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Posts posted by mathcorerus

  1. It killed world pvp and made ilum gree cheevos unobtainable since they require bolster, also it hard to do fair cross faction pvp cuz lvl sync killing tanks and some abilities like endure pain. Tho for the rest I don't really care, pve wise I'm fine both ways.
  2. you can tank HM opses in 198 gear, lol tanking is ot really gear dependant.


    whats for bolster in flashpoints, i easily did blood hunt hardmode as a lvl 50 jugg


    thats all matter of your skill.



    PS 208 PVP gear is more than good for all the HM FPs, all the story content (including 10 rounds of EC) all sm ops and most of HM oops. skill is all that matters - if you are scrub and dont know your rotation, or what skill to use in certain situation learn to play or quit the game or else

  3. Hey guys, i'm not sure ho many pvpers out there reading forums, but

    Yesterday we managed to get yolos pop again for a quite long period, even with 2 matches at the same time.

    so the thing is, what if we set somw days when we can get as much ppl in as we can? like few days a week.

  4. if you are new than you should probably join some lvling/conquest guild (or if you pvp - you can join DEATH - they usually bring in every s**** that does lowbies regs). getting a new guild is a bad choice as you dont know the game wich is needed for a success as well as there are a lot of dead guilds or 10 ppl guilds, and no point of making another since there are some big guilds that can enlingten you on your way to swtor pro
  5. alrught, if there aint one, why just dont make few people responsible for creating one? i can do that, so put a post on the forum somewhere with list of people who you can ask for this channels (like send them in game mail or something) and they can inspect if you are good enough for that channel etc. considering this never goes on public. just mails/ pms.

    this may be a good idea tho it can be a little too late as the server population has decreased a lot and the quality of the majority of players makes me sad.

    i wish BW team will think again and ADD new NIM content as well as new ops, as this will bring the HAM players back, and if the content will be hard enough it will jeep them for a while (eh)

    well anyway

  6. Regs pop frequently. Primetime is usually late afternoon to early morning for regs. Imps generally win more, but the average skill level of each side is essentially the same. This is probably due to there being more PvP focused guilds on Imp side. Solo ranked rarely pops unless you can do a lot of convincing on fleet. Team ranked can pop almost every night. You just have to let people know you are queuing.


    Skill level the same lol wut? pubs cant kill anything these days. i never seen a pub won a match (unless i had to went pub for some odd reason for a few matches)

    All time we get pubs in mathc (which is pretty rare) it ends with non stop farming them for 55+ kills cheevos.

    Imperial PVP is pretty strong guild wise, but there are still many *******s out there.

    65 pvp regs almost all time just slows at the late night/early morning

  7. Dox, if you pug impside with mathcore - you know it will never fail.

    Really pug experience depends on what side you play most - as i have large friend list impside and i know who i can invite and who i won't invite ever.

    Same way its harder for me to play pub side as i dont really know ppl there.

    And yeah dont remind me of pub pvp. (fun times farming pubs there for 55 kills tho XD)

  8. Interesting read here....


    I've been looking for something new on JC lately since Republic Gentlemen's random-runs have dwindled a bit lately due to an exodus back to WoW. We still have set teams that run on a schedule, and my main will be there until the doors close, but in the state of the 4.0 world, PuGs just can't clear HM Ops (and no, EV and KP do not count), so running HM Ops outside of my progression team's schedule is painful.


    Oh yeah... me the PeeVeePee get along real nice too :p (Guardian/Scoundrel - Jugg/Operative)


    Here is what I asked the SWTOR Guild SubReddit - hit me up if your guild is active and competent!


    go imp side. pugging tfb/df/dp/snv/tos is pretty easy.


    rav and ec can be a little rough to pug but the rest is easy.

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