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Posts posted by citydeer

  1. All of the other changes to gear and commendations (currently listed in the PTS 1.2 Patch Notes) will still be going into the game. The only change we're making at this time is that players won't be able to queue for Ranked Warzones.


    You will, however, be able to trade Warzone Commendations for Ranked Warzone Commendations in order to purchase War Hero gear.


    This is so messed up! Who would ever get BM gears as there is valor requirement for WH gears?!

  2. Anyone know if they are planning on Chinese servers? *sigh*


    I live in China and now I play on US west, most time I will get 250 and 180 at best times. Just tried the new "ASIA" servers, ping never got lower than 350.


    Hoped there would be servers in HK or Singapore but now it looks more like a joke. They should rename the server names to oceanic to avoid the confusion.

  3. I live in China where is really close to Hong Kong. I have to use a VPN to log in the game at the moment since there is a IP issue with the launcher and I registered the game with my old address in the US.


    Being able to play on a Hong Kong server would mostly improve my latency but I really don't want to re-build the characters again. So Bioware please take in account of all the players who live the same region but outside of HK, Sig or AUS/NZ. I don't think it will create big inter-server migrations but it would really help players like us a lot.

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