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Posts posted by fishfishstinks

  1. Maybe I do have a bias, here's how I originally saw them... but I personally did not care about anything Star Wars related until like a year ago. I saw 4, 5 and 6 when I was a kid but never paid attention because I found them really boring. Then I saw 1 2 3 in the theatres and still didn't care for them. It wasn't until I brought all the movies with me on a trip and watched them in George Lucases "order" that I decided to pay attention to them. Don't get me wrong, I found 4-6 did have good points, ie: Han is definately better than Jar Jar and Leia is hotter than Amidala. I didn't like the politics in 1-3. Overall, 4-6 seems very dry to me and I love the light sabers and story of Anakin in 1-3.
  2. It's odd how you bring up the idea that people liked the OT films more simply because they grew up with them while including the words I highlighted. This is because kids generally go for the action, explosions, and fancy effects over things like good story, dialogue, character development, etc. Try watching the films in 5+ years when you've had the chance to grow up, expand your horizons by watching good films, and finishing your formal education.


    I prefer the story of how Anakin became Darth Vader over the story of Han, Luke and Leia on their space quest. Those exposed to 4-6 at an early age do have a bias. It's probably rare to find someone like me that actually never paid attention to SW until recently and watch 1-6 for basically the first time and get their opinion.


    Anyway I must not justify my opinion further, I will always remain young at heart and never "grow up". I will continue to prefer the action-filled 1-3.

  3. I'm re-watching all 6, just finished 3 last night. I did this about a year ago and I liked 1-3 better than the dull, slow action 4-6.


    I was never a fan growing up but I believe people who loved Star Wars as a child, thinking 4-6 would be the only movies, feel they're superior due to being a kid at the time. I was basically going through all of 1-6 as an adult for the first time and the older movies just felt slow and action-less. Anakin felt much more powerful in the first 3, so was everyone else. Watch Anakin swing a light saber in 4-6, he's like an old man. Sure, it was made in the 70s, maybe that's part of the problem.

  4. The problem is your monitor.....


    It has pixel shift. As for those suggesting LED, it's much more expensive for a 60" LED vs 60" plasma. The game itself needs a built-in pixel shift option or a warning when you install the game.


    What bug. Just play the game on a LCD. It is not their fault you are using the wrong type TV for gaming.


    I have a friend years ago that made that error playing wow. He plasma was totally burned in after 3 months.


    I never said it was a bug.. and games look better on a plasma than LCD.

  5. From all the research I did after paying $90.39 for the game, it seems you must subscribe then cancel in order to even log in. I also had to use my credit card for my friends subscription because it wouldn't accept his Canadian RBC debit card... So when will these issues be sorted out? Why force a player to 'subscribe' if they only wish to try the game? Reminds me of Netflix and many other dishonest companies trying to earn that extra buck, betting on people forgetting to cancel their subscriptions.
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