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Posts posted by Xinjadu

  1. While they are at it, how about allowing the trade skill window to remember your preferences? Opening, say, on level and in the category you were in last... all would go to making this so much more user friendly.


    I would incorporate one of the suggestions here, yes, show influence level on the crafting screen, but not necessarily allow anyone to pick which companion we see there, I think this does not add all that much.


    The essential thing is this: we need an interface for crafting in which we can see at a glance:

    1. Which companion is best to use.

    2. Which companion is free to use.

    3. What is currently under production.


    That would be the ideal and obvious crafting screen.... since the changes we only have #3. Previously we had all three (because you already knew which toon was good for what - as they skills were unique to them one tended to focus on the companions that suites your crew skill choices).

  2. Feature Request:


    Please, please put the "summon this crew member" button back onto the crew skills window. If you summon a companions from the Companions and Contacts window you run the risk of interrupting a crew skill in potentially lengthy progress. It is asinine, since these functions are so interwoven. Best thing to do is to allow us to summon a companion from either window. That way you do not ave to check the crew skills window to first see who is available, then switch to the other window just to summon them.


    Removing the button altogether was a hugely counterintuitive move - sometimes I swear the devs do not actually play the game.

  3. Hello Support


    Bought this set recently, pricy. Sadly the Exterminator's Cuirass has a very annoying problem. It clips your character's model at the waist constantly. It actually gets stuck on the interior of the model and drapes down your front like an apron, looking absolutely ridiculous. It is doubly annoying to purchase something for real dollars and realize that so little basic QA was done on it.


    It also does this frequently in every mission cut scene, even if it was not clipping before the cut scene. Finally, once it starts clipping it is quite hard to dislodge without actually unequipping it, only to have it start clipping again five minutes later. Hopefully this can be addressed soon, as I like the concept and would prefer not to have to get it refunded.


    It may be relevant to note that (if you try to reproduce the effect) I am wearing it with Kreia's robe leggings. The textures match up nicely.


    Thank you for your attention.

  4. There is nothing in the tanking tree that procs on crit. I would stack it incidentally. On the other hand there are essential talents that build the crit chance of individual meat and drink tanking abilities. Since you must decide what blue/purple patterns to pursue in levelling I would choose the power/surge path
  5. The idea that this will not be something frequently used is obviously false ... the unify colours option is a major feature that this game has over others and this game is very "altoholics friendly. Altoholics will flock to this feature and pay repeatedly - I just rerolled a gunslinger because I decided I did not like his looks anymore. I would happily have paid to redact them. Having your character maintain a look matters to us, believe me. It does not matter so much perhaps to the non-RP, end game only set, but there are more than enough of us to justify the time to add it into the game as a paid feature.
  6. Bottom line - SWTOR is looking for ways to make more money from its gaming population. Allowing us to PAY to alter our appearance would be one way. I would much rather pay $10.00 to alter the appearance of a well established character than have to reroll just because I noticed something I do not like well int the character's life.


    Add a way for us to completely change a character's looks - charge for it. Believe me, lots of people will pay. It is worth the development time as the feature would pay for itself many times over.

  7. Exactly - there are no cunning tanks, whether player or companion. Obviously anyone who spend any resources crafting does o for their companions as well as their player character - be silly otherwise. On missions you are on unit. Every tank character has their cunning healer riding with them. My healer characters have tank companions decked out in the best tanking gear I can make.
  8. Hello All


    I am sure many people have already had this problem and have either privately groaned or publicly complained, but I would like to suggest an easy change that would remove a source of considerable frustration from the research of new patterns.


    It is simply this: change the research possibilities so that useless patterns are not a possible option. Let me give you a perfect example. I was expensively burning through blue cunning implants in the hope of getting a purple version. After a lot of time and money I succeed? However, when I look at it, the additional stat I got was SHIELD RATING. Anyone who understands this game has either had this happen to them or will. There is NO tank role in existence with cunning as its primary attribute. Three are cunning DPS and cunning healers .... no tanks. So now I have epic implants for cunning tanks ....


    To avoid this why not simply remove such options from the table? Keep redoubt on cunning gear if you wish (who knows, someone somewhere may want it and at least it does have an effect), but shield and absorb rating should never appear on cunning gear since no cunning character can equip a shield.


    Seems like a simple fix - one of those cases when a minor fix can save on major player frustration.


    Thanks for listening - and know that I continue to love this great game and wish the devs and the community all the best.

  9. This is a suggestion and given how much the developers have on their to do list it will hardly be anyone's priority. I mention this because it drives me a little bit crazy every time.


    On the Defender ship - the consular/knight's ship - there are no crew quarters. Most other ships have this and it makes sense that they do. In the Defender there is a lot of oddly wasted space... there is a huge well designed cargo and manufacturing space ... but you have to run upstairs to open your cargo which is stuffed into an odd little room off the main deck that seems to have no function whatsoever.


    My suggestion is this - build a wraparound design crew quarters off the main deck (curving to accommodate the shape of the hull), getting rid of that silly captain's cabin room which clearly serves no purpose. Move the captain's cabin into the cargo hold where it belongs (you would not even need to redesign anything as the model is already down there ... it just does nothing). This relatively small change would make all the difference to how logical and usable the ship appears to those inhabiting it.


    Thanks for listening.

  10. I'm paying my subscription and I do expect regular content, but I don't expect lovingly crafted details anymore because I know that EAware management has been killing its developers over and over, for more than a year, just like they've always done.


    All very good points. On the whole, I have to agree with you. I actually did leave the game when my friends left the game. Being an altoholic they hit end game long before I did. After months away I am giving it another chance, content to solo the content and for the moment I am having a blast.


    Hopefully EA and Bioware will hear the pleas of its fan base and start valuing is talent, if that's where the real problems lie.

  11. This will seem cosmetic to most no doubt and at the end of the day it is. However, many of the things that keep me playing this game are based on flavour (it certainly has nothing to do with interface, stability or end game).


    One of the wonderful things about SWTOR are the ships in my opinion. I love them, love having a sanctuary all my own. However, I notice the occasionally mistake that proves irksome. The kind of thing that a moment's thought would have avoided - of course this applies to many things in SWTOR.


    My latest observation concerns the Sith Inquisitor Starship Astromech - a premium feature for which we pay big bucks. They placed it right in front of the crafting station in the cargo hold. I knew as soon as I saw it that once I set my crew to crafting this was going to look silly. For example Khem, while crafting, stands fully inside the astromech; they intersect. Whoever put it there clearly either knew nothing about the ship, had never played the sith or, more likely, did not give it a moment's thought. This does not stop me from being able to use the little droid, but having paid top dollar I would have hoped that the developer's could have a least taken a few seconds to place him intelligently ... like one single meter over.


    To me, it is this apparent indifference, almost as much as the horrible bugs, that demoralises me about the game. Since I am giving my time and money to SWTOR when there is a universe of competition out there I would like to feel that the developers are similarly committed and see that expressed in the little details (such as after a year I still cannot login to a character from the selection screen by pressing enter, or every time I use a crafting menu it defaults to the useless difficulty sort instead of level; which is what I have to switch it to every single time to make meaningful decisions [and does it remember this? No.] .... and so on).


    I still love the game or I would not be bothering to post. There are lots of things that the SWTOR team got right. I just want to remind them that the little things matter and it is important not to let them be eclipsed by the "big" ones. It is surprising how much of an impact such things can have on player satisfaction over time.


    I appreciate your taking the time to read this.



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