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Posts posted by RavenMuse

  1. One reason to keep it quiet is to reduce the people looking to decapitate whichever muppet decided to take gear aways from companions...... simplifying the game like that, pandering to the brainless brigade is one of the reasons I stopped playing Wow..... this move goes right down that road. Leaving us to gear them indipendently means much more scope to tailor them to our own playstyle rather than the game handing out bland cookie cutter companions.


    So even just in terms of general play I aready dispise that change, let alone the huge negative impact I expect to see on Crafting

  2. As some of the replys here clearly show, the majority of those who enjoy it should stick to PvP servers where they can grief people to their little hearts content. I didn't complain during the event because it was part of the event. The event is now OVER and so should this mechanism for irritating other players.
  3. You had your event, it is ended, time to clean up your mess and end this irritating plague that seems to appeal to over-sugared 10 year olds trying to keep it going and infect folks. It would be nice to actually use fleet properly again rather than diving on, grabbing what I need and getting off before some childish twonk runs over to whatever terminal or vendor I'm using and explode in a shower of green ****.


    Just announce the vaccine has been vaposised and added to the air recycling and get RID of the bloomin' disease!

  4. Lack of accountability means pugging is always going to have such problems and X-server pugging doubly so. Personally I won't be effected as bring it in or not I won't use it. If I want a group.... I have a guild! The lowlifes that infest the modern day pug system nearly caused me to quit playing MMO's, I stopped pugging, I stopped encountering the problem and started enjoying playing once more.


    Rating system won't do anything as some will abuse it, a clique will target someone they simply don't like.... which provides a cover excuse for anyone who actually does deserve a bad rating.

  5. Currently I have 16 toons. Once of each advanced on each side... two different servers of course. Whilst I certainly am in favour of more slots per server, I doubt I am unique in having a presence on two separate servers already (Legacy unlocked on both.... lvl 11 and lvl 4 currently).


    So there are many who would want to combine the two if slots where raised to 16... WITHOUT loosing all the work that has already gone into one of the two sides.


    So yet again the devs would be in the position of even if they made a lot of folks happy, they know they are going to have a lot of grumbling players too (Because I really doubt they would copy all those toons over as part of adding new slots)

  6. I believe buying it once opens it up for all characters, or what is the point of having it in the legacy system in the first place.


    I hope so, but even if it was the other way around I'd still be doing it. The only reason the neutral one isn't getting much attention at the moment is that there is only one place to access it... so the only people using it are those with toons on both sides of the server, transferring stuff from one to the other.


    when it is so convenient then you will see a change.... on a balanced server, you are doubling your potential customer base.


    Do I expect it to take a few months to settle in, yes but I do expect it will get a lot of users, especially if you buy it with your main and all your alts get it as well.

  7. I don't consider giving credits to a newbie to be helping anyone, all it does is create an atmosphere of 'entitlement' and encourages beggars and is actually doing the entire game a disservice.


    Give them advice, explain, show... things that help them learn and do for themself.


    If someone is having a hard time getting a black talon run because everyone is looking for HM runs, if I'm doing nothing else I might give them a pull through so they don't miss the gear (Or the experience)...


    But it is a favour, nobody is 'entitled' to having that done for them and if people start acting as if they think other player 'owe'/'should' be doing things for them ... it is the surest way to end up on my block list rather than be helped... I don't encourage the 'entitlement bunnies', they get enough of that from other people who 'think' they are being kind rather than realising they are causing a problem.

  8. Having a functional brain is your friend... the entire crafting system could hardly be simpler.


    When every schematic tells you what it needs .... working your way up is easy.... unless you are a duffus and trying to do things the wrong way round, staring at a rock and expecting it to tell you all the things it might be used for *Shakes head*


    Look that what you need, then go find it..... rather than finding something and fretting about what you can use it for!

  9. a minority will buy it. an extreme minority will actually use it


    I wouldn't bet on that.... It might take a while but I'll be aiming for one one every toons ship.... (That's 16 on live, I won't count the toons I currently have on the PTS).... And I'm quite sure I won't be in the minority in 8 months to a years time. The cross-faction aspect combined with the convenience.... and everyone who has this will also have a mailbox on board, even more convenience. I don't think it will have a shortage of clientèle.

  10. Don't base your expectations on the PTS server, live has many more High level toons... PTS has a majority of low level folk and a core (From the guilds than got copied over) high levelers. My first toon out was my gatherer... at first nobody was buying the mats, then they all went within half a day (Multiple full stacks from lvl1 to lvl3 mats (Scav and arch)).


    Now of course once I finished chapter one, I've been bringing a couple of crafter toons up, so my collecting is for use now rather than for sale.


    My guess though is that you'll get more by listing during the first week or two of it going live when people are wanting to test out the new stuff and aren't prepared to put the work in to farm for the mats. After that initial rush I expect it'll drop back about to around current price levels.

  11. Normaly so far I've tended toward being the voice of reason pointing out that the players are over-reacting.... however in this case even I have to wonder what the heck the dev team have been smoking because this is stupidity incarnate and whatever is claimed is done because some people have QQ'ed so much about re-useable medpacks and 'its not fair'


    This compleatly screws over many fights in situations where people are trying to solo/underman/underlevel an encounter.... the opposite of overgearing for it, seeing just how much they can make up for with skillful play.... many such encounters last more than one medpacks worth... with kiting/stunning/slowing the boss/champ/elite.


    You have a 90 second cooldown for a reason! That is ENOUGH. This 'one per fight' is crazy, unwarranted, un-needed and just plain wrong. Hopefully this is one thing that will NOT make it into live.

  12. I'm now on there but spent a while getting a collector upto legacy first so I can augment the mats available as I bring in the crafters.


    Just started my arms this evening, the only thing I've noticed so far is that they don't seem to have fixed the RE'ing of vibroblades (So I doubt they have fixed shotguns either). One of my lvl9 green vibroblades critted for an augment slot though lol.


    No indication so far as to how to get schematics for augments, though the slicers do provide mats at all levels to enable them to be made once schematics are found.


    Edit: and investigation just dropped me a schematic to make a lvl20 orange sniper rifle (Usefull given that toon is a sniper :D)

  13. Understand that most ppl don't wanna buy a whole stack of lvl 3 or 4 crafting material. As a seller you would take a huge hit to profit by doing it this way.


    Utter rubbish! Do you actually craft? Have you used auction houses or the GTN for more than five minutes? People are more likely to pay a little bit more for full stacks, at least the dedicated crafters.... including myself when I'm looking to buy rather than looking to sell... nothing more irritating than some gimp having filled a screen or three with single mat listings when your wanting to buy a stock...... and who wants to open several dozen mails to get what you bought? One-stop-shop... full stack, if you are a crafter and you need it for a sale... you WILL get other sales, so you will use the mats, you hold a stock of anything you use anyhow if you have storage.


    Like the poster said above, when buying I detest the one item listers flooding the AH (Not seen it too much on the GTN but it'll happen) and refuse to buy unless it is WAY undervalued and I decide to stack and re-list.... it 99% of the time always sells. I will by-pass such tripe and go for the full stacks every time, even if the cost is slightly more.

  14. Currently I'm on three servers, 2 live and the PTS and on all three the market is a lot slower than I would have expected.


    My PTS character is currently on balmorra, would list a few things, however there is no GTN there?!?! Am I going to run back through the spaceport, get on my ship, travel to another planet or fleet just to list a few things and maybe see if there is something I might find useful to buy? ... That would be no, I'm going to stay where I am and keep on questing.


    You want a more active market? Then make access to the GTN FAR easier at a minimum have access terminals on each planet. I know with legacy I will be eventual able to have a terminal on ship... but even that, I wouldn't leave planet just to access the terminal, but I do check it out if I'm at a quest hub and there is one there.... Or even just a quick taxi ride and back.


    It won't correct the problem by any means but it is a step in the right direction and at the moment it needs all the help it can get!

  15. Rather short sighted bunch here isn't there? Firstly more people, more tanks and healers = more Ops teams.... DPS are only rarely in short supply.


    I can't see my guild being exceptional in that there are always groups of 50's looking to do HM's, oft needing a tank or healer to form the group, if you only have one tank in the guild then he better have no life offline and be a robot that doesn't need sleep :p


    My main is a tank, however that isn't the only tank I'm leveling.. If my main is on lockout and I'm the only tank player online at the time a second tank in my stable means I can still step in and allow more members of the guild chance to run. I'm leveling more than one healer also partly for the same reason.


    My main maybe committed to a regular run but a second string means I can take less experienced guildies on runs to learn, using the experience gained from my main but without compromising my mains lockouts.


    with only one of anything you have no options and options are a good thing!:cool:

  16. 1.2 might help with that as I hear the crit rate is able to be raised, so more purple mats.


    You might think that means the price will drop, and likely it will but not by as much as you think... currently it simply isn't viable to go for purples in most crafting profs except at max level.... who wants to pay premium prices for gear you will outlevel in a matter of days?


    With more purple mats readily available, both from the crafters own missions and from mission runners on the GGTN, it makes it more viable to try for the purple schematics as you will have more opportunity to use them, therefore don't need to charge quite as much in order to make it viable.


    Result, more supply AND more demand for purple mats. Purple gear available at more realistic prices so possibly more market there too. hopefully more than enough profitability in the purples to compensate for a bit of a loss on the blue mats.


    Just speculation at this point, I'm going to be trying out the PTS to see if that theory pans out.

  17. Skimmed the OP didn't bother to actualy read it properly because it is clear they have NOT gone and tried it out on the PTS so basically it is a bunch of unsubstantiated speculation.... fine if there isn't the ability to find out the FACTS of how it really plays right there.


    I'm downloading the PTS currently so I can make my own mind up based on what IS, not what IF!

  18. It maybe a problem for you, it isn't for me.... unlike you 'apparently', I checked the market before setting my skills.... and picked a viable option.


    BW can't force people to use the market, you have to find out what people are buying and want to buy... make sure there is a market for what you make.... like I said above, I can make speeders but the price I'd need to charge is FAR above what the market would sustain, so unless someone places a special order I won't make one... it wouldn't sell unless I sold at a loss (No point in that).


    Some servers, crafters are managing to make a decent amount... the two servers I play on the market is a lot quieter and I tick over making a small but regular profit. Volume however means I can easily supply myself with mats.... if sales volume and prices of craftable gear raise, THEN it is likely to reach a point where I am buying mats, thereby creating a busier market for gatherers and mission runners.


    If BW have made any error here it is the opposite of what you initially suggested. Gear that can be bought from NPC vendors sets a price benchmark.... Nobody is going to pay a lot more than that for something that isn't much better. Setting the mats requirement too high on some items means it is not cost effective to make them.... the items end up costing more to make than the sell market will sustain.


    IF you have gone for a pure mission runner and your servers market is comparable to my too then you best hope for criticals as purple mats at max level are the only big profit items (Esp Mandalorian iron which is always in demand)... other than that you are hoping for the main crafting market to get busier to increase demand, without that your prices will remain low.

  19. You're level 28 on Alderaan? Waw, I was like level 32+ when I went there.


    I was I think lvl 30 with my sorcerer when I arrived and I stomped all over everything it had to throw at me. Makes me wonder if the OP has done the Tat bonus missions? if not then go do them, get another level or so and return to wonder what on earth you thought was difficult about it :)

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