like this. I do like progressive raiding and the fun to me is eventually beating and earning the rewards, not having loot just handed to you for doing nothing.
  3. I

    So finally, during the final boss fight, I happen to notice one of my teammates whipping out their little box-shaped scanner and a red line goes sweeping over one of the dead turrets. This fellow thought it would be a huge help to take a couple of 3-second breaks during a very damage-heavy fight to add to his Scavenging collection. :eek:




    I wouldn't call this an issue to be honest. I will scavenge metals or bio when I can in a HM FP. I will only take one if I am in a PUG, but I've never had anyone tell me to stop not would I ask anyone else not to scavenge.

  4. Thanks for the explanation and it makes sense, I understood KBN's thread as well. What I don't understand is looking at the "Basic" gear, is there is so little defense on it. The one piece I see has defense and alacrity I think. A lot of the pieces have shield/absorb combo's. It is going to be a challenge from what I can see to get to the target numbers or anywhere close as near as I can tell. What was the thought process behind the gear stats anyway?
  5. You may want to post this in the CS fourm but when I had the key removed from my account (due to the bug that was going around) I was not able to use the vendor or even use the fleet passes I had purchased from him in my inventory. Once I added the key back and it was active on my account, then I could use the vendor again (and the passes).
  6. Well it took me about 2 1/2 months for my first 50. I had a couple of alts I played some in addition to my main.


    What boggles my mind is the articles says many people were average 40 hours a week! And some were pulling 120 hours/week :eek:


    I love this game and play it actively as much as I can but if I even came close to 40 hours a week in game, I would not have a wife, family or much of anything else except for SWTOR.


    I mean, if you are going to devote that kind of time to the game, just wow...

  7. Yes your Sage cc will work (as will a commando/,merc cc). The only difference is those have a cool down so you won't be able to cc the next claw which will spawn before your CD. If you don't have a droid cc (smuggler/agent or sent/mara), just work it out with the people you have.


    That said, at some point you will be able to heal through it anyway.

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