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Posts posted by SevenTailz

  1. hello ?


    Quote: Originally Posted by Mers View Post

    I think I found a solution!


    I had the same bug, so I exited the zone, then in the non-chapter world summoned Vette as my companion and Reentered the world and I had the option to talk to her! Give it a shot..



    As up to today I've played the whole game,(including expansions) once, and is on my second now. First time this BUG happened I tried to reset the chapter, tho it was not that far in. And the second time it worked. As to my second time at the last expansion story (that I'm playing now) I got to the same spot and same BUG again. So I figured, I rather not reset this time, shouldn't have to. So I found this. Tried it as mentioned above. And it WORKED. Also a bit frustrating that they haven't fix it yet, but, I'm glad to not have to reset and start over.



    To make this short.. Check the green CONFIRMED above.

  2. I think I found a solution!


    I had the same bug, so I exited the zone, then in the non-chapter world summoned Vette as my companion and Reentered the world and I had the option to talk to her! Give it a shot..




    As up to today I've played the whole game,(including expansions) once, and is on my second now. First time this BUG happened I tried to reset the chapter, tho it was not that far in. And the second time it worked. As to my second time at the last expansion story (that I'm playing now) I got to the same spot and same BUG again. So I figured, I rather not reset this time, shouldn't have to. So I found this. Tried it as mentioned above. And it WORKED. Also a bit frustrating that they haven't fix it yet, but, I'm glad to not have to reset and start over.



    To make this short.. Check the green CONFIRMED above. ;)


    EDIT: This is if Vette's not at all showing for you. but if there is another bug, try it anyway.


    The first time I did "The Enemy within" I did the solo version. For those who do that it CAN be hard to understand or find the quests needed for completing it. You'll see that you have to "Kill" or "Defeat" the ones shown below.


    Defeat Lord Kantale

    Lord Kantale

    Defeat General Straden

    General Straden

    Defeat Master Zunor

    Master Zunor

    Defeat Lord Commander Inkari

    Lord Commander Inkari


    You will also have one saying - "Complete Missions for Coalition Forces: 0/6"

    Short version of saying what those are and where to find it is -

    At "Coalition Staging" it will appear missions from NPC's around the center. If you take those, you'll have 4 of 6 missions. The other 2 is out in the field, around "Massassi Village". A Datapad north of the Village and a Soldier named "Seargent Geiz" outside the cave where you disableed the second locking mechanism.

    If you don't understand my explanation, you just follow the first 4 missions and you'll find the Datapad and "Seargent Geiz" automatically :)


    Hope it helps someone, I know I missunderstood what I had to do when I was about to take those missions.

    The missions btw will just minutes, you'll do them very quickly.

    Be well!

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  4. CT-09 Phone App


    Welcome to the swtor companion app, here you will be able to do many things while you are away from your computer.

    By linking with your ship's robot servant you may have them preform various tasks for you while you are busy with *REAL LiFE*. :D



    CT-09 allows you to use the gtn on the go. By clicking the top right button you can choose to log into your character of choice. Then simply click on the gtn icon to access it. You will be able to scour the market,make purchases and even place items from your bags on to the market.


    Note: when placing an item on the gtn simply click on your inventory and click on the item. This will open a quick tab with a list of actions for this item simply click (Place on gtn). Then enter the price and duration for the item, you will then be asked if your sure this is what you wish to do before finally placing it on the gtn for you.


    Mail box:

    CT-09 allows you to access your mail box of any character by logging in that character in the top right of the app. Then click on the mail box icon and you may send and receive mail just as you would in game.


    Bank and inventory:

    Once logged into your character simply click the bank or inventory icon to bring up one of these options.


    Achievements and Legacy:

    Once logged into your character click the achievement icon to bring up your selected characters achievements as well as it's tree and legacy.


    Character and companions:

    CT-09 allows you to view your character(plus stats) in a 3d model and swap to each of your companions.


    Guild chat:

    Clicking on the guild icon will let you talk to your guild in real time:


    Note: You will see that when you type in guild that it has a (CT-09) symbol next to your writing. This is to let your guild know you are online via your app.


    Mobile Forum:

    A Mobile Version of the forums is also apart of CT-09.


    Security key:

    Is now apart of the CT-09 App


    Codex and useful information:

    CT-09 has an array of information at your fingertips to help you better understand the swtor universe and the people in it.


    -Classes and talent trees


    -guides on different features of swtor

    -People of note and backgrounds



    Go Even Further

    You could also add the cartel market and easy access to buy cartel coins as well.

    You can also add in the crew skills and let people send them on missions via the app.

    Go even further by having mini games on the app with daily limits to earn credits and rep while out and about (think of it more of a Companion app lol. :)


    Put The App To Even More Use!!!!!

    You could also use it to benefit other star wars related apps, you have a star wars rpg game coming to phones soon. Imagine earning cartel coins by playing it. The marketing value of the app can be as big as you want it to be cross marketing is a great way to do that.


    I don't know about you but i could see alot of work hours been spent on this. :D

    Destiny's app does a good job of this and it really adds to the overall experience.



    I literally just thought this. Well, almost. I think It would be awesome to have same sort of app. My thought Was that you could use the GTN, Send your companion on mission or craft something. "Just" that would be enough and awesome for now, atleast what I think :)

    Thanks for sharing The idea!


    May The force be with you || serve you!

  5. Hello!

    After a while of playing this game, played through the whole story (Jedi Knight, except :OPS: "Temple of Sacrifice"..)

    I decided to create a Guild.


    So if you are or have atleast one lv50 (or above) you are welcome to join the guild. <-- This is just for the first 3.

    The first 3 that's interested of joining the Guild, have the oppertunity to get promoted to a High rank immediatly. (if, ofc, you have the social competence that's needed.)


    My rules for the Guild would be as following:


    1.a || In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.

    1.b || Behave nice against all players.

    2 || No chat abuse.

    3 || Be ready to help a Guild member.

    4 || Do not demand help.

    5 || Be nice.



    These are the rules as it is now.



    It is a republic Guild for now. Will see if there will be an Imperial as well.


    Reply here or PM me if you are interested to start a new Guild with nice enviroment. :)

  6. Heey!

    okey, so I'm a lv55 guardian and have played with Kira Carsen since I got her.

    I've managed to do the "Nar Shadaa" quest with her. Apparently there is way more than that? Am I right?


    I've given her affection to keep up, so, at this point she has maximum affection.

    And still, I haven't got any other quests for her.


    My quests under the catergory "Class" is now [Priority] The Black Hole and Section X. Which does not seem like a "story based, class quest" if you understand what I mean.


    What will make my story continue? And get the quests/missions from Kira?


    I know that "Shadow of Revan" probably has something with the story to do? But it is a flashpoint for what I can see. .. Is the story finnished?


    If you can see my point, I'll be more than happy if someone had a answer.

    Thanks! :)

  7. I know this topic gets tossed around alot but I think that it needs to be repeted. I want to be able to play as a Torgruta or Nautolan. There are already NPC's that are those species, so there is no reason why we can't have them to play as, and with addition of Manaan, an amphibious species such as a Nautolan would be appropriate.


    Well, if you haven't noticed yet, http://massively.joystiq.com/2014/10/24/bioware-on-swtors-revan-expansion-upcoming-species-and-class/


    Tortuga is in progress to be payable. Just wanted to update if you hadn't seen it yet. :)

  8. I don't think it would be all that hard. Consider that if something like this were to happen it would probably be in a future expansion, for this post let's call it Allegiance.


    Allegiance could start with a flashpoint that would end with an offer to switch sides (but not actually get the choice just yet). You could play through the expansion and build points for either Rep or Imp (something like reputation or even base it of light or dark side decisions). You could even base it off existing light/dark alignment.


    When you get to the mid point of Allegiance you get offered the choice to swap factions. Each side has similar classes (Warrior Vs Knight, Consular Vs Inquisitor, Trooper Vs Bounty Hunter, Smuggler Vs Agent) so there's a bit of overlap there. You can play for a while under the new faction, then at the end you can be offered the choice to return to your original faction in case you don't like the change.


    Considering the class story hasn't been all that different in RotHC and SoR, the story portion of this expansion would swap to the new faction's story.


    Doing it that way would also avoid swapping story in the middle.


    I've always quite liked the idea of being about to swap sides. I'm not sure if it's a choice I'd make for my goody two shoes Knight, but I might roll a new character for both sides just so I can get them to swap sides.


    Yeah!! I really like what you're saying, it's similiar to what I had in mind! Just the oppertunity to BE ABLE to go to Dark/Light side is the charm.

    And, I don't know, maybe play around with your legacy somehow. Because, I like the idea of having a legacy,

    so why not make someting more to it?


    Let's say you have 1 char for Rep, and 1 for Imp. Then you add another one to that legacy, as a child. Whatever faction you choose, you can become more like your Rep sided parent or the otherway around. (of course you can make dark/light choices to become more or less like your "parents"). But to make it interfere with your "family".

    This could be a part of what you said about "Allegiance".


    I don't know, maybe that's crossing the line, but it would be pretty awesome! Just to have more, relation whopla involved would be nice, to make it more... I don't know, personal?


    Thank you, HaltHammerzeit, for sharing you thoughts! Truly liked what you said. :)

  9. Hey everyone!


    We will be taking the servers offline on December 9th in order to apply Patch 3.0.0a.



    DATE: Tuesday, December 9th, 2014

    TIME: 3AM PST (11AM GMT) - 5AM PST (1PM GMT)

    VERSION: 3.0.0a


    This patch includes fixes and adjustments for the following issues:


    • “The Enemy Within” encounter issues.
    • Mission Reward Gear Packs giving the wrong/incomplete gear.
    • The tree used to summon the Tonitran Beast on the Mission “Jungle’s Bounty” becoming unusable.
    • “The Ravagers” final encounter not giving loot.
    • “Temple of Sacrifice” final encounter not giving loot.


    This is not a complete list and full Patch Notes will be available after the maintenance window.


    Thank you for your patience as we maintain Star Wars™: The Old Republic™!


    Thanks for the update! :)

  10. Nothing new on this topic as far as I know.


    I do not think that anything will happen in that regard, as I assume the change in the game code would be rather demanding. As the devs stated that changing the code is actually quite demanding, even if it is simple things, I guess this is not on the list.


    However, I would personally really love having the option to go from republic to the empire and vice versa, even if at level 60.


    Yeah, I guess.. And I'm with you, even if it's at lv60, it would be pretty cool!

    or if earlier, you get some existing empire quest at that level.

    But as you say.. It's probably not on the list, just nice to see how people think about it :)

  11. Hello guys!


    So, I've searched around on the forum, couldn't find that much about this, however I know this must have been discussed before.


    What do you think, if you get, like, enough of dark points as a Republic character, wouldn't it be cool if you could do some sort of quest, like "The Betrayal" at pretty high level and enough dark point. And likewise, Sith to Republican.


    I know it've been discussed for, like 2 years ago, Just wanted to know if something changed?

    I just think it would be pretty cool to have that option, tho I really understand how much more work that would take.


    Just let me know that you think of the idea, maybe share some of your own, regarding this.



  12. Hey guys!

    I have this idea, probably not the first/only one who'd come up with this.. but.. I'll like to share it, so here it is.

    So my thought is, why not have like a "side thing" in this game.


    I'm curious how it would work with even more relations in this game. You can see it is flirting options sometimes. (For example in the beginning of a Jedi journey, you can flirt with this Twi'Lek girl)

    But nothing can ever happen, no more relation stuff about that.


    My thought is that you actually can get a relationship? I mean, you have your legacy, that's something in that direction. But in my idea you can choose to interact with "selected npc's" or another player.

    Almost like you could have a relationship with someone if you want to. (I know this game isn't about that) But the idea is that you can do that when you just don't want to farm/do heroics/ or quests.

    I mean, the answer options you have in every quests is awesome! It makes it more personal, to add something like this would just, nail it!


    * EDITED*

    ""And you can have your Home (Base), sort of like you have your ship, that's your base. But you can invite people to your base, and fly to someone elses base. Where you also can buy "decorations" not that much of details, but, like, a house with a modification machine (the one you mod your saber in). Or maybe just add some of that to the ship, that people can hang in."" (Rhyltran - Not going to comment on the rest but we DO have a home base. It's strongholds. ) "Thank you for pointing that out. I've been away for a while, I didn't noticed that was added. :)"





    Why do I think something like this would be awesome?

    Well, just to be able to do that would be amazing in this type of game! And I truly love this game!

    But also when you're tired of doing all the quests and exp farming, you're able to go do this "social thing" instead of quitting the game. It's like you have another option to do.

    That's the base idea of it. Presonaly I would just love have something like this in the game! :)


    Please comment what you think of the main idea :) (wich is, to add some interaction between "selected npc's and/or other players)

    Peace out guys, May the... you know the rest!

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