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Posts posted by Jayshames

  1. Its for that reason that I miss the punch KB. Turning it into a root was just stupid. You'd knock them back, they would use their leap, you would knock them back again.


    Yeah the Root on Rocket Punch is so stupid it's unreal. You root them and by the time you clear a gap between you and them, they just close it again.


    Mara/Jug Leap

    Powertech Pull/Boost

    Operative Roll

    Assassin/Sorc (not that Sorc need one) Force Speed

    Sniper .. well, I don't need to go into detail on this one.

    Merc Net

  2. The green 162 gear from Shadow of Revan storyline works well.


    Or, you can buy 148 blue mods from fleet vendor and then use a 162 barrel/hilt in MH/OH with 148 mods there too.


    I tend to do this around level 55-56 then just get the last few levels through PvP. They increased XP now and PvP gear is far cheaper so by the time you hit 60 you can buy a fresh set.

  3. I actively play all classes at end-game PvP (if you want to call it that). So I'm by no means being bias, but I wouldn't mind a 'nerf' for roll, atleast if you're carrying ball. Reduce the roll range by half or only allow 1 full roll/CD.


    That being said.. been this way for ages, I doubt it'll be changed now.


    Right now I'm happier face tanking 4 people with my Sage healer then pulling ball carrier to end. :rak_03:


    If you had a half decent jugg or VG tank on your team the same thing would happen. Additionally if you think it's bad now just wait till 4.0.


    The enemy team must be really bad if you can carry the ball as a tank to end-line with no Guard/Heals. Operative can do it as a DPS with no Guard/Heal.


    It's actually worse with a VG tank than an Op IMO because with one decent charge you can HO straight to the goal line with no possible way of being stopped. At least you can stop Ops if anyone on your team is actually trying to win the match.


    That's IF you can get a charge. Operative can roll to end-line pretty much all the time.

  4. Not a huge fan of Annihilation, though I have seen a fair few people using it.


    I love Rage for the 6 sec CC immune though. Not only that, but getting off an auto-crit on your 2 main hitters at the beginning of any match is a major win-win for me.

  5. Operative or Assassin.


    Operative wins if you can get a stunlock off.


    Assassin wins if Operative doesn't get stunlock off. Assassin is essentially a less bursty Operative, but has the added bonus of being able to face tank a full fight rather than run to heal.

  6. Let's give up Force Camo because one guy asks for it! :rak_03:


    Most hard stuns are only 4 seconds....same as choke. The only 5 second hardstun is available to a pt with a heroic utility. The channel is technical 1.5 seconds (a global cooldown) and can be channeled on the move. You can use another move as soon as the global cooldown is up from using choke....so treat it exactly as you would another stun.


    Enemy is still stunned after Choke ends, you can get off another attack or two.

  7. Sorc Heals are extremely fun to play at the moment.


    They buffed heals at the cost of extra force spent. Though, I still have absolutely no issues controling my Force.. so a major buff in my eyes. I'm getting seriously good heals on my Sage now, and have noticed several occasions where I can survive even 3 Assassins beating on me for a while.

  8. Until you get proper PvP gear, the best you can have (as far as I'm aware) is the level 162 purple gear for basic commendations with 148 mods in weapons. Although, I've tried using a 162 Barrel with 148 mod/enh and gained stats with no loss of Expertise.


    I wouldn't worry too much about your gear at the moment as 60 is just around the corner. Though, I would suggest getting comms pre-60 while it's still relatively easy to mash face.


    Just go for Shield/Absorb rating. Take defence if it's there, but you don't gain much % from stats so it's not all that worth it.

  9. So, I have had the chance to play all four imperial classes. From what I can tell (and maybe this is just me), I see a comparison between two of the classes. I noticed that the Bounty Hunter class and the Sith Warrior class both take awhile for their Rage, or Heat to charge up quickly. Compared to Sith Inquisitor and Imperial Agent where they can for the most part spam the abilities (especially inquisitor), without having to use an ability that would "recharge" or immediately increase their Force power or energy.

    Does that make sense?


    You really need to play them at 60 before they even out.


    On my Sentinel 2 out of 3 trees and I can pretty much mash abilities and never need to use default attack to build Focus (Rage). Same for my Merc, can spam abilities and barely ever go above 40% heat.


    My PT on the other hand CAN go to quite high heat if I want some serious burst off, but nothing I can't handle.

  10. But you can do lowbies (err midbies) with above 162s and be equally as gimped.


    Solution has been shouted here a billion times by now. In stead of look at item level to determine to bolster or not, it should look and see if you are at 2018 expertise. If you are, no bolster. If not; it should have a hard stat allocation based on your role to where you get equivalent stats as everyone else about 5% below PvP gear.


    Very true.


    This would stop anyone 'twinking' (whatever you want to call it these days) to get the best out of the Bolster system. Presumably people would argue that this makes everyone equal, but anyone who's played PvP for any length of time knows that player ability is far more important than gear.

  11. Bad idea, believe me.


    Many moons ago (all be it less stat gains then) I tried a DPS Assassin coupled with a lot of defence (even the relic) and there really didn't feel like much of a difference. You were dodging far too little, and even then.. you can't control exactly what attack you dodge. The DPS you lose though, is very noticeable.

  12. I want to say again that players like this that have been sins, or sorcs, or pts before they were op do not count when i call out FOTM OP stuff... just those of you that go with wherever the FOTM winds blow.


    I like my Merc, from the lore perspective, the play style... many reasons, none of which have anything to do with being op in any way. Like this guy i play it cause i like it.


    Telling people like me to jump to the fotm is about the dumbest thing you can suggest, really, it is.


    Don't get me wrong I actually play a lot of my Merc aswell, but it's one of the few classes where I stop playing it because I get so stressed out when I get several matches in a row being focused. I really enjoy my Merc in regs right now, the odd game where you can go unfocused is a ton of fun.


    I'm not quite sure what to play right now. As I say, Assassin was my go-to but I'm really not enjoying the DoT spread right now and Deception feels to clunky for my liking.

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