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Posts posted by KMagnon

  1. I run space missions with all my Alts from the time they get their ship till about level 40. Class and Planet missions get you barely to the right level. Space missions help pad the exp. A couple of plusses I send all my crew members on crafting missions before a space missions and at low level they are done by the time the mission is over. In about a half hour to an hour I can get : Exp., extra money, a bunch of crafted stuff, and some fleet coms I can use to get some decent orange gear for my companions.
  2. I've had the same problem a few times where Big Red was nowhere to be found.

    Other than that,

    I've found Alderaan dailies can be done in under 20 minutes if you're lucky to find Big Red quick.

    Two of the weather towers can be seen right from the speeder pad.

  3. All this doesn't answer the original question. Which I have also...

    How does expertise compare to the main stats..

    Example :

    If I purchase a PVP item I will get the expertise.

    But lose on almost all other stats.

    (I am outfitted at this time with all 66 purple)

    For every 100 exp...what would that be equal to in strength,aim, crit...etc.

  4. Add another question to this thread.

    With enough crafters at 450, my alt has gear with all 66 purple.

    Shopping for PVP gear, it gives me the expertise, but all of the other stats are lowered.

    Am I better off not having the expertise.

  5. Are you in a guild? Try to find one that's "like minded". I had the same problem when I first started and was almost ready to quit. Then I found a guild with members that help. Lots of them enjoy the expirence and are not worried about gaining levels fast or winning every War Zone no matter what.

    After all (like you said) it's just a game.

  6. Currently I have 2 level 49s (Assasin,Commando).

    The question is:

    Should I go to level 50 or do WZs to get more comms and start up at 50 with better gear?

    With the new expansion comming out will the level 50+ gear get all changed out like the last patch?

    I have a level 50 shadow that I spent a lot of time getting all battlemaster and then had to start all over with war hero.

  7. Remember a Jedi Sentinal is a DPS. Not a tank. Do not go for the "Big Dog" first.

    While your trying to cut him down all the little guys are still shooting at you.

    If you get all the little guys out of the way you only have one left to worry about..

    Same applies to PVP . Go for healers and weakest players...Try to leave the tanks alone.

    Their job is to distract you while the healers do their job.

  8. I can safely speak for the rest of my guild.

    If I accidently Ninja someone I will stick around for a respawn.

    Help is always within line of site.

    Random buffs and heals are kind of fun, and most players will thank you.

    One time two players were Ninja'ing me on a daily and then taunting me.

    I ended up leaving and ignoring the two children.

    The two names were given to all to put on their ignore list.

  9. I usually play space missions just before an alt gets a level. It's the quickest way to get a level. And now I have a level 40 with all orange gear I got with fleet commidations.

    It's also a way of killing time. They only last on the average of about 5 minutes.

    I send my companions on crafting misssions and by the time I'm done, they are usually done crafting.

    As for a small amount that do this...I think you miscounted somewhere.

  10. From Personal experience:

    I started soloing SWTOR last December and was kind of burnt out around June.

    That's when I joined a guild. I would recomend it to everyone.

    I had 2 alts that were outfitted totally wrong.And I couldn't finish my story line.

    The members of the guild were very patient and eventually helped me to get 2 alts to 50

    My payment to them is to help others the same way.

  11. Advice to everyone....

    If you happen to Cue up Hut Ball...remember:

    If you win you don't get the credit (for a win)on your weeklies or dailies.

    4 times in a row my team has won ( with 2 different Alts)

    and didn't get the credit...(only for playing)

  12. Guilds are always a good way to find help. I was level 45 before finding the Defenders.

    And I never played an MMO before in my life.

    They also have voice (Ventrillo) so you can get help and directions while you are playing.

    I found out I made many mistakes and the guild members kindly helped me.

    It didn't take me long before I was helping others.

  13. As an "old dude" I figured I didn't have the eye-hand coordination of a younger person.

    I was advised by another guild member to get the Naga.

    At first I only used 1-6 or Shift 1-6

    It took a little time of practice (dailies are good for this....Hard modes and ops arn't)

    And I still use the arrow for some things.

    All in All.....I can recomend this.

  14. A really good example of the differences in people.

    Those who want to work to accomplish something.

    And those who want everything handed to them.


    I was new to MMO's when SWTOR started and went through many false starts.

    I finally have a "toon" almost 50 and believe I accomplished something.

    I only used the hints and tips from fourms and the internet when I was really stuck.


    If I was given the 50 and all the gear I spent time to gather. I would have probably

    left the game a long time ago.

    You can keep your FPS where everyone is the same.

    I like the mental challenge and the story lines.


    BTW: I'm one of those over 50 casual players. Even when I was 19 I would have probably loved this.

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