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Posts posted by Vaipyr


    And if I walk into McDonalds and they serve me a room tempature Big Mac... I wouldn't complain. I know what I'm getting and it's exactly what I expect.


    What? :rolleyes:

    It's this type of thinking that continues to entitle companies to put out substandard products and profit from it. You expect to pay money for food that isn't prepared fresh and at proper temperature? Wow.


    I'd complain. I'd hand it back to them and tell them to prepare me a proper *********** burger. Or to give me my money back. If the kid behind the counter argued, I'd go above him to the next person in the chain of command. And in the end I will probably not only get my freshly prepared and proper burger, but my money back as well for the inconvenience they put me through along with their shoddy service.

  2. I'm in full WH that is min/maxed. I earned every single piece of my gear. I started out with nothing. I grinded full Centuron, then Champion, then Battlemaster, now War Hero. Along the way I delt with all of that nonsense with PvP tokens and bags. You think you have it hard hitting 50 now? I was in garbage blues and greens when I started. I obtained 37 battlemaster bags before I saw my first BM gear. But I earned every single piece. No one handed me anything. Be greatful you have access to PvP gear for credits. What do you want bioware to do for you next?


    Play the game and stop crying.


    And I reiterate that I went through the bag RNG grind as well for my first 50. Big whoop. The grind sucked then. The grind sucks now. The grind will suck in any and all future incarnations of grind forever more. The only reason many of us do it is because we HAVE to given the current nature of MMO design. Grind grind grind, keep paying money to do something completely opposite of fun so that one day you actually CAN have fun. Because that's the rub. Once everything is finally grinded out (at least to get to the minimum required stats to compete realistically) then it IS fun in it's own way. Otherwise we wouldn't all be here and going through the ********.


    You're not special, many of us against the nature of grind did in fact grind it all out through the stupid random chance bags the same as you. Believe it or not sometimes the have's can actually empathize with the have-nots and want change to make the quality of life better for everyone overall, rather than cling to the elitist snobbery that comes with being a have and looking down upon the have-nots.


    you have to grind.


    And there's the whole issue.


    GRIND = Work = Monotonous chore = Not fun = Antithesis of a GAME we pay for to relax and have fun.


    @ People talking about cost and server:

    Harbinger. Yes it's PvE. My other option for the RP-PVP server I was on was a forced relocation to an east coast server where the ping of my friends and I went up 70-80ms. So we re-rolled here on a server with a sub 30ms ping instead. It's not like there was actually world PvP anyways to warrent the loyalty to a PvP server type.


    The cost is for:

    30k x 14 to use the kits (420k)

    Aug kits 240-300k each x 14 ( 3.36m @ 240k each)

    Purple augz around 120-180k each depending on type x 14 ( 1.68m @ 120k each)


    So on the low end that's 5.46 mill.


    That doesn't include ripping the mods out of the BM gear to begin with which is what, around 100k each? 3 mods per item so 300k per item. Min of another 1.5m


    That's a pretty huge investment for ENTRY level gear. Again, goes back to the grind. How much pve is that? How many WZ's of getting faceplanted in recruit gear to get that much credits saved up? It's pretty damn cost prohibitive.


    Or the other option is, as the one dude said, roll alts specifically to craft. Again, that's either a lot of pve to farm, or a lot of creds to spend to skill up and acquire mats....


    You may call it effort. Most of us call it paying a sub fee for completely boring monotonous work just to get to the fun part. It's like paying a pimp to kick you in the junk for 7 hours before finally getting a blow from the ******. On what planet is that a good investment?

  4. Yup. augmented them all, and then replaced them with augmented WH as i got them.


    So much wasted money. On my server, given the average cost of the kits+augs you're looking at roughly 7.2m credits to augment shells you're going to be getting rid of asap....


    It's like spending your paycheck to pimp out a p.o.s. honda when you know in 3 months you're going to be trading it in for a new car anyways.

  5. Socio-political ranting from an angry angry boy




    None of you deserve to be on the stat/spec level we are at because literally, none of you worked, nor made any efforts to get the things you want.


    Sorry mate, did the whole bag grind as well. It sucked. The current grind, suck. Grind? Suck. Future grind? Future suck.


    *This is a game. This isn't real life. This isn't your political soapbox to scream from. This isn't the freaking world you live in to try and manipulate to suit your hatred of others.






    P.S. Restating: Did the random chance grind with you, through the ilum exploiting, through the trades, through the all level brackets. Grind sucked then. Grind sucks now. Grind sucks forever. RL is full of enough suck that the GAME we play to relax from the miserable ******** of the world shouldn't be a suck-*** grind as well. It should be FUN and relaxing.

  6. frustrated? its frustrating its frustrating i get frustrated i am frustrated they are frustrated. pvp is frustrating, the majority are just frustrated dont frustrate them to an ulcer in future matches.




    It's a game. These people are sad. Seriously. Life priorities all ****ed up here. My condolences and pity. :(

  7. Rerolling On The Fatman - What Should I Expect?


    Absolutely abyssmal PvPers on average compared to even the PvE servers.


    No joke. For a better PvP experience you'd be better served on Jung Ma, or a PvE server where the only people that really queue for PvP are those that are interested in PvP'ing (and winning).

  8. Funny how when people use the word carebear to describe other people you can pretty much make an accurate guess that they are really just a jerk who gets his rocks off by treating other people poorly via the safety and anonymity of the interwebtubez.


    *However I would like the idea of FFA pvp. It's one of the reasons I enjoyed griefing... I mean, pvp'ing, in AoC.

  9. Sucking in recruit gear for a few days is really no better than sucking in greens for a few days. You are Bantha Poo either way...





    And the guy(s) saying recruit helps more... No, it really doesn't. Your recruit gear is just as effective as greens or naked when we tab onto you with our aug'd WH pyro/mara and quad-global you or less every time.

  10. This is failed logic, here's an F for you. You assume that you'll meet only WH+augment geared toons as OPFOR. That's not the case most of the time and if instead watching television you could pay attention to interrupt that healer or add some DPS on some enemy with low HP then you did your job. If you want to be the hero that vanquishes hordes of enemies single-handedly then maybe you should stick to PvE cause you are not cut up to be a team-member in a team of heroes :p.


    Blah blah blah.

    The vast majority of people I run into on my server are already geared up at least in BM (aug'd). Subs are dropping, not growing my friend. Most people in recruit gear anymore are gearing up their alts. The WZ's are controlled by the failed premades thta couldn't hack it in ranked (and sometimes barely manage in unranked). I COULD waste my time tab targetting around using the terribad tab-targetting system in TOR looking for recruit geared people when I'm on my alts. I COULD work my *** off to try and survive long enough to drop an interrupt on the healer.... that noone else is paying attention to much less focus firing upon, only to get blown up by the faceroller pyro/maras. I COULD essentially bash my head into the wall repeatedly trying to contribute amidst the venom and bile that the rest of the team spews forth towards people who aren't in fully aug'd BM gear.


    Or I could watch a movie on one of my other monitors, rub one out, play fetch with the dog, help my kiddo with her homework, or a myriad of other things instead while doing the grind up to bare-minimum gear in order to make playing the WZ worthwhile.


    Seems a far better investment for my time to do the latter.


    Also lol at your whine about contributing to the "team". A team suggests respect and cooperation. Things which are both severely lacking in the ToR/MMO community.

  11. Moral of the story:

    Pay your sub fee to watch television, or do ANYTHING else while randomly running in and tab-1-2-3-4-5-repeat'ing in WZ's until you have full BM + enough cash saved up to augment it all. THEN, and only THEN do you start to actually "play" in PvP.


    Or you can keep attempting to "play" in your recruit gear as those of us in fully aug'd WH (with proper remodding) quad-global you everytime you leave spawn. If you're a masochist this may be enjoyable. Doubtful though.


    So pay your sub fee for a month to do anything but actually play the game. Aint it grand? :D

  12. It's very clear to me that a lot of people consider themselves above it... and therefor they should have the right to setback their team for their own... gain?

    Yes actually. You do not matter. You are just random information over a fiber optic line being fed to my monitor. If setting you and other pixels back causes gain for me, the person that matters, then by god that's what needs to happen. Period.


    is not going to put any of the bads in a position where they can learn to get better, and fix their mistakes.

    And that's my responsibility..... how? I'm not a teacher, I don't get paid to help someone get better. Pay me and I'll gladly do it. But there needs to be some kind of compensation for it to get me to care.


    Don't be selfish


    That is the point of existence buddy. Don't know where you live but it sure isn't a capitalist democracy.

  13. Some kind of class number Nazi or something?


    Rule 4


    It is inevitable. :D


    Oh, and @OP:

    It's not that bad that it couldn't be saved, but at this point (F2P, rampant sub losses, etc) it's pretty far gone. The terrible FOTM imbalances are pretty insane atm, ranked has all but died off (predictably) and the engine can't handle any kind of "war" between the factions (world pvp). That and there's greener pastures ahead where there is no grind, grind is terrible for pvp, and balance is far far better along with the capability for actual world wars (with better balance having 3 teams instead of 2 where one-sided population imbalances throw it all out of whack). Not to mention the higher skill-cap involved with active blocking, active dodging, no auto-aim-auto-turning bs, etc.

  14. Idiots like this here have faced loss their whole life, adapting to recieve gratification from pain, both their own and others.


    Thanks Dr. Phil, but you shouldn't quit your day job because your attempt at psychology stinks like bantha poodoo.


    First off I'm not a masochist, I do not derive pleasure from my own pain (hence why I'll quit a WZ if I feel like it rather than suffer the boredom or nuisance of dealing with it). I am a sadist however. I do derive much pleasure from the suffering of others. See, I'm an american. I grew up in the greatest system on earth. You are here to benefit and amuse me, and if you don't then you are not worth thinking about.


    My pleasure and desire are the only one's that matter and if stomping on you gives me pleasure then that is what needs to be done. Period. I matter, you don't.


    Have a wonderful day sweetheart.

  15. Quitters are pathetic and childish. Throwing temper tantrums by leaving. Those who do it to "troll" are also pathetic. And it is a fact not just an opinion because no one likes a quitter. You quit because something is hard or not going your way, and you look like the fool. That is fact. No one respects a quitter. Another fact is that no one likes it when someone rage quits during a war zone.

    If you have 500 Ping that is along the lines of the Error code situation, you cannot play with 500 ping.

    It is also a sign of a child when they resort to insults (low brow ones at that) when confronted with something that upsets them. Saying I have a low reading comprehension, case in point of the child I say.


    Your rage is beautiful and sustains us. This is reason alone to quit a WZ, preferrably during a key moment. So you will come rage here on the forums again, and again, and again.

  16. I've been that guy too and I've broken 100k.


    Sure, as have I...


    If they're constantly sending some retard to try and take the node from you. If they have the 2-cap and ignore your node however then what? Guarding the node noone wants leaves your damage at whatever the other team decides to give you.


    I've taken the west node before and literally never seen a single enemy the whole map. Ended with 0 damage, 0 kills, 0 deaths and like 4 medals.








    But someone has to do it.

  17. I never "rage" quit.


    I simply quit because I feel like it at that moment for whatever reason. The comms are just pixels and do not matter.


    Further more you are just some random person across fiber optic cables. I can measure how much I care about you on the head of a pin. And that is being generous.


    In the end, whatcha gonna do bout it son?

  18. Sorry OP, I'm stuck at the only node we capped in civil war (because noone ever ever EVER wants to go take that one and get stuck babysitting it while counting blades of grass all map) and occasionally get a nice little 1v1 to enjoy while you flail around at the middle node, or the east node and fail time and time again to take it.... while trickling in 1-2 at a time...


    Yeah, my damage will end around 50-75k. But my medal count will most likely be higher than anyone elses. I got to watch part of a movie though on my other monitor so it's not soooo bad.


    Perhaps you'd like to take west for a change and babysit it alone next game?






    Oh, ok, I'll keep doing it then.

  19. 4.Like in most mmos game director are in love with class of TANKs,





    Omg, your troll almost had me till this part.... oh.... sigh, lol. Good show mate. Almost had me thinking you were serious.

  20. Lol, this was somewhat entertaining.





    Also would like to note that not once did there appear to be any sort of voip communication nor target marking. Had they used such for focus fire and coordinating CC's etc.... Well, probably would have been pretty damn solid actually.

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