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Posts posted by Qonor

  1. I'd be willing to roll with you and i have a friend that would be willing to dps. I heal with an operative which is in 192's and 2 pieces of 198's and 1/7 set bonus pieces (fully augmented purple) so if you were willing to run SM for a little while until we got all of our set bonuses I'm definitely down. My operative IGN is Reddeyez you can send me an in game email and we could go from there.


    I'm down with that. I'll find you in-game.

  2. Hi,


    Trying to find a group to do HM Ops with. Not necessarily looking for a new guild, because I like the people in the one I'm in (been in it since launch), but I'm the 9th person in their 8-person raid group. I'm USA East time zone. Cleared all HM Ops content in Vanilla (level 50) and new content (level 60 - The Ravagers and Temple of Sacrifice). Just came back for this expansion.



    • DPS Assassin
    • Deception but can go Hatred (Madness)
    • Mostly 186/192 gear (1 178 enhancement on feet, 1 178 implant for accuracy)
    • 12/14 Augmented (1 purple, 11 blues)
    • 99.62% accuracy


    Marqus is my assassin's IGN

  3. Like the title says High Order is a small imperial guild. We are wanting to play through the end game content and cant seem to get enough members to do so. What I am wanting to do is setup a few nights a week to get together with small groups from other guilds and run through end game content. no one will be recruited but if you would like to join our guild that is okay as well. If you are interested please reply here or find me in game: Skorrn 60 juggy, V-tar 60 Powertech, Cetall 60 Sorc.


    I'm interested. Hopefully some others will see this thread and join in too.

  4. I know others must have a char that's on this. I'd like to get this done. I'll help on either of the following two Nar Shaddaa missions.


    [HEROIC 4] The Shroud's Last Stand

    [HEROIC 4] All The Pieces (pre-requisite)

  5. Hi,


    Trying to find a group to do HM Ops with. Not necessarily looking for a new guild, because I like the people in the one I'm in (been in it since launch), but I don't raid with them. I'm USA East time zone. Cleared all HM Ops content in Vanilla. Just came back for this expansion.


    • DPS Assassin
    • Deception but can go Hatred (Madness)
    • Mostly 186/192 gear (1 178 enhancement on feet, 1 178 implant for accuracy)
    • 12/14 Augmented (1 purple, 11 blues)
    • 99.62% accuracy
    • Have cleared both new Ops on story mode


    Marqus is my assassin's IGN

  6. Ravagers:

    Sparky: Place it where the tank is tanking Sparky. When Sparky does his first knockback, you can Speed over, on the second one, if Speed isn't back up, teleport closer. Also, use it to move the red circles out of the raid if you really want to.

    Bulo: Use it to drop Mass Barrage on the adds. Great use of it. Pre-place before the fight at one of the side doors and when Mass Barrage comes and they're standing there, teleport to them.

    Torque: Uhh... pass. Unless you have no ranged in the group. Then use it to teleport to the console to release the droid and Speed back.

    Blaster: Very difficult to find a good use for it here, since you'll be on the boss most of the time. You'll mostly want to use it as a last resort if you get trapped by Thermite circles, or to escape Master's whirling fire of death move.

    Coratanni and Pearl and Ruugar: It can help with keeping up with Pearl, but it's not super amazing here. Also mildly useful for getting out of conals, but those shouldn't be an issue. Could help with keeping up with Ruugar's knockbacks, but you'd have to pre-place it during the adds portion.


    Temple of Sacrifice:

    Malaphar: Teleport out to clear stacks, speed back in. Nothing special here.

    Sword Squadron: Use it to teleport between the bombs and the walkers. Very nice to have here, and you can set it back up every time you go back. However, that's if you make a melee do the bombs (bad idea). Still useful for taking the big explosions out of the group.

    Underlurker: Teleport between adds, maybe? Not as good of uses here, since rocks fall in random places.

    Revanite Commanders: Use it to keep up with Deron. You'll have to guess which corner he'll go to, but when he goes to the right corner, you can be there immediately. Tanks can also take Soaring Slam out of the raid, woot!

    Revan: Lolno. There are no really good, quality uses for this, unless you want to teleport to a Saber spawn point to knock them off.



    Good info. I'll give this a try.

  7. And be specific about which encounter and at which phase of the encounter. I cleared The Ravagers and Temple of Sacrifice last night for the first time, so I should be able to understand when you reference specific phases.


    I just came back after being gone since mid-2012. Phase Walk didn't exist back then. Many references to Phase Walk on these forums are PvP related. And with the 0.5 second cast, I haven't found a way to incorporate it into my Ops playstyle. Thx.

  8. Emphasis on "good" but not great. I see no reason why one wouldn't earn their raid slot. I've been dps since I hit 50. First as Madness, now as Deception doing hard mode Denova. I think Marauders beat us, but I rarely raid with them to be able to give you accurate metrics on that.
  9. I've been away from the forums for a few months, so my bad if this has been answered. What are the plans to make non-Biochem useful for end-game Ops players? Seems our whole guild converted to Biochem in the last month or two. I'm still Artifice.
  10. The Fight for Axial Park

    Axial Park, Corellia

    Led by General Hesker (doing voiceovers)


    I meant to post this many months ago when I hit 50 on my first character because of how much I loved this mission's design and delivery. My opinion did not waver when I hit 50 on my second character. More missions should be like this one.


    In case you can't remember what this mission was like, Hesker calls you on the celly every time a stage in the mission is completed and updates your mission objectives with the next steps. You then continue exploring new areas of the map as you proceed. No running back to home base. No annoying travel time back and forth, just the next step. After doing this mission it made normal mission design seem ridiculous to me with all the running back and forth to turn things in.


    I can't be alone in noticing the awesomeness of this mission's design and that it's one of a kind.

  11. One way to get these tools in a more positive light is to stop calling them damage meters. They are useful for far more than just seeing damage. And my hard mode EC guild does not throw people out based on damage. We're far more critical on unecessary deaths. :) We use Mox and Ask Mr. Robot (and dpsmeters.com when it existed) in constructive ways.


    All that being said, we primarily use it to analyze boss damage to the player and for learning the names and average damage of those boss abilities. What I would like is something like Recount Death Tracker, which showed you the last few hits the player took before dying. I found it really difficult to analyze this sort of thing without a proper tool.

  12. @ ManiacalShen & Exiled-Phoenix


    Thanks for the replies. It makes a bit more sense now. I guess since it's an alt and I took many breaks between the story, the facts got all jumbled for me. I almost wish I could replay just the class story over a weekend.

  13. It's probably dumb of me to post this without having finished the class story line, but I'm going for it. If you can avoid it, no spoilers please. And if it's something that I find out at the very end, please let me know that and I'll just go finish that this weekend.


    I've just finished Corellia. Maybe it's my lack of Star Wars knowledge, or understanding the premise of a bounty hunter to begin with...but why am I doing what I'm doing in Chapter 3? I got Chapters 1 and 2. They were enjoyable and it made sense where I was going (Great Hunt, etc.). But in Chapter 3 I am all of a sudden taking orders from the sith dude but I don't understand why? I'm just killing random targets. I feel like I missed something. The class story in Chapter 3 feels no different than regular quests. They seem to have no purpose.

  14. that's EXACTLY what i am sayin.


    pushback is the interruptions of casting due to taking damage. huge for healers and casters moreso than a Merc/PT...but, very usefull, since i tend to have agro a lot and PvP.


    for STRICTLY PvE, i'd do this: *EDIT* with one T1 floating point...i just threw it in GAJ.




    So after playing my merc at 50 for a while, primarily doing Black Hole dailies (I haven't done as many operations with him as I would like since he's an alt), I've found that I hate pushback (especially on Unload). It's to the point where I dislike playing him solely because of the pushback. I'm thinking I'll either go Arsenal and take Stabilizers, or stay Pyro, get rid of Hired Muscle and take Stabilizers. I know it's a DPS loss, but by how much?

  15. Is it really as bad as everyone is crying about?


    I came from madness going to deception, but im concerned with its performance in pve, I would rather not have to switch specs all the time.


    I noticed in pvp im actually doing way more damage in spite of the fact that my survivability is generally the same.

    I am only starting hardmodes now but for the most part i SEEM to being doing damage fine.


    Is madness better because its dot based and dots do betetr on long boss fights with mechanics that keep melee at bay ? If thats the case I wont mind, thats every MMO.


    or is madness just flat out better by a massive margin,


    I leveled Madness. I raided as Madness. I loved Madness. For kicks, I went Deception a month ago. Is the dps figure lower for Deception than Madness on a tank and spank fight? Probably. Does Deception rock where it counts because of burst phases like on Soa and Kephess? Yes. Am I doing well and having fun in hard mode and nightmare PvE operations? Yes. If you're good, you will not be gimping your guild, which I think is what really want to know.


    You have to ask yourself what matters more to you...either having tons more on-demand damage when you need it or having better looking dps numbers on a tank and spank fight. My guild does not hit enrage timers on bosses, so having 100-200 more dps would not make a difference. But we DO sometimes need extra burst damage for certain mechanics, like the bombs on Kephess. I was worse geared, but I found Madness tough to play on burst phases or killing adds. It's possible I just sucked at it though.


    Below is my most recent guild operation run. It's Nightmare Eternity Vault. :)



  16. Ok thats just a stupid opinion.

    Pure DPS classes should be better then AC that have 2 options?

    You know you can only be a DPS as a marauder before you pick an AC.

    People make characters and level them with the intention of a specific role,....i made my assassin with the intention of making it a DPS.

    Did you make an inquisitor and then rolled a dice to see which AC you would pick and then rolled again to see which tree you would spec in or something?


    I wont be tanking while i'm DPS specced, and if respeccing is the issue, then by all means, raise the respec price to 1 mill per respec if it means all DPS classes will be equally good on damage dealing.


    BioWare has stated that they want all dps specs to be within 5% of each other. Defdaddy is simply wrong. WoW at one point had it so pures were more powerful than hybrids. This game has never made such a declaration.

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