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Posts posted by Florial

  1. Very positive and well thought out post. Although my sub expires in a week, I will be back to play at some point down the road. I played WoW right at launch, lasted six months or so, and went over to EQ2 where I played for years. I returned to WoW many years later and enjoyed it immensely for a year and a half. I suspect that SWTOR will fall into the same pattern if another game doesn't capture my attention.


    I may be a bit of a game hopper these days and for that, I'm said. I've played a few MMOs like Asheron's Call 1, EQ2 and LoTR the longest (several years). They have had elements that I truly enjoy in an MMO like exploration, in depth crafting systems, collectibles, achievements, hobby systems like housing, fishing, etc. Aside from the fantastic class stories and companions, I have to admit that this game hasn't captured my interest level. I have done the tried and true approach of rolling up another character to see the stories but the same quests on the same planets has gotten rather old. I have tried to do the daily grind but that gets old for me after a few weeks. I don't know but I just lost interest at endgame where I didn't want to get on the hamster wheel and repeat content for upgrades to my gear.


    I think that overall, this is a fine game. I've enjoyed my time here and don't really have anything bad to say about BioWare except that their customer service is underwhelming. If things are added like hobby systems, housing, ship decoration, I may resub to this game. For now, going on to explore some other MMOs and hopefully stick around awhile.

  2. This isnt one. Achievements do nothing to help improve the game. All they are are grinds to keep people in the game to think they are doing something usefull.


    Lets see they can have achievements for killing 10 droids then 100 then 1000,10000,100000,a million then 10 million then 100 million and then a billion. Do the same for 50 other species or whatever then bioware can say that they dont need to add anything because there is still some achievements people havent done.


    A great MMO would be an mmo where you want to go do something because its there to do not because you get a badge or whatever. Killing something a million times makes people hate playing the game more than enjoy playing it.


    Achievements can be grindy, fun or everything in between. I love when I get an unexpected achievement and it shows up in guild chat. I recall that WoW had some fun fishing achievements and it was a fun way to whittle away time. Heck, some play sessions I just fished to finish up some of the achievements. Grinding mobs? Now if I had to grind a million or a billion, it would perhaps get a bit old, hehe. Mob grinding isn't necessarily bad though. Did a bunch of grinding over a few months to get some of my deeds/traits done in LoTR. We would get a group together, grind some mobs and just hang out a bit. When we got sick of it, we logged off. It was something we worked on between the other content. Anything that gives more play options is fine with me. Give me some long term goals and I may stick around for a bit.


    Not to plug other games but I'm happy to see achievements in tSW. Some of them are quite whimsical like killing a certain number of zombies and you get various achievements that reference the Romero movies. It made me smile and I will probably be working towards all of them (within reason of course).

  3. Kudos to the OP. That was a brilliant post and if the developers are reading, I certainly hope they are reading posts like yours.


    I personally love a robust achievement system in my MMOs. While I may not be a hardcore dungeon crawler or raider, achievements can keep me going for months and months when I've sort of reached that endgame state. Getting a bit bored with WoW? I worked on my Loremaster title, went back and did every single stinkin' quest that I could get my hands on in every zone. When I ran out of obvious quests, I had to do a bit of research (finding a very helpful website) that directed me to some of the out of the way quests. When I finally got my title after months of working on it, I was a pretty happy camper. In fact, that was the title that I wore proudly. I also felt that I really got an indepth view of the game by going back and doing some of the content that I missed. I think that WoW did achievments very nicely imo.


    Many players like myself need long term goals---whether it is the best gear, to be the higheset ranked PvPer, to have the most number of mounts, etc. I think that a good achievement system would do wonders actually.

  4. Great post and I couldn't agree more. If SWTOR had many of the things you describe, I would be hanging around a bit longer than I have. Although I didn't play SWG as long as many of you, many of the activities in SWG (and other sandboxy games) appealed to me.


    One of the big problems as I'm playing my last character to 50 is the lack of an open world. I feel like a rat in a maze sometimes and miss the free roaming feel you could have in other games. Give me a landmass like the one in Asheron's Call for example or SWG. I'm an explorer at heart and perhaps someday, I will find my MMO that has those elements I really enjoyed.

  5. I dunno.....the same mythical uber-patient audience that suffered through the launch year of EQ2, maybe? I mean, I distinctly remember this huge influx of people who started EQ2, then abandoned it like we're seeing here when it proved to have serious flaws at launch.....yet more than enough people stuck with it for it to continue as a P2P game for seven years. Despite the fact the developers made the seriously wrong decision to develop the game with giant single core processors in mind, rather than foreseeing that multi core processors would be the wave of the future. It took a long, long time for EQ2 to be optimized to run at all well for multi core processors, and it had some stellar issues at launch with graphical lag. We won't talk about the fubar spell and crafting systems they had to completely revamp. Sound at all familiar? I guess they should have gone F2P six months after launch.....not hung on for six more years of expacs.


    You do make a good point here. I remember EQ2 right at launch and I do admit that I jumped ship a few months right after launch to play WoW because I was so frustrated with EQ2. I remember the performance, the lag and various other things that I loathed about the game. It was a truly horrid starting experience for my husband and I. Word of mouth started getting folks like myself back to EQ2 where I made it my home for years. Then there were the folks that stuck with it from launch to probably playing it today. I found many of those folks the old EQers who were very loyal to the game. Perhaps the same will happen here although I don't see SWTOR anywhere near the state of EQ2 (imo). This game runs pretty flawlessly on our computers. We were having some terrible connection issues but changed our internet provider and now our connection never drops below the max number of bars which is refreshing. I can understand the frustration of others though who may be having problems with the game.


    Dunno, I don't see doom and gloom for this game at all. Even though I have canceled my sub to play some other games, I will probably come back at some future point. Maybe it will be another EQ2 experience for us.

  6. I agree, I think that the community is split into nice people who go on the forums (like Dulfy), unsubbed ragers that dominate the forums (like the writers of those cliche SWTOR-is-horrible posts that pop up every day), and everyone else who is smart enough not to go on the forums at all.


    There are a number of nice folks that are unsubbing though for a variety of reasons. We may come back, we may not. I like this game. It just lost its long term appeal for me for a variety of reasons. Although I may be unsubbing, I've never felt that I've "raged" in any of my posts. Just trying to give me feedback in hopefully a constructive way... and to discuss the things I really enjoy. MMOs!!


    One edit about some of the doom and gloom posts and the game failing within a year. I think that SWTOR will settle into a nice groove at some point and be a great place for Star Wars fans. I just don't see them pulling the plug on this game any time soon. To say that this game will fail within a year is a bit like Chicken Little. Won't happen.

  7. I know for me on lotr I always find it cool when im in the forest somewhere on my hunter and its dark and starts raining. I have several times looked for a downed tree or overhanging rock . And started a campfire and cooked.


    Even had my group join me doing it and sat there shooting the breeze for awhile. I know it might seem lame but its things like that ,Thats kept me playing it since launch till today. It may not be the most up to date game on the market ,But the devs sure knew what they was doing to create a immersive world, I will alsways believe its the most under apreciated marvel of the mmo circles todate.


    Humm, you are making me tempted to go back and fire up my account again. I really enjoyed LoTR while I played it. I burned out with Mines of Moria, some dramas in my guild and all that good stuff. I do agree that the game was lovely to play. I still miss my little cottage. I'm a lifer so I assume that all my goodies will still be there waiting for me. LoTR was so great in that aspect and truly was immersive.


    As to the worlds in SWTOR, yes they have always felt a tad bit lifeless to me. The enviroments are well done but could be better imo.

  8. Honestly I was excited for this game. I play what is perhaps the best MMO on the market right now, eq2. (notice I said best, not how many subs it has) and even that has it's share of problems. EVERY MMO has problems to start. WoW used to have incredibly long queues to get into servers on a consistent basis, and crashed and was patched every other day it seemed during it's first few months of existence. However back then, the market was a lot more lenient of such things, and obv it all worked out in the end for WoW.


    You made some very good points in your post and I would like to expand on your EQ2 comment. I adored EQ2 (never played EQ) and played that for many years. EQ2 had so many things that I truly loved in a game---amazing crafting system where you could be a crafter at heart and it took quite a bit of dedication, amazing housing system with free form decorating, good guild stuff, collections (love my shinies) and so many other things that I'm forgetting. EQ2 had a..........depth to it. Activities to entertain you in so many ways that just wasn't about doing dailies and grinding for gear. Of course EQ2 had gear grinds and I did get on those treadmills to raid a bit. I just found so much more to keep me interested.


    I also enjoyed the group content and actually spent many of my play session with my guildies. It had some epic quest lines that could take you months to complete (the Claymore series). We spent many an evening down in some dungeon, chatting and waiting for whatever boss you needed to kill to spawn. EQ2 had a bit more camping than I was used to but it forced you to socialize and get to know your groupmates pretty well. I thought that EQ2 did so many things right and had many of the elements that I love in an MMO. If SWTOR had some of EQ2's depth, I would probably stick around a bit more. I do like SWTOR but as others have said, it feels like a well done single player game.


    I know that no game is perfect at launch. I can tolerate bugs and unpolished content. However, there are so many things that would have been awesome in SWTOR. For example, I was excited about customizing my ship. Or as I'm out and about in Dromand Kass, I look at all the interesting buildings and wish that I could have an apartment somewhere. My personal house. What about some neat hobbies like pod racing, gambling, etc. Whenever I enter a casino, it calls out for minigames. Heck, just let us sit in chairs.


    Although my sub is lapsing, I will have fond memories of this game and will defend it somewhat to the naysayers in other gaming communities. Will I be back? Probably, it all depends if they add things that I love in an MMO. We shall see. I haven't written off SWTOR yet.


    Oh and my comments are from a casual gamer. I think this game desperately needs server merges, LFG tools and all that good stuff that is coming down the road. The legacy system was a great idea and I see that as giving one long term goals to work on. I also love the class stories, the companions and would love to see more companion activites at least once you reach endgame. It was fun getting there but once the companions are maxed out, it just becomes blah.

  9. Every game is a finite experience. You can't play a game forever. At least I can't. If I get 6 months out of a game then, to me, that game has served it's purpose, which is to give me entertainment as a break from the responsibilities of my life. Game's over, I just move on to another game, whether it's an mmo, shooter, single-player rpg, whatever. I don't ever expect a game to hold my attention for more than 3 to 6 months.


    Well said funky. I do wish that I could find a game that I could sink my teeth into for years like I have in the past (Asheron's Call 1, EQ2, LoTR and to an extent, WoW) but sadly, I find my more recent experiences in the latest MMOs rather lacking. Both Rift and SWTOR lasted to the six month mark and that was about it. When I find that it is just running dailies, dungeon running, or PvPing for gear, a game quickly loses appeal At least Rift had the collectables for me and I entertained myself for a few months just running around, collecting my shinies, completing collections, and playing the AH a bit. Now fishing is coming to Rift (or perhaps has come) and I may check it out just for that element and to see what they've added. I lasted in WoW a bit longer just because the game had so much content plus the fluff I like (cooking, fishing, archeology, achievements). It took me several months in WoW to get my loremaster titles and I really enjoyed that experience although it was frustrating at times. SWTOR is just bland in the extracurricular activities that I enjoy in an MMO.


    I don't think people coming to the boards to vent their frustrations is necessarily a bad thing. As long as the posts are constructive and don't devolve into name calling and other nonsense. I know that SWTOR gets bad press in other gaming communities. When I see a SWTOR thread, I always try to give some input and my input is always positive. I think that BioWare did a pretty good job with the game overall (my opinion) but it just lacks the variety for me at endgame. Then again, I don't get too riled up with gaming companies and take it too personally. I do admit that I was mad at Turbine with the Asheron's Call 2 debacle for a long time but I got over it to play LoTR.


    I admit that I feel very badly for the true Star Wars fans who mourned the passing of SWG and hoped to find a comparable experience in this game. That would be a bitter pill to swallow I must admit.

  10. Do you the community think that BioWare can rescue this game? Or do you think there's nothing worth rescuing?

    Will the launch of Guild Wars 2 be the final nail in the coffin for SWTOR? What will it take for you to re-subscribe if you have already cancelled?


    Please answer for yourself not what you think everyone else is thinking.


    I think the game will survive but perhaps fill a niche market. The two big things BioWare needs to do sooner rather than later if merge serves and introduce a LFG tool. I think this would alleviate some of the angst.


    A couple of things that would make me happy is introduce more sandboxy things in the game. As the game stands right now, once you reach 50, there isn't much to do other than grind dailies, PvP or so HM FPs/raid. Rerolling and exploring the other class stories is an option but going through the same content multiple times becomes mind numbling. Perhaps if there were alternate leveling paths, it wouldn't be so painful. I do love the class stories but I just can't bring myself to level yet another character and see the same old content a third, forth, fifth time. Give me some hobby systems. Give me player housing. Give me another crafting profession to make said items for my house. So much potential there.


    I'm not sure about GW2. I played it a bit and really liked what I saw. Also, don't forget about TSW which launches this month. I've been playing it and have to stay that I'm intrigued and preordered. It can also flounder being a Funcom game but it also may be a sleeper hit too. It is hard to say how new games will fare.

  11. I must confess I was blinded by the fact it would be a new Star Wars game, first and foremost. And Bioware's reputation certainly didn't hurt... although, that said, I was far from a fanboi; having a fair amount of bile for a few games in the company's back catalogue. But to start playing... and realising it was "WoW in Space" just like people had said on the forum for years... to go into every warehouse... on every planet... and IT WAS THE SAME WAREHOUSE... gah... to have Ilum completely stuffed (and even the devs admitted they needed to start again)... to have only a few tiny PvP maps... to have no ladders... no cross server queuing... people spread across too many servers... class quests that were relatively tiny in scope, meaning most people did the same quests over and over and over again when they re-rolled characters (after many of us went into the game thinking each story was totally unique from 1-50)... and then the broken bits... and then the bits that were broken when they tried to fix the broken bits... so many things...


    Although I like Star Wars and have watched the movies multiple times and read some of the books, I'm coming to the realization that I'm just not a sci-fi kind of gal. I did play SWG and I'm a bit sad that I didn't give it more of a whirl but again, the sci-fi element was my stumbling block. I do love the sandbox elements though and wished that I had stuck around a bit longer. I do feel the pain of the folks looking for a new Star Wars experience and can understand the huge disappointment.


    With that said, I share many of your frustrations. I love the class stories and would love to see all of them. I adore the companion system and frankly this is an incentive to play these days. I love seeing their stories and interacting with them. Hubby and I started our first republic characters to try to recapture some of that magic. Unfortunatly, I just feel really blah about the environments. As you say, the warehouses all seem to look the same. This game, for the first time, is one where I haven't explored every nook and cranny. For some reason, and I can't put my finger on it, I'm just not inspired. Seeing a huge crashed ship in the distance of Ord M? I would love to go there and explore. Exhaustion zones keeping me from going to that interesting looking place in the distance---blah. I feel like a rat in a maze. Although the artists have done an admirable job in capturing the environment (my opinion--I like being positive), I think it is a bit of me and my preferences and a bit of blah factor is seeing so many things just looking the same.

  12. Yes, I've gone back to an MMO but sometimes it is to start brand new characters if enough time has passed. If a game adds things that I really enjoy, it may tempt me back. The only problem for me is if I've played an MMO into the ground like I did with EQ2 or LoTR, the cooling off period needs to be for a long, long time. Although I have a lifetime sub to LoTR, it has been several years at least since I've been back.
  13. I played LoTR in beta and picked up the lifetime after a year of playing (slight mistake on my part). Spouse and I played well into Mines of Moria and just got bored with the game. We did instances, we did raids....it just got very old after awhile. I still may go back one of these days to look around. I have very fond memories of LoTR though. Great community, wonderful stories, rich atmosphere, etc. We pretty much saw all the content during the times we played. Also being part of a few wonderful guilds really helped.


    Some things about LoTR I liked very much and I wish that we could see some more of this in SWTOR:


    -Interesting hobby systems. I love my fishing, cooking, player housing. Although the player housing wasn't done as well as EQ2 for example (all my opinion of course), I enjoyed having our own neighborhoods where people could proudly display their trophies. On the other hand, I hated the hook system of decorating and wish that we could see more of an EQ2 system.

    -The music system. That was a mini game in itself.

    -Traits/ deeds. Sorry but I need my little carrots on a stick and I didn't mind grinding for some things if they were worth it. I spent many an evening with guildies just working on our various traits.

    -The cosmetic clothing system was fantastic

    -Holiday events were fantastic and I did every one of them. I did enjoy the the plague event in SWTOR and would love to see more of this stuff in the future.


    I realize that all my comments are fluff but fluff is important to me in any MMO. If a game is just gear grinding with no fun activities in between, it quickly gets old. Also, I'm not sure how LoTR has changed since it went F2P so my comments are based on the game quite a few iterations ago.


    One side note: Interesting to see a few Asheron's Call 1 players around. If they made an AC3 with some of the features of AC1, I would be there in a heartbeat. I loved that game and played it for years.

  14. If Funcom had given it a half a year of more development, it could have been if not a blockbuster, then a success. Now it's probably going to be yet another "what if" case, a good concept that fails because the game is let out too early. Just the simple character creation and some oddities of the UI and quest system will make people complain like it would be GW2 fans on a SWTOR forum.


    Perhaps you are right but perhaps it will be a sleeper hit. I had no plans to buy Secret World but got that invite and have been playing for a few weeks now and it is growing on me. I do have concerns about many details that aren't in the game yet. Release is less than a month and I'm not sure if it can be pulled together. If the current cc system isn't fixed, the initial impressions are going to be very negative. The jury is out on this one and I will take a wait and see approach. At least I can get several months of gametime out of it.


    The danger though is with some really interesting games coming out or already out. They can really pull players away from SWTOR which is in a bit of a lull. I'm sure that whenever GW2 hits, it will cause some impact to SWTOR, even if it isn't a sub based game. If TSW is a hit, it also may be an impact. Who knows? As to games like D3 which I haven't played, they can pull people away but I always find myself missing my MMO world and usually come back.

  15. I am on my 3rd class story. Not sure if I will finish it by the time my sub ends but I will try--if I can tempt myself to log in. I love the class stories, I love the companion system. The problem for me is seeing the same content on all three characters. I can do it once, even twice. The third time around just is getting a tad bit old. We will have seen/played all the classes on the Imperial side. I watched my husband whole class story of his Sith Warrior since we played together almost the whole time. I don't have any desire to play his class quite frankly.


    My hubby and I were going do some Republic characters but I'm worried about burning out on the same old planets again. Since I'm feeling a bit of boredom with the game already, we decided to take a break and return to SWTOR at some future date when things are fresh. And they add more things that I really enjoy like hobby systems, achievements, etc.


    One aside and I will be honest. I think that I'm more of a traditional fantasy gamer. I like my elves, I like my dwarves and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I'm also entralled with more modern environments like what I saw in TSW. Although I do like Star Wars, I think that I'm more at home in other enviroments. That is a big factor for me as well. Although I thought that the environments were well done, they just didn't engage me as much. I found al the factories started looking alike after awhile. That is just me though and not the fault of BioWare. In fact, I'm a bit spoiled by BioWare since they established a pretty good standard in storytelling although I'm finding the voice acting and stories in TSW really excellent too although my character can't talk back or make dialogue choices....sad face.

  16. Casual player but like others, love my alts and to see their stories. Unfortunatly, class stories and companions aside, I'm bored leveling up my 3rd 50 just to see the class stories. My third go around to some planets is painful. Sub ends next month.


    Have never done a hardmode, have never set foot in an operation. Lack of fluff and other fun acitivites to do after reaching 50 just bores me. I tried doing my dailies, doing my PvP, maxed out my crafting but could never sell anything. Things started getting repetitious so I decided to take a break.

  17. The bubble burst for me awhile ago however I've had fun in the game and may come back when more features that I enjoy are added. MMOs these days seems to be six month affairs. It happened with Rift and it happened with SWTOR. I'm sure that it is going to happen with TSW as well. It isn't that my attention span is shorter---it isn't. I'm a pretty casual gamer who takes my time and stops and smells the roses per se. However, I find that the leveling process in many of these games is so darned fast these days that once I reach that magicial level cap, there isn't much that interests me. I do run my occasional instance, I PvP a bit, I don't have the time (or guild) to do operations. If all I'm doing is repetitive content, it quickly grows old. After getting my 2nd character to 50, I started a third. I'm finding it a bit hard to repeat the same planets the third time.


    I may come back in the future for another look see of the game. I certainly don't hold a grudge towards the game. However with so many titles on the horizon, my time is precious and I'm looking foward to trying out the other MMOs hoping to find a longer term home.


    Has the overall gaming bubble burst? I don't know. I do know that many of us have extensive time commitments outside of gaming. When I do log on, I want my gaming time to be enjoyable and if it is not, I move on to different things. With so many titles here or just around the corner, I tend to not stick around and wait it out.

  18. A lot of us bought this game believing that Bioware would come through with a great game. Plus it was Star Wars. Then we started seeing the warning signs within a few weeks of launch:


    In an MMO, it's not as simple as, "well at least we got our 6 months of playtime, well worth the money." MMOs don't work like that. We grind and we continually run the same boring content over and over again because of the future promise that we are building something for the long-term. That this will be our character for the next 2-5 years. With the game showing absolutely no progress on the major issues, what is our incentive to continue grinding, if by the time we have all BiS gear and clear all content, the game dies? We grind in the hopes of being best prepared for the next stage of the game, the new content and ranked content.


    I am seriously disgusted at Bioware right now. My subscription ends at the end of July (I did the 6 month subscription). Next time Bioware releases a game I think I will wait 3 months after reading all the reviews and forums before investing my time and energy into their product.


    Will I "trust" Bioware again? Sure, I will buy a BioWare game if it looks interesting and play it. I usually get my money's worth out of most games. Would I play another BioWare MMO? If it looked promising, sure. Just as I'm picking up Secret World, even though I was disappointed by Ages of Conan. I don't share any great angst towards any gaming company in particular. Where they would earn my distrust is if they mismanaged things like my credit card or constantly had some horrible security breaches. For this reason, this is why I picked up a game card for an old EQ2 game. I worry about SOE's security and I don't want them to have my credit card on file.


    I would certainly love to find an MMO that I could happily play for years. I've found a few of them along the way--Asheron's Call 1, EQ2, LoTR were some longer term ones for me. Sure, they had their flaws but I was pretty happy playing them for a few years. More recent games though have had a shorter shelf life for me unfortunatly. From the moment I launched SWTOR, I had a suspicions that this would be a six month game for me and I was right. My sub runs out in June. Do I loathe BioWare? Absolutely not. I had fun. I will return to SWTOR one day when there is more content, more fluff like being able to customize my ship or have personal housing, more companion stories, etc. I also have the Republic side to play and I don't want to see that side yet since I'm a bit burned out with the overall environment.


    I do have a bit of sympathy for those real Star Wars fans who saw the closing of their beloved SWG and came here thinking this would be a replacement. I do like Star Wars but this isn't the second coming for me.

  19. I posted earlier in this thread and my reasons still stand. Sadly, I think that I'm going to let my sub run out while I gravitate to some other games. I've been beta testing another game which I wasn't planning on purchasing. Unfortunately, the game has sucked me in and both my hubby and I will be playing it when it releases. I'm not sure if it will be a long term game for us but the world is so intriguing and I really want to experience it all.


    I've enjoyed my time in SWTOR and will try to get my 3rd character to 50 before my time runs out. I do love the class stories, the companions, having my own ship. But that is what draws me mostly to the game--the class stories and the companions. I may come back to SWTOR in the future since I did enjoy my game experience. I just don't feel the passion that I had several months ago. Life is too short to force oneself to play something that they don't enjoy.

  20. I'm not unsubbing but when I get my third character to 50, I will take a break when GW2 hits or perhaps pick up TSW. I was a 3 month subscriber but changed my sub to month by month because I can kinda see the writing on the wall. I do like the game. I think that BioWare set a gold standard when it comes to storytelling. In fact, this is keeping me around just to see the stories, see the companion stories, etc. Now I will be a bit spoiled and miss this aspect when I do eventually play other MMOs.


    A few reasons for why I may unsub:


    1. As others have said, this feels like a single player game. The zones are well done and quite lovely. Seeing so few people running around on various planets gives the game a lonely feel. I also haven't found a good guild fit yet like I have in other games. I have met a few friends but there just doesn't seem to be incentive to group up when you can do so much of the game with just you and your companion. The lack of dedicated server forums like other MMOs have hasn't really helped at all either. On the positive side, I do like the SWTOR community.


    2. Replayability. With so much emphasis on class stories and playing alts, it gets very boring playing through a second or third time. You are doing the same linear quests and after a bit, my eyes start to glaze over. Frankly, this is why I got bored with Rift too. Having one leveling path is not really a good design imo. There are a few conversation paths you can choose if you are playing another character but not enough diversity for my taste.


    3. Lack of fluff or other hobbies to keep me interested. Where are my achievements? Things like gambling, cooking, fishing, collections, housing, etc have kept me interested in others games. I see so much potential in SWTOR---all the casinos that are devoid of players. Towering skyscrappers in my home city that must be filled with apartments I can purchase. Dunno, I feel ike SWTOR is really lacking in the fluff department.


    4. Boring at endgame. This is the same trap that other MMOs fall into as well. If I have to grind warzones, do my dailies or grind flashpoints, it really gets old after awhile. I can do it for awhile but after a bit, it really starts to wear on me.


    5. Crafting is blah. I'm a crafter at heart but find there isn't much incentive to craft other than gear up alts as I'm leveling. Even learning some purple items, I can't even give them away on the AH which is depressing. And the GTN--don't even get me started on that. I find it very awkward to use.


    I'm still here and willing to stick around. I sitll have the Republic side to play and will start up a character to see the stories eventually. I was excited about the legacy system and think it is a good idea but was slightly disappointed in the implementation. I'm too much of a cheapsake to shell out the credits for what I want to buy so guess that I will just unlock the free stuff. I also like the plague event since it added some nice additional activities to do. My concern is that BioWare needs to add things to the game and rather fast. Wtih so many new offerings just around the corner, it is imperitive that they get the ball really rolling on this game.

  21. I'm not hugely disappointed since I'm enjoying the game and feel like I've gotten my money's worth. I'm a casual player---I've mostly soloed or duoed in the game and it has been a very enjoyable experience. With that said though, will this be the long term game for me? Probably not unless more content that doesn't just include repetitive dailies, operations, HM flashpoints, etc. I find the game to be a bit shallow when you look past the wonderful storyline. As I'm leveling up my third character, I'm finding that I'm getting a tad bit weary of the whole thing. I supposed that when I get my agent to 50, I may take a break and level up a character or two on the Republic side. I'm just a bit afraid of finding the quests repetiitive although perhaps I will be surprised.


    I never expected player housing in the game although I did think that we could customize our ships a bit which isn't in game. I do love player housing in my MMOs and could be happily diverted for a long time (loved EQ2's system). I always get a twinge of disappointment when I go to planets like Dromund Kass or Coreillia and see all these towering skyscrapers above me. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have an apartment (or penthouse depending on what you could afford)? In such a immersive game like this, it would be great to have a place to call home in one of these cities.


    I think that SWTOR is a pretty good game and will grow with time. Certain things like the lack of fluff (ala housing, hobby systems, achievements, etc), a lackluster crafting system have disappointed me a bit and I hope to see improvement in the future.

  22. I've been in some great guilds throughout my MMO times. With a great guild, I usually end up playing a game for years versus just months. I do so much enjoy the social aspect of the game and a good guild can be golden. Sadly, in the last few MMOs that I've played, my spouse and I haven't found the right ones which has made our game experience more shortlived. We haven't found a guild in SWTOR so we formed our own with just the two of us as members. I don't have hopes of transitioning to hardmode flashpoints any time soon so I'm just doing my own thing, rolling up new characters, and enjoying myself in a more solo mode. I plan on playing each class so I still have much to do. I do miss not being in an active guild though and maybe one day I will find one that fits.


    I do hope that BioWare implements a robust LFG tool. I think that it is sorely needed at this point and seems to be the norm for many MMOs these days.


    One edit: I agree with what Kalfear said in his post. Finding that right guild is a great thing. My best experiences with guilds were in older games--Asheron's Call 1, EQ2, LoTR where it was relationship building. Hubby and I made some darned good friends in those games and we had some fun times. More recent guilds---meh. I think that some guild leaders have absolutely no clue on building and maintaining a quality guild. It takes work, lots of patience and leadership. Being guild leader isn't just a label. To succeed, it takes some work.

  23. I found GW2 very pretty and loved the amount of detail I say in the world. Not to be nitpicky but the few areas I explored, I found they had quite a bit of atmosphere. Loved some of the Nord areas and especially the huge lodge. I also loved the human city. I'm slightly missing my more traditional fantasy setting. Although I do like the graphic style of SWTOR, I have to admit that the more stark futuristic look bores me after awhile. After going into my 100th warehouse, bunker, etc, things tend to blur together after awhile.


    The character models in GW2 did bug me a bit. They have a bit of an Aion feeling to me although the GW2 world isn't as anime as Aion. At least the music is lovely and reminded me of the Elder Scrolls games which I adored. Finding a character that didn't look like a preteen girl was a bit challenging. Just as I couldn't stand some of the starter gear of some of the classes. What is it with short skirts and garter belts for the females? I think it is a bit stupid but it won't keep me from playing GW2. Hopefully if I do play a class like an elementalist, I can find some gear that isn't as trashy looking and covers my booty a bit more.


    With that said, I can adapt. I loved WoW and though the graphics were quite lovely and charming in their own way. WoW had atmosphere and I have high praise for the artists in that game. I found Rift's graphics lovely and very realistic but rather dreary in many of the zones so super realistic graphics doesn't always do it for me either.


    Dunno, it is all a matter of taste and preference. If you can't be tempted to play a game because of the graphics style, I can certainly understand. For me, I'm willing to adapt and just enjoy myself. Now if my GW2 character can never find a piece of gear that doesn't look like a Victoria's Secret discount item, I will be disappointed but it won't be game breaking.

  24. I really just need achievements and reputation system and more pets and stuff like that to farm, it becomes quite addicitve to just get more points doing some stuff and adds interesting challenges to some dungeons and stuff like that (timeruns, kill the boss blindfolded while tapdancing to metal and all that).


    Rift did a great job here - there were constantly word events for fun items with new invasions and everything, it kept you playing (well, at least me, would still be thee if anyone else was, german servers are SO dead :()


    Yes, yes, yes !! You hit the nail on the head. I think that SWTOR really does need more content like what you describe. The lack of hobby systems, achievement systems and all those other features that other MMOs have implemented so well are a big negative for this game's longevity for me. I'm leveling up my third character to 50. While I'm enjoying the class story of my agent, the zones can be very repetitive and once I hit 50, my class story is finished, it becomes the same old thing. At least in some other games, here were other carrots on sticks to chase, not necessarily revolving around acquiring gear to raid.


    I did enjoy the world event quite a bit. It gave some additional content to do. I also agree on your assessment of Rift. I really liked the more dynamic feel to that game although I did get bored after reaching max level and got into the daily grind of things. It kept me playing those for quite awhile until I moved on to SWTOR though.


    I hated the achievement system in WoW, if you didnt have what was asked for you couldnt run that instance.


    On the other hand though, there were numerous fun achievements to chase. I spent a few months working on my loremaster title. That was quite a bit of work, researching quests and really was a highlight of my WoW experience. The beauty of WoW was that there was always something to do---achievements, fishing, archeology, etc. I think that Blizzard did a very good job give players so many options that weren't just raiding.

  25. It depends on how engaging the new games are. I'm definately playing GW2 but plan on playing that along side with SWTOR since it doesn't have a sub (note to self: must stay away from that cash shop). Tera? Haven't been following it. Seems a bit like all the other games out there and I haven't been tempted to try it out. The Secret World? That is a big unknown and I'm holding off until I hear a bit more. Personally, I'm not going anywhere soon and plan to keep playing SWTOR quite a bit longer.


    With that said though, if I feel like I'm getting stagnent with my max level characters, I will spend more time in other games. Although I enjoy my dailies, PvPing and such, that can quickly grow old. I think that BioWare did a good job in getting 1.2 out. I'm looking for more exciting things to do and will happily wait. if the game just turns into a raid or die game after completing all the stories, I won't be a super long term subscriber. That was the beauty of some other games out there---there were so many other activities you could work on that it could keep you very busy for a long time. Sadly, SWTOR lacks some of that fun fluffy stuff--at least at this point.


    It is a fantastic time to be a gamer. So many great things on the horizon.

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