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Posts posted by Beaucore

  1. All the information I can provide to you is that a character named Senious contacted me in game about my vent info for my guild saying he was pugging a raid with 2 members of my guild later that day and had the vent info almost correct. He provided names of two members of my guild so I decided to give him the correct vent info. About 5 minutes after that he logged into my vent as "Senious" and logged off. Then about 10 minutes after that someone else logged into my vent as "[GM] Seithan]" trying to impersonate me and logged right back out. Luckily I was in vent during this time so I was able to catch this.


    I decided to look at the recent log ins with vent so I could ban the "[GM] Seithan" and happened to notice that both names came from the same IP Address. Kinda odd if you ask me lol. So, long story short he was caught red handed and keeps denying it to this day and will say that hes reporting me for slandering his name as a subscriber.

  2. I have been following this thread for a while now, and in all honesty the fault does not fall on the scammer (Btw he’s got some serious balls). How dim witted can your guild be to fall for something like that? It’s like taking candy from a baby. I mean really I hear you all ranting and wanting Bioware do something about it, and why should they?! He/she didn’t really break any rules really when you think about it. How can you’re the scammer did? It sounds like most of the chat was done in the guilds respective VoIP’s. Besides that can be manipulated. Secondly how could you prove he scammed you? If you gave the scammer the rights then you gave him the rights…. Christ you people are sad just get over it and implement new guild bank protocols to protect against this kind of stuff. We need to all be friends 


    Yeah, coming from the guy that has tried to impersonate me in my vent. I'm surprised you made your presence on my forum for me to call you out on. Now go ahead and report this so they will delete my forum, I know that is what you'll do saying that I'm slandering your name.

  3. First off, I just want to say that everyone has taken the intentions of my post incorrectly. I am simply posting as a guild GM trying to inform fellow players on my server about current scams. I could careless what happens to this guy, or if he broke the law, or anything in such manner. My concern is that fellow guilds on POTF do not fall victims to this d-bag.


    And my question is, why would you simply just take this dudes word and promote him? I mean, lets put it into real life. If I came to your house and said I was your Lawyer and needed all your personal information and access to your bank accounts and what not, wouldn't that alarm you to seek further verification that I am truly your lawyer? I am sure most of you said yes, if you did not then you deserve whatever happens to you.


    SOOOOOOO, lets get back on topic about warning other guilds about the issue at hand and keep our defenses up against the guy and quit being worried about if he is breaking the law or some BS like that. Because obviously this scam was present in WoW as well and nothing happened to those players either.

  4. well that sucks...hey OP since you can't post his IP in the thread can you send it to me in a PM? It would be nice to protect my voice chat against this clown since bioware isn't doing anything about him.


    What is your in game name and I can tell you what I know

  5. What I don't understand is why you all don't have some type of double checking to make sure the guy is legit before bumping his rank. In my guild, if you want your rank bumped, you must log into your main first. Simple as that. Let's quit being ignorant.
  6. What was the the legacy name? And guilds need to become a little more secure guys. Best thing to do is to have whomever is asking for a promotion in the guild to hop of their main first. This is happening to too many guilds and is sad.
  7. I understand the aspect of not giving others ideas of doing it. But if we don't inform each other of how to prevent this and they find out theirselfs how to hack into our guilds, we're screwed because from the looks of it, we can't discuss it.
  8. So after 2 days of my forum being up and me simply trying to inform other guilds about a guy trying to impersonate people on their vent, get promoted in the guild, and then their items get stolen. So I guess the guy complained about it and Bioware removed mine and several other post about the issue.


    All I'm trying to do is inform and help other guilds be aware of a situation that BIOWARE will not take care of. So what do I get in return? Bioware removes the post. Come on guys, here we are as a community trying to inform other guilds of whats going on and trying to save you countless tickets being opened. But I guess you don't care. I wish many of tickets upon you.

  9. Thank you for taking the time to view our post. Obviously you are interested so please take the time to read.


    We are welcoming all players on the Empire side, F2P, raiders, pvpers, first toons, etc. It does not matter. We are a friendly community that view each other as family. We are very laid back and are willing to help you progress in your SWTOR experience. We are not a group of elitist whom will put you down for making mistakes. Our goal is to provide the best gaming experience we can to you as our members.


    Our guild is comprised mostly of raiders, we currently have 3 groups doing operations and are looking towards possibly starting our third group in the near future. We also have players whom like to PvP as well. We have 150+ guild members. We also have our guild bank with 5 tabs.




    Please take time to check out our guild site if you are interested. Also if you would like more information feel free to contact a member and they will be able to provide you with the info or direct you to someone who can.

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