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Posts posted by xTheScarecrow

  1. What i want to know, is recently i have heard that we will only be able to transfer only 1 of our characters.... PLEASE, PLEASE tell me that is not true. As i am one of those players who play multiple characters at a time.


    That would be so stupid, we were forced to play on laggy servers waiting 3-4 for local servers and then only able to transfer 1 character that would be crazy annoying

  2. You get to keep yours if no one else has taken it, if some other pimply faced son of a turd has stolen your legacy name then the transfering account will need to make a new one.


    Edit: Pity the fool who steals anothers legacy name


    That then begs the question if you level a character on the pacific

    servers than get that characters legacy name what will happen then will you kepp the one on that server or the one you are transfering over

  3. Not sure where this is best to put but w/e




    I thought i would go from my level 40 sith warrior and try out the jedi knight within the first 2 levels i was bored out of my mind and really hadnt heard very great things about the republic story so i kinda just gave up and went back to the Empire.


    Then started to have a think of what would be to make ALOT of fans want to play republic would be to bring Revan back and have him on the republic side, Im sure alot of content is going to come up about Revan as time goes on and I have several ideas about where they might go with the character but just thought that would be a solid way to make alot of people atleast give the republic another go, atleast it would make me level a character on republic

  4. Does anyone know or think that BW will be putting out future content in the form of patches that move your characters story once you hit 50, I'm not sure if patch 1.1 introduced this with the rakgoul (sorry bout spelling) stuff or if it just more Operations and Flashpoints but where you alone can go out and do things on your own that progress the story, as I LOVE stories and always progressing, a lot of times during the levelling the class missions really got a KOTOR feel.


    Had great time levelling with warrior and inquisitor and probably going to end up levelling most classes to 50

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