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Posts posted by _-Phantasm-_

  1. Ok, since release, I've come to this forum, maybe 3 times. However, Bioware, this "new gearing system" is absolutely disgraceful. I have never in my 20+ years of gaming, been so utterly ripped off as I have by SWTOR in the last year. You should be ashamed of yourselves for doing this to what few subscribers you have left. Either reimburse me for the gear/equipment I just finished working for/tone down this little grind scam you've conjured - or I PROMISE you, you won't get another penny from me.


    With Love,

    Your Paying Customer

  2. You get 25% exp boost consumables, 10% from being in a guild and 2x from rest.... You really think you need an more ways to level faster? Maybe they should just sell a button that automatically levels you from 1 to 55 I bet you they could make tons of money selling that. And based on you statement it would make players more engaged... You realize how quickly the game would die if that were to happen?


    No, actually, I'm referring to something that's already in the game. And I'm not sure it would die as quickly as you think. There's been an influx of players returning to the game since the early-purchase option of the new expansion (and largely in part due to the 12x XP). So while I'm seeing you're passionate about your opinion, the numbers speak differently :)


    I'll leave it there, as I don't really want to argue. Good gaming to ya!

  3. Actually it will have the opposite effect. Someone who get's a free character doesn't appreciate the time spent leveling it and will actually lose interest quite quickly.


    Can we actually call it a -free- char, when the player will spend 4x as many resources getting gear and meeting char/level needs though?


    Think about it, we already have the Cartel Market, which -greatly- enhances many aspects of the game. Those with "money to spend", already have a leg up, and that's the way Swtor meant it to be at this point, they're making good money off the Cartel Market.


    No one's "forcing" anyone to buy xp increase potions. The ones who want it, purchase them. Those who don't, they don't have to.


    There's a LOT more to this game than "leveling", and I think a surprising number of players would prefer to get to that endgame content quicker. I know I do, as do most of the folks I game with. Endgame content and gear itself, is a never ending challenge already lol. Now with strongholds and guild ships, leveling should be less of a drag. I've been playing this game since release. It's the 12x XP that I have enjoyed enough to come back to the game and stay.


    I would also like to add, that upon having returned, I've noticed a -drastic- decrease in quests, missions, and pvp match xp rewards. Seems only fair to give back a little, yeah?

  4. I think this is a perfect opportunity for SWTOR to generate extra funds, while giving players the option to continue enjoying the ability to get through what is likely the most "unpleasant" aspect of the game.


    I propose that a purchasable item be added to the Cartel Market for "x" amount of Cartel Coins, that would enable a one time use per char when purchased, to enable that char to have the 12xp for class missions.


    I doubt I speak for everyone, but being able to spend less time on the monotonous aspect of leveling, gives me the chance to try other classes, get into higher ranking pvp, OPs, and FPs quicker, and therefore enjoy the aspects of the game I think most of us enjoy the most.


    Something like this, would definitely keep me engaged for much longer, as I tend to get bored with the same chars, and the task of leveling one the old fashioned way, will become quite daunting :)


    Also, it would keep with the spirit of attempting to "level the playing field" in Patch 3, as new/returning players would have a chance to catch up.


    Just my $0.02



  5. Same.


    Was in a pvp match this morning at about 2-3am EST, game/graphics locked up, and I haven't been able to game since. Log in is fine, play option is fine, then stuck at the game screen with the spinning icon at bottom right. I've missed a very important guild meeting, and several other appointments already today. So um, :rak_02:

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