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Posts posted by PurpleCliff

  1. Like every great MMO, SWTOR has a rockin' original soundtrack. It's a tad disappointing that it's gone fairly synthy in the last couple expansions, but it's still pretty darn great. Therefore isn't it just a no-brainer to release this music?


    I know some of the score was made available at launch, and there was a collector's edition CD (which I have), but it'd be absolutely awesome to have a nice big album available for all on CD/iTunes/GPlay/Spotify/etc. People love Star Wars music. And hey, I know it's unlikely, but if some of the KotOR/KotOR2 scores were bundled in that'd be super stellar, since they never got proper releases.


    A secondary reason that this'd be great is to find out more about who's behind the music. I'm surprised you guys don't share who's composing the new stuff at the moment! On WildStar we know it's Jeff Kurtenacker. But since launch who's been behind SWTOR's music? The music is so important!


    Well that's my simple suggestion/request.


    a soundtrack lover

  2. Nice video.

    Not the best song voice I've ever heard, but cudoes for stepping up :)


    One tiny niggle I had was that you complain that there is no pazaak... and then go on to complain that they implemented gambling...

    but... pazaak is gambling :cool:


    Haha yeah thanks.


    Mmm that is slightly paradoxical of me. I guess I like pazaak because it can be somewhat multiplayer/social/RPG.


    I'm on the same boat.. I cancelled my WoW and WildStar sub and resub SWTOR because no matter how much problems this game have it is the only MMO currently that I will ALWAYS have fun playing I love this game and yeah I am a Star Wars fanboy :rak_03:


    And now my goal is to level all AC's...again!!! :D


    Edit: Grammar


    Ditto! It's hard to get away from this game xD

  3. I just did a flashpoint on The Bastion, and I don't want to whinge but the game could obviously do with some optimisation. It's obviously poorly designed for those with a lower ping.


    I sit between 230 to 350ms, just like other MMOs. But whereas with games like Rift and WoW I don't notice the lag, in SWTOR it's pretty obvious and annoying. I'm no dev, so I don't know what it is specifically, but there must be something that can be improved about the movement animations or ability activations or something... feels like I'm always one step behind the game.


    On a side note, anyone know if the NBN will help with latency?

  4. I am loving the new RotHC expansion. I think it has some of the best story content in the game. Unfortunately I am distressed by the blatant return of my least favourite transitional effect: fade to black.


    In the past I've had to become used to fade to black in places such as re-spawning w/ Medical Probes - even though I have no idea why it has to happen. Does it... really? In RotHC I was looking forward to soaring over the beautiful planet in a shuttle, but then it faded to black. Now it doesn't feel like a world to me, just a collection of cheap little instances. (don't get me started on shards)


    Later, I was enjoying a cutscene with my friend. We got a lightside/darkside option. He won the roll, and as is his way, he decided to chop an NPC to pieces. But then we didn't even see him swing the lightsaber - fade to black struck again. I'm not against ALL fade to black in cutscenes, it has it's uses, but it shouldn't be used to entirely cloak the main action of a scene.


    Fade to black has no place in a computer game, especially an MMO. Not only does it disconnect you from your chat box, your friends, your social communication, but it also disconnects you from the game world. That's right, I went there: immersion. I don't know about you, but fade to black breaks my immersion.

  5. I'm shocked. I'd actually prefer nothing changes than the option BioWare chose.


    The Australian region in particular have had terrible treatment in the course of this game. We had to import if we wanted to play in the first few months after launch. We were blocked from buying on Origin. Getting local servers was a massive redeeming factor, someone which was hugely appreciated - even though BioWare failed to advertise the game in our country (barely any of my Star Wars loving friends have even heard of the game). But now it seems we'll lose these servers, and along with them we'll likely lose our identity again.


    Very sad. I thought SWTOR was in a time of going up, not down...

  6. Why would they reverse their decision? 300 people not happy about a little lag increase and losing their precious in game names won't make eaware care at all, apac servers aren't profitable to them.

    The people unsubbing won't worry the company. They've shown before they don't care for Asia pacific.


    Of the percentage of players who are (a) subscribers and (b) know about this issue and © come to the forums and (d) have seen that petition and (e) can be bothered filing it out - 300 seems pretty good to me.

  7. This seems so obvious but it is actually so true. One TV ad alone and players would increase, but I haven't really seen a shred of effort go into advertising here.


    Yeah even just some Australia-targeted ads on YouTube or something. Barely any of my real life gamer friends know about this game...


    Word of mouth can't be your only tactic.



    This is my first time posting so I will make this short, SEPARATING all 3 oceanic servers and sending them to different NA servers will NOT solve the population issue !!! The problem is that oceanic and american folks play at different times, so the effective number of people online at oceanic primetime has NOT changed !!! I will still be playing with the same number of people currrently in MDN even if I move to Bastion because most americans will be sleeping when oceanic people play. There is a very very big flaw BW's logic if they think sending all oceanic players to different servers will solve the population issue. Population can only be solved my a merge.


    I sincerely hope everyone reads this, Thank You.


    Dabinllo/Mathdebate/Cunninglinguist MDN


    Sorry to disagree, but I really don't think that's a big issue here. Tons of US players play on "off" times. As to latency and community though, yes we lose them.

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