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Posts posted by crimsonsglory

  1. Finally a post everyone pretty much agree with each other rather the arguing and infighting I've seen in so many threads.


    Back to topic - yes too little exploration. It doesn't feels massive. Unlike the other game where you can mount up and ride/fly pretty much endlessly into the horizon.

  2. I'm curious as to how many that are against combat logs participate in the End end game content (viz. hard/nightmare content).


    From the way the anti logs brigadier's post, I can tell they played Wow. And I'm curios what's their main in wowarmory. But I can guess how their profile is like from the way they protest. I know their kind in wow.

  3. You can abuse anything in this world. Let's outlaw everything, especially a mechanism to provide factual data. We don't want facts infecting this world.


    I guess for them, ignorance is bliss.



    Obi-Wan: Wait, Master. There is something I must know. [inspects a security hologram]

    Yoda: You realise, of course, that if into the security recordings, you go, only pain, will you find.

    Obi-Wan: I must know the truth, Master.



    Anti log brigadier : wait, I don't wana know anything

    Pro log crusader : you realise, of course, that if into the damage meters logs, you go, only pain, will you find.

    Anti log brigadier : I don't wana know the truth

  4. Having read the arguments, I do believe the OP to be either A. Paranoid due to having a bad experience on a malicious website, or B. Anti-combat log and trying to use scare tactics to keep combat logs out of the game.


    If it's A, then I sympathize, but also say that a little prevention is a great thing. Get a good AV program that actively blocks spyware/adware and other viruses.


    If it's B, then I have no sympathy whatsoever.


    Also, seriously, EVE Online has had a combat log for years now, and Battleclinic has supported them for years as well. No problems with either game or site.


    I do believe Anti logs bridgade A. Paranoid due to having bad experience with elitism/jerks.

  5. I blame the developers of the game.


    There is no reason for them to have made such a half-baked version of the combat log. The in game only shows you what your killing blow was and what killed you. The rest goes to an offline log. There is no reason they could not have a parse in the game for us to look at at.


    we get half baked version due to the half baked arguement from the anti logs crusaders

  6. I realise alot of people in Swtor have very negative views in many things, and not wanting many important and useful features and addons that would improve/enhance game play and experience.

    It seems that in their over zealous care and concern over the degrading of

    "the community" they would rather not have those useful tools implemented. Not wanting this and that and those, you would end up with a pretty featureless games.


    As all MMO, every new patch and expansions would bring new features/tools to the game. Are you guys say no to anything you perceive will degrade commnunities despite its usefulness? for once, rejoice in new features instead of the constant bickering and infighting in the forums..


    Stop being softies, carebears, hellokitties.


    Ps: better to have and not use it then to need it and not have it

  7. After being without a damage meter in this game for so long, I forgot how much better they made a game feel. I started playing rift two days ago and one of the first things I did was download a damage meter addon that's just like skada (the dmg meter I used in wow) Being able to see how much dps I'm doing on the fly just makes the game feel more complete.


    Anyway, after playing that game for two days I decided to cancel my sub to this game. I played rift when it first came out and only played it for two months because it was unpolished and didn't sit right with me. Now after a year and all the changes they've made it feels like a block buster. I'll check back with this game in a year or so and hopefully it'll have many improvements like rift did. Especially damage meters. Seriously, without them an mmorpg just doesn't feel right. See you all next year.


    Don't bother having sensible and logical arguments.. Some of those negative nannies are harbouring the thought of toggle on/off inspect features... I can feel it.


    What next? Toggle for viewing my HP? Cos thru HP you can gauge my gear level.

  8. It's probably along the lines of they pay the same as you and should be treated the same which I agree with, just as I feel that group content will inevitably have these flaws, flaws which only solo-ops would be able to solve.


    $15 allows you to have access to the game, to get carried in NM mode is 2m credits.


    Ps: our guild is selling H rag(fire lord title) and H dw loot. Pst for more info

  9. If that was supposed to discourage me... it doesn't :D

    The kind of people that would leave this game for... that... we're better off without them. Trust me.


    Then I guess you wouldn't have much of an MMO.

    Kungfu panda - MASSIVELY multiplayer

    Swtor (post panda) - many multiplayer

  10. Please BW. All you have to do is look at what things like cross realm LFG, addons, dps meters, etc have done to the community in other games... Don't do that to this awesome game.


    Don't bow to these MMO newcomers who have only experienced 1 terrible MMO (you know what i'm talking about) and think that's the way they all should be.


    Do what you promised us and make the best game possible with an actual, thriving community and awesome Star Wars stories told in that awesome BW way!


    You sound like a blizzard/wow employee sneaking in here trying to destroy swtor.


    Ps: I play both games

  11. They have always touted that the Legacy system is more for alts and stuff... so yeah, it's relevant.


    Sounds like the game isn't going in the direction you want it to go. Perhaps it's time to go and hit that unsub button. Good luck... thanks for playing.


    hope you enjoy single player mmo (lmao) when most ppl are gone

  12. I have read through the forums a lot and cruised around various other sites on swtor and some of what I read is kinda shocking.. Since when have people become so spoiled that they want a game basically played for them? I am tired of seeing "Bioware, please make X cheaper, please give us this skill earlier, etc.." Are people just wanting no degree of difficulty anymore? How on earth could that even possibly be fun for them to play? Awhile back I cracked up when sprint became always turned on..I mean it's a simple click, aka people are lazy..now I see in 1.2 that it is available at level 1. Is level 1-14 with a slightly slower run ruining peoples gaming experience?! Nah..just makes the game a little harder and take a little longer..better remove that and give em mounts earlier too. Why is there even a skill of sprint in the game at this point? Just increase run speed overall and drop the "skill" all together. This is just one example..I could go on about people complaining for mods, armoring, etc being to expensive to switch around..but once again it's people just being ignorant and wanting them cheaper. Go do dailies! There is almost nothing to spend credits on once you hit 50, so if your complaining about spending them..well shame on u.


    How about we fix some things that matter in the game and stop changing stuff that makes the game complete easy mode. Like set bonuses changing per tier and rewarding people who have worked for it with something more then minor stat increases. A reason to do nightmare modes. Basically stuff that is actually game changing, makes it more difficult, and most importantly keeps people's interests and makes them want to play and work towards "X" goal.


    Anyways, just my 2 cents. I just hate seeing patch notes which make the game easier in some aspect and there is nothing done to make it a bit harder and more interesting for those that want to play the game and not have everything done for them. Where's the grind..?


    Welcome to SWTOR

  13. So 20% of the playerbase was thrilled? Well that did alot of good for the game didnt it :D


    If there is anything to learn from Cataclysm, it's...........if your trying to capture the mainstream market dont listen to hardcore players.


    how is cata aiming at casuals and not listening to hardcore? its most balance imo.

    LFR for non raiders / super casuals

    Normal mode for regular raiders

    Hardmodes for hardcore raiders

    Swtor for casuals ONLY , since Hard(easy)mode and Nightmare are a joke atm.

  14. Cross server LFG featury is IMO very important and anticipated feature.


    With my irregular gaming pattern finding a "raiding guild" is rather hard, getting into random group...well, I dont have time and mood for waiting 30 minutes to fill a group to run 30 minutes quest. Seeing general chat spammed with LFG or LFM is not very fun either.


    About destroying community - what community? You like someone, you add him to friend list and group with him or join his guild. What other kind of "community" are we speaking about here?


    What other kind of "community" are we speaking about here?

    beats me

  15. I realise alot of people in Swtor have very negative views in many things, and not wanting many important and useful features and addons that would improve/enhance game play and experience.

    It seems that in their over zealous care and concern over the degrading of

    "the community" they would rather not have those useful tools implemented. Not wanting this and that and those, you would end up with a pretty featureless games.


    As all MMO, every new patch and expansions would bring new features/tools to the game. Are you guys say no to anything you perceive will degrade commnunities despite its usefulness? for once, rejoice in new features instead of the constant bickering and infighting in the forums.. :)


    Ps: better to have and not use it then to need it and not have it

  16. I will type it for the 4th time, I am not against combat metrics.


    If I could have it done my way, it would be a toggle.


    Again, I only jumped back in this when I saw you comparing it to chat which is just goofy.


    You seems to be relenting. Glad you manage to see the light. There are a few more of those anti recount that needs to be converted

  17. I've seen some in this thread say, "There are some people out there that will use combat logs and damage meters as a way to discriminate, abuse, or mistreat others . Because it can happen, we shouldn't have it in the game."


    Well so far in this game on my server I've seen some of that happening already. Except it wasn't from dps. I've seen people send shouts saying you need to have at least full tionese or purple mod equivalent in your gear to join their group. I've had people in my guild get booted from a group because they were inspected and the group saw they had a few green and blue mods. Since some people discriminate with the mod item level, should they remove mods from the game? Should they remove the ability to inspect people? I mean, some people discriminate when they see someone's gear, so surely going off the logic of some people in this thread, they MUST remove the ability to inspect others.


    The other thing I've seen people get kicked from the group is because they had low hp. A dps literally got kicked out of his group without being inspected because the leader saw he had 12k hp. Having that low amount of hp means he was probably a fresh 50 with low gear. Since someone discriminated and griefed that player, should they remove the ability to see the amount of HP someone has? I mean someone griefed someone because of it, so we have to remove it. Can't let people have an avenue to grief people.


    Those are actual events that transpired on my server. (Shadowhand)


    Following the logic of not having meters because some people will grief other players, we MUST remove the ability to inspect other players and we MUST remove that ability to see how many HP a player has because some people will see the gear or hp of another player and discriminate or grief that player. It only makes sense doesn't it?


    I wonder why noone made an arguement against this post.

    It's sad that no matter how good and logical a post is, their arguement is always the same. It's as if they simply hardened their hearts and refuse to accept and backing down now would make looks silly.

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