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Posts posted by Horing

  1. Forgive my tone, but right now I am not very impressed with this game. What you have said cannot penetrate the minds of the Thick Skulled - yes those PvPers who think being in a PvP guild fixes all the bugs in a game, or that having a healer behind you is the be all and end all of PvP. Their gravest fear is having their thick skullls smashed open in a 1-on-1 PvP loss. The HORROR! Frankly, they make out about 95% of the tossers who programmed this piece of crap. That is why change is not inevitable.
  2. ****, Sweeet - you have it spot on: "I had quite a few 1v1's versus these guys, and my Sentinel could not do a thing to beat any of them, even specs I know how to beat and beat all the time in normal WZ's. Is was not a matter of skill, just shear damage. I have over 1300 Expertise and these guys were cutting through me like butter and there was not a thing I could do about it, even with my uber defensive cooldowns. I was being taken down with shear brute force alone". You stupid *********** designers!! :" Is was not a matter of skill". " I was being taken down with shear brute force alone". Which *********** part of this is hard to grasp?! Tank vs DPS: 1. Tank has more defense aka takes less damage. 2. DPS has less defense aka takes more damage. 3. Tank does less overall damage, but more damage gets past defense of DPS. 4. DPS does more overall damage, but less damage gets pass defense of tank! ****, no! There is not stand-off with skill deciding the outcome!! It's a *********** whitewash for DPS!! *** is broken with this game? Nothing! Asolutely *********** nothing!!
  3. Oh, FFS if only we could do that! "lets not dumb the game down to the point where only the stats on your armour matter and we just stand there attacking each other ". *** do you have armor? Not really clear why it is needed? Oh, I forget - to be used by the ****tard tanks in PvE!
  4. I am also quiting. Again. Also quit to give it a chance. Came back. And tonight realized why I quit. I am playing lvl 49 Vanguard kitted to the hilt with modable EQ. So enter PvP. I get 4 shotted by a lvl 42 Sith Assassin. Twice. I went back just to make sure. Sure enough - it comes out of stealth - hits me twice before I get a cryo off. Then pops out and finishes me. Interrupt? What *********** interrupt? What is the point of a game if you invest *********** weeks in building up a char only to have it *********** ***-***** in seconds by another! With no counter?!
  5. sad way to end a storyline what a waste of time.


    Precisely! You anticipate this fight for goddman how long - you build up specific support - aka DOC - equipment choices at end of quests!! FFS!! then u have to use a *********** droid in the final fight!!? :mad::mad::mad: I am sorry - but this **** suspends belief completely! If the arse of programmer who came up with this wanted a droid so badly, he/she should have stayed at home and played with their plastic R2-D2s!!!

  6. In my oppinion - Guardians are pure crap. Their damage is laughable and their ability to crowd control even worse. You want to see just how fail they are - enter a PvP match with one! An eye opener. Every class out-DPS you!! So you want to keep aggro? Good luck!
  7. What is going to kill off SWTOR the quickest is PvP. Simply put, there is no balance. Once people stop playing the story-line and looking for more - the wheels will start coming off when they discover their loving crafted class is a pure zero in PvP! Inquisitors rule, as do Consulars, followed by Commandos with Jedi-like powers of stun and Force Push. Throw in a Gunslinger, and any melee class is dead. 5 shots for a Consular to drop a Sith Marauder. 5 shots for a Commando to do the same. 5 hits from the melee unit has not even made a scratch to the Commando, and even if it did to the Inquisitor/Consular, they simpy **** the melee's hitpoint tank by outhealing them in terms of damage do-able and HP! In fact, it is a joke. And please, do not tell me to wait till lvl 50 before I start to PvP, or if you have played less than 75 matches do not add your 2 cents of worthless crap! Crunch the statistics and see which class dominates the kill list every fight - I bet it is Inquisitor/Commando or Consular/Gunslinger - and the piss-ants are Juggernaut/Guardians. Get hit by Force Lightning half way across the map is only so cute so long, or standing there stunned for half the fight with *********** pebbles raining down on you is that much fun! Fail to rebalance and kiss your experienced players goodbye!!
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