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Posts posted by SSGTYREE

  1. The <Magnificent Bastards> are recruiting decent PVP focused players. Our base and daily play is centered around PVP. We want to be a top PVP guild on the Pub side, and typically when we que we win. We are dedicated Republic players and look to make the PUB side PVP relevant again. We are looking for players that know their class and play objective when necessary in warzones. Gear is never an issue, if you need it we will run you through and get it. If you need help with your class or pushing your skills to the next level we have the knowledge to get you where you need to be.


    We are veteran players both mature and helpful have VOIP to build rapport and relationships inside the guild. Contact me in game or anyone in the <Magnificent Bastards> on the Republic side for group content, pvp help, or an invite to the guild.

  2. The Bastards are still looking for good men and woman to fill our ranks and make a difference on the PUB side in REG PVP, wea re REG STARS and embelish the title, although we want to dabble in the ranked scene. Our main focus is PVP and destroying the IMP side in REG PVP. We will run ranked matches as soon as we develop chemistry and strategies. We are not leet by any means and will help any new PVP to the game. All of our officers are dedicated veterans and have been around since beta. Don't Que solo, come Que with us, we will ensure no disappointment. Coms will be given in ludicrous amounts and often. We are always in voice chat and love to be social and get to know who we are playing with. If you are looking for friends we are the ones to seek.


    You can message anyone of my characters to discuss recruitment and or someone to group with in PVP. If you want an invite hit me up or anyone else that is on at any given time and we can accommodate a spot for you.

  3. SWTOR Rebulic Players!


    We are a brand new guild and looking to recruit active players to grow our guild. Our initial objective and focus was to infuse the PVP community on the Republic side with quality veteran players and contribute to the brutal beat down of the IMP side players be it regs or ranked. With the onset of his new Dark-Light event, it has given the Pubs an opportunity to compete with the IMPS and take over that monopoly they have in PVP on this server. We have no aspirations of being the best on this server, just able to compete and make pubs relevant again. We can't do it without you quality players :)


    This event has infused this game with purpose and has implored us to get back into the PVE content as well. for this reason, we will also be PVE focused. We are realistic and understand we are small and will have to start small. We will start with HM FPS and small group level content as well as event stuff. We will grow our base and move into closing operations and completing objectives. What ever your focus is we can accommodate and are motivated to help in every way possible.


    We are veteran players both mature and helpful. We have VOIP to build rapport and relationships inside the guild. Contact Che Rondo in game on the Republic side for group content, pvp help, or just to chat. if you want to join and help us build something new and relevant ask to join the guild. If you have questions please PM me in game.


    - Che Rondo/Daster- Designated BIC- Bastard In Charge

  4. All,


    Please note that BSR is still queuing for Ranked PVP on Saturday nights around 8 Pacific. I also wanted to add that we will be queuing on Sunday around 7 Pacific as well. This will be consistent week by week for all the guilds that would like to come out and compete in Ranked PVP. As always look forward to seeing everyone and good luck!

  5. They could always come back....no one told them to leave boss. They felt the competition was null and void at this point apparently. I wish them all the luck and fun on the other servers, and hope they get what they are looking for, good competition and fun. There a some of us that didn't leave the server and still like to pvp, so for those individuals this will still apply. :)


    Thanks again

  6. All,


    I appreciate the interest, and wanted to let everyone know that depending on out turnout Saturday BSR will most likely move their PVP days to either Sunday exclusively or both Saturday and Sunday. Either way we will be there on Saturday to meet any team and have some competitive ranked matches. I look forward to matching up against all you lovely BC players!


    Stay Classy BC!

  7. All,


    BSR will start queuing for ranked in the next couple of weeks. We are looking to coordinate some Ranked PVP matches with other guilds on the server. We are looking to get some experience and learn to work better as a team. We are also looking for a little competition as well. With that being said, if you are a guild on the server that would want to queue up with us to have some casual, fun, competitive ranked PVP please let me know. Reply to the thread with you guild, point of contact (in game), and your respective nights that you would be able to queue. You can also contact me in game, my character is "Daster" and am on throughout the week in the evening on pacific time.


    I appreciate all the responses and look forward to getting some ranked PVP going with other guilds!

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