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Posts posted by obsidiansage

  1. <PvP> is a new guild, we are an imperial guild on prophecy of the five, we are recruiting for a core ranked warzone group, if u think u are a good player and are lvl 50 then add ur toon name in this thread, i will look u up in game and we will try out ur skill, gear will be needed, but is not an issue atm, if u have full recruit it is fine, we will help u with ur gear grind, all that matters is that u are a smart and good player, so dont be afraid, and add ur name. what is there to lose?
  2. <PvP> is a new guild, we are on prophecy of the five, we are recruiting for a core ranked warzone group, if u think u are a good player then add ur toon name in this thread, i will look u up in game and we will try out ur skill, gear will be needed, but is not an issue atm, if u have full recruit it is fine, we will help u with ur gear grind, all that matters is that u are a smart and good player, so dont be afraid, and add ur name. what is there to lose?
  3. <PvP> is a new guild, we are on prophecy of the five, we are recruiting for a core ranked warzone group, if u think u are a good player then add ur toon name in this thread, i will look u up in game and we will try out ur skill, gear will be needed, but is not an issue atm, if u have full recruit it is fine, we will help u with ur gear grind, all that matters is that u are a smart and good player, so dont be afraid, and add ur name. what is there to lose?
  4. I have an issue with your idea that A) of they let u stay under fifty u can twink, u can make a gear gap as large as the one from recruit to WH, B) if they make gear equal or remove gear grins- you would be playing Guild wars- no need to gear, just get the good gear for free. defeting the point of pvp. I do enjoy the gear grind, it gives u a challange and if u dont want a challange then dont play, The point of pvp is to pit ur skills against any player who is better or worst then u, gear is a large part of this, it affects how gaming and spec works, grind also gives u time to understand gear and adjust as needed.
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