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Posts posted by Mazzeric

  1. Are you guys really that happy about the animation that you are going to ignore the damage nerf that the skill is going to get?


    I don't care about the animations at all, for all I care my BH could poop a sad panda I just want to hit hard.


    There are plenty of other threads for that discussion?


    This one is about the tracer missile animation. Of course I would care more about the nerfs than the animations.

  2. They won't be giving Operatives any more utility.


    They've already stated that they like where Operatives (Healing) are right now in PvP, and added utility will break the balance they want to achieve there.


    So, yes, sadly, PvP balance makes PvE life miserable in yet another MMO.

  3. even if i save up cooldowns, i still don't approach anywhere NEAR the AOE healing capability of a sorc.. i'm not saying i need to be equal, but at least close the gap a bit so that it's not snoozemode for one, and spaz-meth time for the other.


    I believe the Devs have stated that the Kolto Missile will be hitting more targets in 1.2, but I'm not sure if this will really fix the problem.

  4. Yeah, some kind of fired projectile for a heal I'd gladly take over our lame scans, and would fit the flavor of the Bounty Hunter quite well, I think. They've already headed in this direction with the Kolto Missile and healer-mode Rapid Shots. These two healing "styles" (scanning and shooting) clash with each other right now, animations-wise, which is another gripe I have.


    A bit off-topic:


    Now that I'm thinking about it, when did they decide that "scanning" a target should become "healing" a target, anyway? Isn't a "scan" just a diagnosis?


    Also, WTH is a Kolto Shell? I mean, this one doesn't even remotely make sense (even in the Star Wars Universe... that is, unless someone can enlighten me here about Kolto Shells). At this point they were probably just desperate for a name. Granted, they've stretched the whole Kolto flavor out to the nth degree with the other classes (injections, infusions, probes, clouds, bombs, missiles.... so many ways to apply Kolto!).


    Just seems like the BH has very poor healing "flavor" in general.


    That all aside though, all I would really want is just some new animations, per my original post.

  5. Does anyone else find the Bounty Hunter healing animations a bit underwhelming—at least compared to other classes? During fights, my character basically pokes his wrist doodad with his blaster pistol to “scan” his targets the entire fight, his head turned down, seemingly unengaged in combat. Nothing travels from my character to the target, so it just looks like I'm standing there poking myself. This goes on for the entirety of fights (Since Rapid Scan and Healing Scan are our Bread & Butter, boring heals).


    The animations look downright awkward and they're a real downer for me considering the overall awesomeness of the Bounty Hunter. The “scanning” animation that appears on the target is OK I guess.


    I get that our “niche” is “scanning” for healing, but could we spice up the animations a bit? At least our “core” heals? Supercharged Cells and Kolto Missile are probably our “best” looking abilities. I know we're not going to get droids (Operatives) or purple stuff (Sorcerors), but at least throw us a bone here and give our scans a bit more pizazz and make our characters look a little more engaged in combat while healing.


    Anyone else feel this way?


    Hell, Mako's heals look cooler than ours.

  6. pathetic.


    you guys want everything served on a plate to you.


    why would i use my eyes and brain for a bit when can i have a big red circle on the floor that shows me EXACTLY the area that i AOE.


    oh, and also, if you make the circle to point out the whole area, make the AI in game advice me where is the best spot to AOE considering the mobs/players around me. thank you.


    Oh look, it's one of these.


    I suppose Bioware should just take out tooltips, too, since the game is telling us too much about our spells! Because the last thing we should know is the range and scope of our abilities, right?


    This is a quality of life issue. There is no intended skill challenge here for approximating where your spell will land, I assure you.

  7. If that is how you read my post then apparently i must have formulated my self wrong. Clearly you're in a defensive stance right now, and we won't get any good discussions from this.


    We certainly won't get any useful discussions when all that's being provided in this thread is anecdotal evidence pointing to having or having not had problems with tanking. And you've contributed nothing to this apart from telling the OP to just "play better." I guess that was your attempt at sparking a "good discussion"?


    The fact is, the average player doesn't play at peak performance. People make mistakes; they mess up. Most people don't know the end-all be-all threat rotation, no less can they perform it every time and in every situation. The developers of this game do not cater their decisions to the top 1% of people playing this game.


    That there is no leeway here is simply bad design. The margin for error for tanks, specifically Jedi Guardians/Sith Juggernauts, is a bit ridiculous right now, for reasons already pointed out in the thread.

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