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Posts posted by JWillets

  1. Can we please for the love of god stop comparing this game to WoW. How can you compare a Major MMO that broke all sorts of MMO boundries in 2004 to a MMO that has been created in 2012 with a 200 something million dollar budget?


    It gets compared to WoW, Rift, GW2, etc because that's SwToR's competition. By your logic, nobody should ever compare a hamburger from Burger King to a hamburger from McDonald's because McDonald's has been around longer. Length of time in business is irrelevant when it comes down to services rendered because you are competing for that money from other similar companies. But even by your logic we can look at it this way: WoW took less money to make, less people to make it, with inferior technology and yet was able to crank out quality content faster than SWTOR. WoW's competition at the time was Everquest and they made the game with the knowledge in mind that they would be competing with an older, successful, and established franchise...... not sayin, just sayin.

  2. As an automotive technician 99% of your problems can be solved if you look into a manual. This also goes for me because im a network manager for my company. But i have seen how programmers work in our company and they have to rely on trial and error. In short creative processes are different and sometimes time consuming and tedious for the developers. Their is no manual on how to create new FP WZ or Ops. So comparing your job with with the BW programmers job is not valid. Also with my own mmo experience i can tell you this± the amount of content BW has pushed out is the highest so far of any mmo. So your complaints are not valid at all.


    You sir, have not worked on a car besides maybe doing an oil change. Manuals are general and are only used as a guide to supplement existing knowledge. Also, it is not meant to be a direct comparison, its meant to show that there's a common level of expectations for every profession such as being capable of effectively and efficiently doing your job to your customer's/client's/bosses' expectations. Being one of the "im a veteran mmo player" group and as a CUSTOMER, they have not met my expectations at all which has just recently resulted in me unsubbing from the game.... unfortunately :(.


    Any person should be able to give a reasonably tentative timetable for the completion of their work and what they've been working on. The issue lies in that they do not communicate that. They're professional developers who have years of experience in this specific field, not some motley crew of dudes who program calculator games for my TI-84 Plus calculator. It's been apparent for some time that my, as well as everybody elses complaints are valid since over a million people have unsubbed from this game, which means that BW isn't doing something right, (check sub numbers from March/Apr 2012).


    I add my 2 cents because I enjoyed playing this game....then since it's remained stagnant with little response from the devs, i stopped enjoying it. Unless some kind of major change happens, and not F2P because that doesnt change any of my issues with this game, Bioware is going to continue living in the world of make believe where nothing is wrong. Which they will sadly.

  3. to expect the dev team to take time away from their duties to confer with the community team concerning every suggestion proffered and give a response such as the three-tiered one you suggest would be incredibly time-consuming and wasteful from a business perspective.


    Im guessing that the devs have a boss right? That boss wants a timetable created and deadlines met (assuming he's running a tight ship which I would think EA would want) to make sure that he/she is paying employees for a reason.


    Im also assuming that as a creative studio (making new content and ideas), they have weekly or bi-weekly meetings with at least the heads of each department (whom i would hope know whats going on in their department) At said time, they can take 20 minutes to create a newsletter for paying customers. Choosing a few great ideas a week or every 2 weeks to get answered more thoughtfully than the previous Q&A with better selection than the weekly Q&A since the questions asked were generally f'ing stupid questions like "i want a pink speeder!" Hell, they can even pick 10 questions to get polled on by the community and ask the top 3.


    Lets look at this from another profession. As an automotive technician, im expected to complete work in a fast and timely manner, both for the company and the customer. If it takes me an extremely long time to complete the job (the customer is paying a much higher bill since work is hourly, and is effectively wasting money when another shop couldve done it quicker and cheaper. When im doing say, a brake job, and my boss comes out to the bays and says, "Hey, how much longer till you're done? Im paying you you know right?" and if I reply "Soon, i have no new details to share at this time." Im getting fired.


    People need to stop thinking that software development is like some kind of magic that nobody understands, its like people think that the timetables on new content are always going to be a mystery because its only when the purple snicklous of the 8th plane conflumigate their mystic and ancient powers of gordlunsh will content be allowed to release to the public so we should just shut up, roll alts, and continue to feed the higher beings our subscription money so that they are appeased. No, its a group of software professionals who have a job and reasonable expectations put onto them since their pay is coming out of our wallets. it's not unreasonable to ask, hey there fellas, soooooo.....what have you been doing for the past 8 months while you've been billing my paypal account?

  4. Today was supposed to be the day my account got billed for another 30 days, I cancelled my sub so I can save my $15. The community interaction is just atrocious, maybe because they dont want to interact with the angry community but ignoring a problem isnt the way to solve it. Unless you're Eaware apparently. The game performance has just taken a dive lately to the point of being borderline unplayable (30 sec-2 min server wide lag spikes anybody?). The server population just continues to drop, especially with GW2 out. Im bored of all the content seeing as though ive been farming the same crap for months. Them even considering to charge subscription players for planet Makeb is just a flat out insult. They cannot keep a single promise it seems, where is HK-51?!?! Not that i really care about another companion but they were shoving him in our face nonstop then all of a sudden....nothing.




    I hope this game somehow manages to turn around because I did actually have alot of fun for awhile. It's like a half built apartment and im paying rent for it. If they even take 10% of what the community suggests and puts it into action, i might come back but I doubt it since they're so dead set in driving this game into the ground.

  5. I have to agree with the OP. Honestly, i think melee dps have some of the highest dps output by far. Especially mara's and ive seen 2-3 amazing jugg dps, assassins/operatives here and there but nothing incredible, and maybe 1 PT. But thats the trade off though, you cant have your cake and eat it too. They have a much higher chance of taking aoe damage (hence why i think the BH/Camp armorings sometimes have more end than mainstat for them).


    but really it all comes down to how well that person is with their mdps. If the mdps is smart and has the fights down, theyre golden. But like every class and role, some people are just scrubs and are terrible with their toons. rdps is some insurance against that. That being said, I usually tank and I f'ing hate tanking LR5 Droid in LI HM with 1 or 2 mdps. Ive done it more than a few times successfully but it really boils down to them and the healer being on point (especially with helping me interrupt incinerate when moving him around since he roots for a second) which is sometimes not the case.


    Anyways, yeah they prolly shouldnt be spamming mdps in chat unless they're a mara and add that in with it since people can be dumb.

  6. Your webmaster can literally set up individual server forums on Monday in like 15-30 min (a realistic amount of time). Good lord, if this is any indication of how long it takes you folks to make new ingame content, we're screwed lol.
  7. Throw my name in the hat as well. I sent a few bug reports about it and i was asked to do a bunch of whatnots on my pc like change from wireless to wired and all this other happy stuff. Normally Id be willing to go through all the steps and I appreciate the information they took the time to type out for me. But that being said, I know its not on my end, especially with guildies all over the country having the same problem at the same exact time (via ventrilo) and this plus many other threads regarding the issue.


    Cmon guys, gw2 has just been released today for early access people, and officially in a little over 2 days. This kind of stuff just cant be happening right now.

  8. get out of here with that grand acquisition race nonsense lol. Apart from 2 little news stands, you wouldve never know the event was happening unless you visit the website. Had you followed the quests in the Rakghoul event, the story was actually awesome and there was an actual reason why the event happened and it linked to Lost Island and Kaon. 3 world bosses was pretty dope Some of the quest layouts were rough but it wasnt a big deal. The missions were far better imo.


    Id also like to point out that you didnt have to sit on fleet all day. That was your choice to farm commendations, and thats because the event rewards for the rakghoul plague were awesome and everybody wanted something from the vendor. Sitting on fleet was not the event. but it did give me something to do while looking for a fp group or crafting. You were pretty much guranteed a ton of comms by sitting there. Whereas if you actually wanted any of the dumb stuff in GAR, you had to run all over Nar Shaddaa looking for small crates for 1 maybe 2 comms. Of which, there were at least 40-70 ppl doing the same.


    The rewards were atrocious in GAR. A legacy weapon is cool so you can ship color crystals and whatnot between alts but a rank 1 speeder for a generally lvl 50 event was an oversight and i think should be patched. We already had a sand people outfit (which is ugly). And idc about vanity pets. I have a sith inquisitor and a sith warrior.....i didnt get an interesting new weapon.....

  9. I unsubbed then came back but this is prolly my last month unless something amazing happens since the semester starts back up in a week. My top 5 are:


    1) I have nothing to do at lvl 50. i dont have war hero gear so pvp is stupid. Dailys are worthless now that I can get BH gear. Operations are cool but ive done so many, same with flashpoints. i just log in now to do my daily random fp and thats it. My guild quit the game (all 35 of them) so I rarely run operations, i can get into an active guild no problem but I just dont want to log in as much and I dont want raiding commitments).


    2) Atrocious Community Interaction From Developers: Literally every single thing is one of the following "coming soon", "something we're working on", "something we're discussing", and "no new information at this time." Out of all the promises that have been made in the past 8+ months, probably only 10% have been fulfilled. The game feels the same as it did back in Dec/Jan. It's like they never actually finish anything or that they're lying about developing stuff. Seriously, how hard could it possibly be to put HK-51 in or even a Ready Check system? All they would really have to do is be honest and straightforward with us, but everything is so secret for no good reason.


    3) Bugs bugs bugs bugs: The server lags beyond belief for everyone, HK-47 in Foundry HM is still f'ing bugged since before 1.2. Most boss fights randomly bug out. Patches bring more bugs than fixes. Almost everything they put out is subpar quality with light testing at best, when they finally get around to releasing it.


    4) Decreased Momentum: When the game launched new flashpoints were being released, new operation, awesome world event, etc. Then they did 2 rounds of lay offs, hemmoraged a million subscriptions in 4 months (theres figure out there, Google March/April subscription numbers compared to last months), shut down almost 20 servers, went F2P, and the new content world event grand race whatever was just garbage. No new meaningful content has came since 1.2 and now they're considering charging everyone for Planet Makeb (google it, there's 2 interviews supporting this from this week saying they've decided to change their minds on free for subscription people and consider charging us for it). I don't pay $15 a month to play Skyrim, why should I pay it here?


    5) Poor customer service: I dont just mean the customer service agents because most of them on the phone seem to be really nice, but not always helpful. I mean on Bioware and EA's part as a whole. I feel like they just see $$$ signs when thinking of customers. And shut the hell up before anyone spits out "oh but its a business." yeah im not stupid and i know this is meant to make money but I shouldn't feel like it is. I should feel like im getting value for my money and having a great time playing a game. Community events in the game and on the forums should be encouraged, hosted by Bioware. Valve is an awesome example of great community involvement. Anyone whos worked in retail as management knows that typically the product sells itself and theres a million places that they can go to get it, why should they choose you over other competitors? Bioware just doesnt seem to get that they're competing, it feels like "how can we squeeze as much money as possible before they quit?" I don't feel like they actually care about our problems as players, if they did we wouldn't be where we are now and i wouldn't see CS responses like "i can appreciate that this can be frustrating but its something we're working on and we don't have any new information." There should be a constant f'ing stream of new info coming in if you're working on it. if there is no new information then it means that you're not working on it.


    I stick around because sometimes I have fun but as far as $15 a month goes, I can get 3 shots of tequila at a bar for $15 and have more fun that night than i do all month on swtor as it stands right now.

  10. it really all depends on what they mean by "meaty." I don't see how they can justify charging subscribers for content that should have come out a month ago. There really hasn't been all that much put out (1 new wz novare coast , 2 new fp's Kaon and LI, 1.5 ops *last 2 bosses in kp and all of ec, and 1 world boss), everything else they put out are just things that should've been in the game at launch. Im not paying for a subscription for buggy content that ill just have to pay for like F2P people. I hope to see a CS response to this kinda fast.


    Also ms. Berryman has been on the forums since this thing went up so I can see that they're definitely dodging this one for the time being. It should be noted that since I saw this thread and wrote this response, 6 pages have filled up.

  11. Ugh, im just getting more and more depressed about this. I can't be the only person that feels like EA pulled the plug and now we're just getting some afterbirth to suck more money out of us until they totally can it. There's literally no possible way for them to justify selling the planet since there's just nothing to do when you hit 50. Like leveling for the first time is awesome and probably why the game didn't tank immediately like AoC or Warhammer. But once you hit 50, the game just ends. You go from fighting sith lords that've wronged you, doing epic bounties, turning the tide of battle on a planet.....to sitting on fleet typing LFG for a few hours.


    If this crappy world event is this "constant game updates" that they're toting about, we're screwed. Boring, poorly planned, poorly executed, bugged, rushed, etc. There's been hardly any content releases since launch (if you wanna defend this, take a hard look at WoW over the past 8 months, it may not be fair to compare but thats SWTOR's competition either way and constant content releases are something that we've become spoiled with and have come to flat out expect) and yet when they do FINALLY put something new out, its just so...Beta quality that you wonder why?


    I'lll even add this disclaimer: I don't wanna play WoW again. I really dont wanna dump all this time and effort put into gearing and leveling alts but its coming to the point where im considering cutting my losses. I want this game to be awesome, but Bioware and EA have to want this game to be awesome too and im just not getting that feedback from them. Actually, the only feedback we are getting is constant empty promises with "soon", "being tested", "something we're looking at." After eating 8 months of it, it just doesn't work for me anymore. They were getting us all hyped up over a goddamn companion....then just stopped talking about it. Where is he? Where's this new warzone you showed a few months ago? New operation? New flashpoints? Remove the voiceovers, i spacebar through them anyways and start dumping out quality content every 2 months with events like the Rakghoul (NOT THE GRAND RACE OF CRAP) in between to hold us over. If that's something you can't accomplish, rehire all those people that you laid off through those 2 waves of lay-offs.


    this guy literally hit the nail on the head as well.....but literally a year ago before the game launched and was still in beta.


    -cant keep up with content patches

    -a "cant do wrong" attitude about fixing bugs

    -putting too much effort in voice overs that people just wanna skip through

    -not enough customization

    -not following any star wars lore (which leads us to have crappy political stuff and uninteresting lore)

    -hasty poorly tested content (any pve players can whip out 50 examples on the fly)

  13. My entire guild, no joke, has literally quit the game because of this. EC HM was the only thing that was keeping them in the game but it just became unplayable since server merges. I think the worst lag spike i've ever encountered was literally like a full 20 seconds on Toth/Zorn. It was on a jump and I was just slamming my taunt to no avail until the other tank went from 90% health to 0% in a split second when it smoothed out.


    If there's an exploit in the favor of the players, that thing gets patched like immediately. Bugs that break the game....meh.

  14. I like this thread alot and I pray that they listen to it because it's not the big things that make people quit, it's the accumulation of many small ones. So here's my wishlist:



    -Shared Legacy Map

    I don't understand how I can teach my bounty hunter how to force choke but I can't share notes?


    -Shared Legacy Codex

    Help with immersion and I enjoy reading new entries


    -Legacy of Crafting perk should also affect gathering mssions


    -Across the board reduced Legacy Perk Costs

    By like...alot. There are so many credit sinks in this game for no reason while most players struggle to get money.


    -BoP Crew Skill crafted stuff should be Bind to Legacy.

    I should be able to ship the Tionese Implants I made to my alt




    -Remove or GREATLY reduce the cost of removing mods from armor

    The Rakata War Leader's chestpiece has an enhancement with surge rating in it. So it's clear that customizing gear is a necessity. Why and I punished so? It costs me roughly 100k per piece, its just too much. A solution is to perhaps make it really cheap or free at item mod tables.


    -Flagged for PVP? It's so unclear at times. Let me explain. So I attack a Jedi with his flag up (which obviously puts my flag up) and he dies. Then, while still flagged, I click Toggle PVP Flag and it toggles me ON for PVP?


    -Cargo Hold Access/Guild Bank Access on the Ziost Shadow Mission Deck

    There's one on the Nova, There's on on the bridge deck of the ziost, but not on the most commonly used part of the ship? It'd be great so that guilds can grab some stims from the guild bank.


    -Custom Frakin Map Markers

    They would be insanely useful for meeting places for WB's, marking datacrons, etc.


    -Speeder doesn't connect in Dromund Kaas

    It is just so annoying and for no good reason. Make them all connect.


    -I can't be on my Speeder in Dorn Base (imperial Side) on Hoth

    Remove the speeder restriction


    -Some kind of stand out feature for your DOT's

    I can't play my sorc as madness spec in PVE because I can't keep track of all my DOTs


    Lofty But the Most Important Ideas


    -A player feedback system

    Xbox live has it, so should we. We can rate players (not by skill) but by friendliness, etc. It'd be great to know if the pug group I hopped in is full of trolls and ninja looters. Or especially if I need a dps and he's a loser. It'd encourage positive behavior because that one guy that you just ninja looted a crate from can put negative feedback.


    -Companion Tanks Suck

    My Khem Val holds aggro like a wet paper bag, can we get a threat increase on them please?


    -Total Color Customization

    I don't know why this hasn't been implimented yet but I should be able to completely control what colors I wear. It could even be used as Guild jerseys or something


    -Slow bug Patches

    How come exploits are fixed so fast but bugs sometimes go weeks or months without a fix?


    -HK-47 Foundry HM Boss fight is still bugged

    it's been like this since before 1.2. Cmon now, just fix it already.


    -Overhaul of crew skills

    You had Biochem working amazing. i was able to greatly benefit from it and make money. Same with Slicing. Then the nerfs a came rolling in. Instead of nerfing my crew skill, why not improve the other ones? The complete murder of it came in 1.3 when BoE Columi implants started dropping in Flashpoints. That destroyed the market altogether. Make them BoP and ours BoE. I literally only use my synthweaver to make augment kits.


    -Better developer interaction

    Yeah yeah yeah, you'll see changes "soon" in interactions. Remove the word "soon" from your vocabulary. It reminds me of when I was younger and my mom would walk into my room and ask, "when are you cleaning your room?" and i'd mockingly say, "Soon." Give us timetables, details. You saying something is coming "soon" which is usually months, is like giving the community a huge middle finger, whether intentional or not. Another person pointed it out and they hit the nail on the head. You guys keep things under such tight wraps (which is very bad) that when something major pops up, nobody has a clue that its coming until like 2 days before. 1.2 and 1.3 were like ninja patches. I think you announced 1.2 like 3-4 days before putting it up.


    -Instance wide lag

    This has literally broken the game for my guild. Since 1.3 there will be occasional huge lag spikes instance wide. Different ISP's, machines, areas of origin, etc. It's on your end, not ours. We couldn't complete EC HM because of a 20 second lag shutdown of denova. If you're going to "balance" the fights by making extremely short enrage timers as usual, the lag has to come from our end, not yours.


    -Short Enrage Timers = MOAR TUNED AND BALANCE...??

    nearly all of the fights in the game are balanced by enrage timers. We get defeated more by bugs and enrage timers than we do mechanics. Most of the fights are so similar that I dont remember them. Lost Island (despite being made for rdps only) is a great example of what you should be doing.


    -I can't switch Ops Instances

    I can switch Fleet instances or Black hole instances if im getting too much lag, but I can't in Denova when there's over 100 people in my instance on a Wednesday Night. Literally over 100 people,


    -Lazy art department

    Im sorry to be so blunt but its true. I remember reading a Weekly Q&A response awhile back about the process the art department goes through to make gear and I couldn't stop laughing. I've have been searching for months to find a chestpiece for my jugg tank that I like, but I really only have 4-5 options because they're all the same but with different colors. Look at Tionese/Columi/Rakata, Black Hole/Campaign/New HM Terror from Beyond, Centurian/Champion/Battlemaster gear. They're the same but with different colors. It's been universally accepted that 90% of the gear in the game is kinda ugly and there was a dev response, just after 1.2, saying that they are taking it in a new direction to please the community since everyone was astounded as to the horror of the War Hero and Campaign gear. So now, this new direction is.....put a new shade on them and repackage them!

    The new tier of gear in HM Terror From Beyond is higher-level than Campaign. It shares the appearance, but it uses a new color palette.


    My solution is to get a new art department or encourage some serious changes because its a huge problem. Another is to encourage community involvement. Have people post up gear ideas and then make them in game. this would increase community interaction. offer rewards, give them props in the gear description, etc.


    -No special weapon names for campaign weapons

    there was a lack of effort there...


    -I can't join a group while in Group Finder

    I'm not sure how this works, and I understand why it works but as someone who has a dps toon, it can take hours to get into a Random HM. So during that time, I like to do dailys or whatever. Some of which require a group.


    Major Sugeestion


    Add some spice to things. From what I see, Terror from Beyond is really an amazing step in the right direction. The Force is mysterious and holds many secrets so there's really no limit to what you can do. Enough blasters and political crap. get wild with your ideas if need be. this extends to weapons, gear, missions, etc. Bring back the "OMG this is epic" feeling. Have some people read into Star Wars lore, there's some really awesome stuff that you guys should be capitalizing on and you're not.


    -Be very very very careful with the F2P Cartel Store

    I know i'm not in the minority when I say this, but if I ever see "For $50 of Cartel Coins, you can buy an entire suit of Campaign gear!!!!" I'll quit the game that same day. Learn from other MMO's mistakes.




    Lastly, I really hope you guys finally start listening to the community. Give us what we want and not what you think we want, for we are Legion.

  15. Hi folks,


    I wanted to take a bit of time to explain the reasoning behind the weapon selection on the vendor. As you know, each SWTOR event that we do is unique and this also applies to the variety of items offered. That is, if you don’t find anything that you think is useful during this event, you may find a different assortment of items in the next one. Your feedback is definitely appreciated and we’ll look into different ways to improve our item selection in the future.


    Thanks for participating!


    So you're saying the trash we see is what we get.....cool. A week before the Guild Wars 2 release was/is not the best time to screw over the melee and blaster pistol people.



    She actually wants us to believe they test stuff! LOLOLOLOLOLOL!


    What a hoot!


    At one point, I really did believe that they tested stuff. I did lol. But then that patch came out where the probe droids were supposed to spawn more consistently, but instead they stopped spawning altogether. All it would've taken was 1 person to try out the "fix" and they would've realized that they broke it. It wasn't like they tried fixing the minefield in EC and now there's an issue in Hammer Station or something. It's essentially bringing your car to the mechanic because it's having a hard time starting. He "fixes" it, and now it doesn't start at all.


    So now everytime I see them say that they're "testing" something, I imagine some heavily overweight guy sitting in an office touching himself inappropriately to cat pictures on Reddit. 8 hours later, he clocks out and reports to his boss (an orangatang in an office throwing bananas) that he tested the latest patch or whatever.

  17. How about this one:

    Full 8 in ops, all have their GF set for "daily reward available" for Story Mode Ops. As leader, I queue the group, and we travel to KP. Partway through, one of our members needs to drop due to an issue IRL, so I use the GF to find a replacement. Almost instantly, a replacement joins our group... AND a window pops up offering to match us with a DIFFERENT replacement person as if we were queued as 7 from the start. We all close the window and finish the op with the guy who automatically popped into our group. No BH comms. File a ticket, a couple days later they say they "cannot verify that we were eligible". Result, over an hour wasted for 7 of us who don't need the SM gear, just the BH comms.



    4 of us queue for LI HM, one has to drop when we are on 2nd boss... I ask GF for replacement. In order to get 4th, it asks us to "travel to our destination". We do, the 4th guy is added to group... and we are in a -totally reset- LI HM instance. Couldn't get past the first boss since the new guy doesn't listen and we are too frustrated to bang our heads against it AGAIN. Result, almost 2 hours (and lots of repair money) wasted.


    That bug is working as intended. However, you should send us more bug reports so that we can direct them into the spam folder of our email. There's a fix in the works and after it's "tested" we will hold onto it for a few weeks while telling you that it'll be out "soon." At the time of the patch (2013), we will break something else. Thank you all for your patience. Keep an eye on the SWTOR Twitter, Facebook, DevTracker, and Patch Notes so that you are aware that we haven't fixed anything but new content and patches will be coming "soon." Have we told you about the new Legacy stuff yet?!?!?!?!


    So, let's hope BW fix this before all the guildies leave.


    Too late for me, the guild of over active 60 people when I joined has literally dissolved last night when the 5 remaining subscribed guild members joined a new guild.

  18. So far im gonna have to give it a whopping 2 thumbs down. i didnt enjoy riding all over nar shaddaa to get a chance at getting 1 of 6 pieces. Took me 27 crates to get 6 pieces man. The quests that funnel an entire server into 1 spot to use 1 thing was kinda poorly executed. The vendor is really lacking. I can already buy sand people social gear. I cant use any of those weapons unless i use a blaster rifle or a sniper riifle. what of assassins, sorcs, warriors, bounty hunters, etc? I know theres more planned since those last 3 quests are locked but you guys gotta step it up hard. Especially since the rakghoul event was so awesome by comparison. 3 world bosses to kill, awesome stuff to buy (companion customizations, black green crystals, pet, armor, etc), Emergency alerts.
  19. As of right now, most of the Black Hole is full of players zerg rushing to get crates for stage 2 of the Asset Liquidation mission. This has created a lot of frustration and plenty of hostility between players. Are there any plans to increase the amount of crates in the area, speed up respawn timers, or maybe even lessen the amount needed for the quest?
  20. I am curious to know if you guys are planning to give more control of companions, perhaps similar to how Bioware gave control over companions in Dragon Age Origins, to us in the future. There've been a few times where Quinn healed himself when he's at 90% health and I'm at 10%. Their AI just seems odd sometimes.
  21. But without that extra 3 DPS, he's gonna be gimped and holding his OPS group back.


    Im almost certain that this post was meant as a lol but im sure alot of raid folks have been killed by an enrage when the boss was below 1%. I know I have a few times.


    I agree with the op to an extent. I've dumped prollly around or over 3 million credits adjusting my mods and augments. It's paid off quite nicely since my tank absorbs most hits but its a huge credit sink. 40,000 credits to remove a rakata level mod is insane.

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