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Posts posted by dillingerescplan

  1. So when you say bolster, how does that affect someone who is 327 with 330 implants. You wouldn't have anything being bolstered right? So the augments would benefit?
  2. Our guild is looking for a sage healer to join our hm raiding team. We run Thursday Friday night's at 930pm eastern. We are a group of experienced pvpers who know the classes inside and out and have some hm raiding experience. We are looking to start Building team chemistry asap. You must have mumble and star parse and Be patient as we are learning these raids as well. So don't be shy . As long as you're capable and have awareness you should be fine. Respond here or with a pm
  3. I have been grouping up lately, I just don't think that it should be a requirement.

    **** like this can be fixed with some barebones role matchmaking.



    Having limits on matchmaking could be a fix but it's not like they don't give you the option to leave. Now if they made you stay then people could have something to ***** about.

  4. You're assuming I drop matches because of premades.

    I'm a decent player, average, but I can't win a 6 v 8.


    Just get better isn't really the answer when the other guys have 2 tanks, 2 sage healers and no one is dying because of it.


    Matches like these I can pump out 2.8 - 3.1k dps/2.2 mil and not get a single kill.


    There inlies the problem and the solution. Make a premade and coordinate stuns and focus dps. If you're better then them you will have success. Also. The more people I have in my group the less chance i will have of people who do less then 1000dps.

  5. I remember farming you out of queue as the only death smile person back when I was a pve'er. git gud or git farmed by 'pve bad' kid. You act like you're capable of more than being gutter trash.


    yea maybe you did, youre a great healer , no one said you werent., but I DO NOT CARE if you think im trash, how many times do i have to repeat it. the fact that you care so much about a video game is sad. maybe once youre out of high school youll figure that out or maybe your mad that your still in school, but cheer up :)

  6. No one here or anywhere really gives a rats *** about what you out of all people, cares about. You are a non-factor. A mistake that your parents regreted nine months after they ****ed that one time without a condom. Your dad probably was like "should have pulled out and did it on the carpet" that would have resulted in a more positive thing. What a nobody.


    go pick up your crayons off the floor, an adult might slip on them..lol you're so cute when you try . don't care if im a non factor. or a nobody. come up with something better, this has all been said before.

  7. I'm just calling you people out for being bad.


    dont care if you think im a bad or trash or a nobody in a video game....anyone who thinks that being good in a non paying/rewarding video game is important is a mongoloid and should be treated as such.. even worse if you brag about it...sure its nice to be great at things but do you have to be such big fgts

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