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Posts posted by Twilightfev

  1. As far as I know, The speeder piloting is to do with your Legacy. If you look in your legacy thingy, you can see the piloting and where  (what level) you can train the various speeds etc. So if your gf has no legacy yet, then she wont be able to use those.

    On another note, it wont be long before she is lvl 20 as its sooo easy to level nowdays, and wont be too long before she has a legacy :)


  2. Returning player, and have another question.


    Is it needed these days to have all 4 class buffs unlocked?


    I don't pvp and currently don't do Ops just pve etc till I work out what class I do want to main.


    Used to be imperative that we level alts to get all the 4 buffs, but back then (first 6 months after release), I was progression raiding etc.


    So how important are they these days?



  3. Short list is:

    • Class Story
    • Ilum
    • Makeb
    • CZ-198
    • Oricon
    • Shadow of Revan (full story from Incursion on Korriban/Attach on Tython to completion of Ziost)
    • Knights of the Fallen Empire
    • Knight of the Eternal Throne (sometimes collectively called FE/ET or FEET)
    • Iokath (Battle for Iokath)
    • Umbara (Crisis on Umbara)
    • Copero (A Traitor Among the Chiss, be sure to do Solo mode first)


    Interspersed within that are some flashpoints and operations, but that is the basic story order.


    Ty so much for your answer :)


    So basically we have screwed up, seeing we didn't do Shadow of Revan and the others you listed before that?


    Its ok tho, May be time to roll another character and do it properly.



  4. Forgive me if this topic is posted elsewhere, but I cannot find anything to do with my questions.


    I am on a sub account so have access to all content. But my question is, what's the 'natural' progression of things / story / questing in SWTOR these days?

    Have not boosted a character (and probably wont), and have done the last 2 expansions except the very last bit (wont say as don't want to spoil it for people). Hubby has completed both of the last xpacs so I kinda know what happens lol.


    Have not done Shadow of Revan, and I know I cant now because I have almost completed last xpac etc etc.

    Have we got access to the Yavin quest chain and the Ziost ones, and further more I have had no clue about those 2 places until I read something yesterday :o


    Soo, my real question is, What were we meant /should be doing in a chronological order?


    Sorry this sounds and is confusing


    Cheers for any info

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