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Posts posted by harpsh

  1. There is no summoning companions on a ship. They are just there. If anything is a bug, it's likely him saying he wants to talk to you. Give him some gifts, raise his affection by like 500 and continue with your class quest. You'll be able to talk to him, I am halfway to my third 50 and have never had issues talking to companions.


    Affection is around 2750/10000. I'll try giving more gifts and see if that helps. I realize companion conversations are bugged for some. Thanks for your response. :)

  2. I'm a Sith Inquisitor, lvl 19 and I'm unable to talk to Khem aboard my ship or in a cantina. I've talked to him in a cantina before, though. When I click on him, he tells me he wants to talk privately on my ship. When I get to the ship, his companion icon disappears and I can't summon him, but he's not gone. He's in the room across the hall from the entrance/exit from the ship.... I guess it's his "bedroom" because there are beds in the room. When I click on him, he just tells me he's tired of waiting. Why can't I summon him and see his companion picture when I'm on my ship? I guess this is a bug, but it's really irritating. I hope they fix it soon.
  3. I've only been playing for a few days. I've experienced the same intense camera sensitivity. I'm using a plain, wireless Microsoft mouse. I turned down all of the graphics to low and shadows off. This has helped my situation... at least I can play now. I have a good system and a great video card, and would like to experience the game the way it was intended, but for now I'm just happy to be able to play without running into walls, off of cliffs and into mobs unintentionally.
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