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Posts posted by darkofblue

  1. TO the SWTOR Creators and Family,


    I’m so sad

    I have liked this game for years, as I am a founder, played off and on but this is my last time, I was struggling with the facts that I was always overcharged with exchange rate for the monthly subscription, and broken pvp, but lived with it. In my guild we played every day doing PVE waiting for an EXPAC NOT and QUICK STORY.


    I had my hopes high listening to you all talk about what plans you had for this game and where you all were taking it. I was the little kid licking the window looking at all the goodies.


    I loaded in got the cut scene which was great which had me on the edge of my seat! I thought my expac was around telling the story of that little girl. YAY!!!! Bring it!


    BUT THEN…..


    Things went south, I didn’t like the UI feels more like an xbox game style to me now. I don’t mind being an assassin with a sage back up thought that was cool, yet you took my spells away from me, which feels wrong as the two do not blend together? OR did I miss something? OH OMGOSH let NOT talk about the skill tree really which is not easy to use at all.


    You gave us NO romance story with our mates, but flirting with someone new, I leveled so many toons because each one IS special with all the choices I made for them, why I enjoyed this game very much. I just don’t feel it now.


    If you had said due to covid NO one was working on this I would have waited until you all got back, but you gave us …”that”.


    You (BW) feel we should be happy and shut our mouths and not run you all down I understand that. Yet in this story you had me “the commander” and NOBODY, a grunt, the person who is the only one who can kill an emperor, not even fight as the hand! But have a fight with Darth Norok who was superior to me ,then capture Malgus so quick?? I wanted more of the cat and mouse chase. Then help that little girl or find her In a new city. The only the bright side to this bad was Lana as always!


    Yet this is what I was hoping for not what you were selling, I just don't want what you offered.


    So I am unsubscribing and uninstalling, I thank you for your time and energy that you put into this game past, I wish you all the best with what truly has your attention these days.


    So Stay blessed, stay safe and thanks for all the fish

    Love ya 3000


  2. Hi

    Was wondering if anyone else is experiencing any glitches after the patch that wasn’t a patch we still had to download?


    I turned off all graphics to see if it helps, still didn’t help, I still have incredible lag. I can’t load from fleet to stronghold or anywhere I go, without the game telling me it’s “not Responding”.


    I have never had a problem with star wars before and now I have issues. I have no problems with any other games I play so can’t be my computer.


  3. I'd like to think that I can be forgiving for issues with the game (patches, etc.) but this is absolutely ridiculous! I'm paying $15/month to have a game that is so broken I have to literally re-download the ENTIRE game just "because...." no response? Cool they fixed it but seriously, can they get rid of this garbage dump launcher?


    ME too! :confused::( :( :(

  4. Unfortunately FFXIV is a different type of pvp to swtor or WoW. So I can’t see people going from here to there for only the pvp aspect of the game.


    PVP is PVP across the board that will never change; with that said FF you have to make your bars and you can be a boss so yes the style of games yes the style is different.


    I have seen people leave the game because the dislike one aspect of the game.



    I like pvp in this game and want to learn to be better , yet you cant be better against someone who cheats. You then have hit a wall and then quit. I like this game and would like to see more come and play.

  5. Been over 12 months since I saw such a blatant hack as last nights in the mid bracket on Star Forge Orbital Station around 4.30pm AEST. I was playing with my wife on the other team and the guys on her team saw it too.


    I was chasing a Merc on the bottom lvl of Orbital station and he literally ran straight into the wall between the two stair cases that has the shield wall and disappeared. Both myself and my team mate lost lock. I checked the map and it said he was behind the screen. So we ran up the stairs and there he is healing himself.


    It was 100% obvious he used a wall hack to go through the wall and then up to the next lvl behind the screen. But it didn’t help him because he didn’t have time to heal to full and I destroyed him before he had a chance to disappear into the floor, which he died trying to do 😂


    Next round I was expecting the same thing so I told my team to use dots on him as much as possible. Sure enough he tried to sink into the floor to escape and my explosive dart killed him. He was so bad at both playing the class and his hacking attempts.


    It was sad and funny at the same time. If the said hacker is reading this, please give up hacking, you are no good at it and your class skills will only worsen. Hacking won’t help against more skilled opponents than you (which is the majority of players from what I saw ;))


    There is a recording of a similar player doing the same thing in a flash point last week. I would link it except it’s against TOS. But feel free to google it “Player caught hacking in SWTOR” dated 11 Aug 2021 on YouTube.


    What I want to know is what happened to Bioware’s instant death fields if people wall or floor hack. Did they remove them because of all the bugs arenas were having? If so, that might explain why people are starting to see these types of hacks again.


    I was shocked I saw a twitch streamer hack, (wasn't streaming at the time, I wonder why) I could not believe it, I was shocked. I want to lean and grow as a better pvp'er but you will never win or learn against someone who is cheating. FFXIV has pvp if SWTOR doesn't clean up the pvp they will lose like blizzard did.

  6. Please dont ban becasue you are mad



    Some of the hack I have seen are:

    fly hacks

    increased damage

    Increased speed

    dmg Immunity


    Que syncing - win trading or mass killings

    People do this for your name in light?? Why?

    it doesn't mean you are a good player, it means you're a cheater


    oh the reason you see more of the cheating is due to the low Population, the more people leave the more people you see cheating!


    so keep pushing people away from the game do it!

    Then the company will see your hack and ban you!

    keep pushing do it!!!

  7. In ten years of playing I have seen exactly 9 people using exploits. 7 of those are more of a gray area then some type of cheat/hack technically what they did is against TOS. Other then that most issues are just desync. So in all likely hood its not any cheating.


    That Sir is tunneled vision

  8. Many of the things people think are cheats are due to desync issues. Speed boosts and dash abilities cause people to appear as though they are flying across the screen or phasing through floors. It’s been a known issues for years now.


    As for getting one shot, that just doesn’t happen. The closest that you can come is being stunned and globalled, but even that takes around 4-5 hits to achieve, potentially less if the person attacking you has a damage boost item.


    I have never had any issues with desync issues while I pvp, no he was fly which shocked me, I had heard but never seen it. as a tank being one shot, yea it happened

  9. Fix the cheating that takes place in pvp! And MANY in this room have stated their complaints


    Be smart! Learn a lesson from Blizzard,


    I like this game but the cheaters are becoming more blunted with the cheats, to see people fly across the man and one shots are a little redundant.




  10. We’d just be saying the same things we’ve constantly been saying for 10 months.


    Um has it not been longer, then just 10 moths no?

    They don't read NOR care as there are still ppl who are walking through walls and max cheating.

  11. Could the fifth item you are expecting to receive be a reputation token?


    With update 5.9.2 all of the CM reputation tracks were combined into a single Underworld Exchange track. When they did that they also merged the reputation that we had with each of the individual CM rep tracks. As per Eric's post on 17 July, 2018:



    So if you are maxed on the Underworld Exchange rep track then you will not receive a rep token.


    Thanks I understand now /peace out and stay safe!!:D

  12. Hi all,


    For those who didn't see Eric's post concerning the Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event in the Nar Shadaa Nightlife broken thread, our team is currently working on a variety of fixes for this event. We're aiming to apply those fixes with our next patch scheduled on the 28th.


    In addition to that, the Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event has been extended until August 25th (previously August 11th).


    Is there someone in your company who hates working there and breaks your game all the time? Bounties were broken just a thought..

  13. Sad to see Annihilation rated so low by you.... but I still enjoy playing it in SR . ;)


    If you play a sage cry now they will kill you over and over and over again

  14. It is not popping 24/7 on every server. And that’s the problem because that’s how you can see how bad the snow balling is. Go to a server where it doesn’t pop 24/7 and you’ll get a better picture. Because if the game was healthy It wouldn’t only have 5 servers and every server would pop 24/7.

    If we follow your logic that your server pops 24/7, then Bioware should merge every server into one game server and then everyone would pop 24/7.


    Hey how about a server squish?

  15. People don't PVP in general not just in Huttball . A large portion of players in uranked are just clueless or are epen number farmers .


    It's a total joke , and that's why I stopped unranked altogether and moved to solo ranked and que regs only if ranked isn't popping.


    While toxic sometimes, at least in the majority of the cases players are doing their best to win, unlike in regs where you see those sad " I dont give a ****/' players .


    Remember: There is no reason to bother for wins in regs. You get absolutely nothing for it... and that's why people just run around like chicken, while 2, or 3 players on their teams are actually trying and end up quitting because why bother ?

    Then maybe they need to make a ranked for new players to sharpen their teeth on, so they dont play with skilled players and learn how to play. The greatest fun I had in pvp was at lvl 10, going higher just sucks. Also like I said before but back on the spells that you can use in a WZ

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