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Posts posted by Teliks

  1. This goes for people who want to skip too.


    When I've run the same flashpoint 9 times, and everyone always wants to skip everything except me because it's late in a release cycle and I'm low man on the gear totem pole for seemingly the entire community...


    Something has to give. New players and alts shouldn't have to beg for handouts. This isn't a problem restricted to SWTOR. It's an issue with Themepark-MMO gaming in general that it seems nobody wants to address.


    This has already been explained in this thread. You get free tionese gear, these bosses only drop tionese gear, it isnt better then what you already have. If you are in tionese, the only fight you should want to fight is the last boss, becausehe drops a columi token. If you are in columi, you should really only care about the black hole comms.

  2. Im fine with makeb, but since we paid for an expansion, I think they should have thrown in a second planet just to make everyone happy, one new planet, one old planet.


    My vote goes for naboo. There would be no need for a storyline on naboo, it could simply be used for farming credits, simply the more gungams you kill, the more credits you get. World boss would of course be jar jar, even though he doesnt exist yet, id be okay with it. All members of the ops group would be required (for their own sanity) to use a device that leaves him unable to speak. Upon defeating him, all members of the group would earn the title, savior of the galaxy.

  3. I know this is kinda off subject but I noticed that I have better gear in some slots than the tionese or recruit gear in said slot, so how can I get the set bonus if I already have better gear? I wouldn't think that I should lower my stats just for the bonus.


    Im not sure that what you could have could be better then tionese gear, maybe you are misunderstanding the stats, or maybe i am wrong, in any case if you wouldnt mind telling me what.you think is better it would help to clarify a little..


    But, to answer your question, Tionese is fully upgradeable so you can pull whatever mods you are using and put them into the Tionese.gear if you wish. Further, there are five pieces that count towards the.set bonus, but you only need four of them equipped to get the entire bonus.

  4. Just to add to it a little, artifice also makes hilts which can be very expensive and vrery profitable. One of the best ways I have found to make money at lvl 50 is to buy bh gear (with comms) then reverse engineer the armoring, mod and enhancement. This should give you between3_6 molecular stabilizers and 1 or 2 energy matrix among others. Worst case scenario this will be worth around 450k creds, best case around 1 million.
  5. I would highly recommend learning a crafting skill. While there is money to be made from selling crafting materials, the real money is from crafting, especially at end game, where some items sell for a million or more creds. Even at other points in the game there is easy money to be made, for example, on my server lvl 30ish blue mods sell for 10k creds each, while the materials you can purchase of the GTN for a few thousand, or you can use missions to find them for even less. Then, if you crit while making them, you get a second one for free.
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