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Posts posted by FlyingUsPoo

  1. Just finished DK Warrior Story. Combat is sluggish as heck. Not sure if I can explain this right, but i'll give it a go anyway:


    Took 22 hits to take out 1 elite at the last mission on DK for the warrior story. In that time my health didn't drop much. It's like damage has been reduced, but NPC damage has been reduced even more so there's a lot of extra time just spent sitting there clicking/pressing attack buttons, with no real need to do anything else to mitigate any thing. I'm in lvl 14 gear, M:118, E:106, P:80, C:42 and it was just meh. Honestly, I could have done the entire fight using nothing but Assault and never been in any more danger of failure than I was using all 8 attacks available at level 16.


    I'm not asking for nim mode stories, or being able to 1 shot mobs, but if there's nothing to do but just stand there and swing a club, this is gonna get boring fast.

  2. The title "Corsair, the Unruly". I have it on 1 toon. I went to unlock it legacy wide, and it failed to unlock. I submitted a bug report when it first happened. The response was essentially "I can't help, its a bug. I'll push it up the chain". Fast forward a couple of years (or so) and I resubmitted it to get the following:

    "Sorry to see it is still broken and a fix was not applied yet. I've reported it in your behalf again but would like you to report it as well through the forum so more players can report the same experience and therefor increase the priority of the bugfix."


    So here we are. Anyone else having this much fun?

  3. 01.29.12

    Running a guardian with a mixed tree, and getting my rear handed to me because I didn't keep a certain astromech geared for the end of chapter 3. Took a few more days just to get that dang thing geared up.

  4. DX9 support will be dropped very soon. Maybe its time do redo some things?

    Direct X doesn't have an end of life cycle like some of Microsoft's other products. The API is fully backwards compatible. You can still make calls to DirectX 5 functions from any version of released after it. Its one of the main reasons it caught on so quickly among programmers.

  5. They should include recoding to ensure it's compatible to run on D-Wave's X-2 Quantum Computer too.


    It should be noted that DirectX 11(the version that's been reigning king for the last six years) was announced in July of 08 then released to developers at the end of that year -2 years before the beta. Bioware gave it a pass and it was still in a development phase when changes like that wouldn't have been a budgeting cluster-fu*k.


    Good Luck with your campaign!

  6. The 2 capital strongholds and NS were free to unlock and all i had to do was click the doors to unlock the rooms post transfer. Didn't cost anything at all for those 3...That's where the fun ended.


    Tat & Yavin I had to buy everything all over again.


    As for redecorating, I just put up mailbox, gtn and storage right at the NS spawn point. The rest is either a class sign and/or one of the bazillion chairs. I got all the nifty achievements already, so and its not like personal strongholds are a hub of activity.

  7. Honestly if they would do crafting like SWG where the things crafters made are better than Cartel Stuff more people would prefer to buy them from crafters than from the cartel market.


    I know for a fact most of my guild would as they were used to doing that before and if the armor that a crafter could make would actually be able to be able to be made in more colors and stuff added to make them better that would even be great.

    Maybe if they "did" crafting like SWG it would work out. Since they don't... not so much. You'd be fighting thru the mire of the gold seller representatives spamming the GTN with wares that are 1 credit less, yet still 20m for a lvl 1 purple item.

    What they are doing now is just banana's, what you are suggesting is a bat-sh*t crazy banana split in today's game.


    Guild members helping players for mats works out just fine on currently craft items. BW screwing with what is currently craft-able (the original topic), someone over there needs to get a plan and stick to. Right now, it seems like they have a grab bag labeled "items to screw with" that they reach into every few months, for no particular reason.

  8. I will have to edit the OP to make it more obvious, but since i live in CANADA, Amazon.COM will have nothing to do with me. It won't even let me purchase digital goods (and trust me, I literally just tried).


    Amazon.CA has only physical 60 day cards.

    Add an shipping address that's in the US to your list and/or use smile.amazon.com charity url.

  9. Update. It appears to go sideways like this when someone in the raid exits to their stronghold rather than using the exit button. Just an FYI to the masses.
  10. We were able to do a 16 man hard mode just fine.

    We exited, and reset to 16 man story mode, when we went back in, and Xeno was just standing there doing Gleeful Analysis for 600 seconds. No panel to start the op, nothing. We exit and no one could reset the phase, changing lead did nothing, breaking and reforming, changing modes, logging, nothing helped. All those efforts resulted in Xeno just hanging out doing Gleeful Analysis for 600 seconds and 16 people unable to complete the standard mode version.

  11. My gaming cs final was a black box shooting red squares at a green box. I passed. I have also worked game engine design professionally for some big named projects. Where the line of demarcation begins is the budget. Big name places have staffing that keeps out in front of a lot of the crap that goes on. When they start re-releasing bugs... Well, someone isn't keep out in front of it. They aren't even keeping to the side of it.


    Every episode has released with glaring bugs. Zero progression, unplayable/incomplete, not Fire and brimstone/server crash/data wipe (although there have been a few server crashes on release). Be it the Revan fight or the meat stick when ToS dropped, the re-released class completion bit, not being able to finish Ashara's conversation line, Lore entries now being unable to be completed, wiggy gtn search that would reappear, blah blah blah blah blah....


    In short. QA isn't doing QA, or the management figures incomplete/unplayable = release (which is probably closer to the mark).


    There may be that one programmer in the back office at BW railing against management that the system is borked and they are working hard to fix it. Tuning algorithms to Log(o) notations, and making everything hum. Given time, this person would have this game so streamlined, it would run on a Nokia 500 cell phone. However, this person is so OCD, they can't even say OCD because the letters are not in the right order. Management won't ever give them the time or resources. Its business. BW decided years ago to keep a minimal contact policy with the forum users. They also decided that the subscriber "free preview" was paid beta-testing... To think they are going to change now...

  12. The days of long long ago, when you l**arned how to p**y ops via Hard Mode Flash Points... There's not a single Ops boss fight that isn't done ad nauseum in flash points. Using that progression, even the causal player had no need for SM Ops buffs, they were all appropriately geared out. Seem to recall you not even being able to get in unless you met the minimum gear rating.


    No, we didn't have to walk up hill in the snow to get to school. We didn't have hills, snow or school. Kids today just don't know how good they have it.

  13. Grind? In this game? Grinding is when all you can do and I do mean ALL you can do, is park yourself at a location for hours on end, killing mobs. Nothing else, no questing, no OPs, nothing but killing mobs.


    This game all but eliminates that (you can do it if you wish, sure) between world quests, class questions, FPs, PvP etc. etc.


    Closest thing to "grinding" here is obtaining supply boxes for your Alliance. At least it has been for me even at release, I never had to "grind" anything. Now, it's incredibly easy to level. Sneeze and you've leveled.


    For your consumption

  14. 1.0 lvling: Grind till you almost die, then go upgrade your gear with that planets comms. Give your old gear to your comps.

    2.0-3.0 lvling: Grind till you almost die, go to fleet and upgrade your gear at the vendor with the gear closest to your level. Give your old gear to your comp.

    4.0 lvling: Grind till you are max lvl.


    This game was never hard.

    You were always able to solo heroics, most people just ignored them because they were boring and there was no profit to be had after you left the planet.

    Fun fact: Pre 4.0, at ~12 lvls over the mob, you were pretty much invulnerable.

    Pick any instanced area in Pre 4.0, if you were +12 lvls above that area, you could set your comp to standby, run thru the entire instance and aggro the mobs. At that point, you would just LOS them and stand in a corner using AOE. It was a race to see if the graphics engine would overload before you could kill off the population.

  15. With the STAGED Weekly being removed, "Makeb’s Mysterious Survival" lore entry is no longer being granted. This means if you don't already have it, you won't ever get it thru normal channels. In short, Loremaster is no longer obtainable.


    In-game support says: "I have taken a look into the issues with your codex here, I regret I have no ability to add a codex as these are added by the server directly. I will however communicate this to studio who can look into why the codex has not dropped."


    Please either remove this lore entry as a requirement for Loremaster or add the pop to the weekly quest completion.


  16. Still broke. Latest from the in-game help:

    "I have taken a look into the issues with your codex here, I regret I have no ability to add a codex as these are added by the server directly. I will however communicate this to studio who can look into why the codex has not dropped."

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