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Posts posted by Amiodarone

  1. What proc? Did you miss the patch note where wrath no longer affects chain lightning? It doesnt proc anything itself, and is not affected by any other meaningful procs, so Im confused what you are saying..


    Its ok we understand you are "special"




    Karkais, sorry but you are not the all knowing, even post 1.2 CL will still have A proc that allows it to be insti cast, read the patch notes again.. Even a 3rd time if needed to understand.

  2. to be clear, even as dps you need to have dd gear. there is roughly a difference of 400 in the mainstat from pve to pvp gear (rakata/battlemaster), and that just hurts, its great to have +14/15% damage to enemy players but that just doesnt help against bosses. no pve gear? no hardmode or nightmare raids for you!



    Not that I agree with pve in pvp gear but your information is off. If you are going to spew random numbers make sure nobody can prove how much of an idiot you are.. Here is the comparison of total stats from 5pcs of both BM and Rakata gear below..



    Total stats:

    Endurance - 468

    Willpower - 431

    Expertise - 250

    Critical Rating - 170

    Alacrity Rating - 255

    Power - 114



    Total stats:

    Endurance - 531

    Willpower - 564

    Critical Rating - 196

    Alacrity Rating - 255

    Power - 96


    400 points difference in primary stat huh? Well its been awhile and I may have to take off my shoes and pants to make sure I have enough digits to count while attempting to do math for you but... Willpower is a sorcs primary stat and by the looks of it there is only a 133 stat point difference. Granted this doesn't take into account accessories but as you can see.. Your precious raid gear really isn't that much better.. You can argue the "Expertise is a wasted stat!!!!" "OMG you filthy casual!!" All you want.. But in the end even you sir can not argue when the numbers are laid out in front of you.. But please do try to make your point valid. I will be waiting to hear how you argue this one..

  3. I like how OP is focused on single target damage like it is the only damage in the game.


    Sorcs have good single target damage and great AOE. Snipers have great single target damage and good AOE. Tracer spec is stupidly good at PVE and will get nerfed in 1.2.


    Right he did because last time I checked.... Single target dps is all that matters.. I am sorry but blowing cooldowns and adrenals on trash is... LOL



    Furthermore sorcs are not weak in any comparison.. They are not the top dps class but a well played one will bring more to the table that any tracer missile spammer any day.. :rolleyes:


    Swear I think you people just sit around and try to come up with **** to ***** and cry about on the forums. Play the game or not.. Unless you have a thing for grape flavored windows, no content in this game is hard.. If you do however have a fetish for licking windows. Regardless of raid stacking or not. You will not kill bosses :D

  4. Have fun, at work and its time to go to sleep... May this thread be filled with 10 more pages by the AM. So I have plenty of entertainment for the last leg of my 36hr shift at work..



    QQ more.....




    Most of you are like a couple sorcs I have ran into on my lowbie sorc alt. When a 33 sorc beats a 47 sorc lvl in a wz.. Guess what that means? Regardless of balanced or not. Bad players are still bad and can and will be outplayed.. Cant fix stupid....

  5. If by other MMOS you mean WoW.... LOL you are the one that is delusional. WoW arena gear is based on team make up, not skill.... Long as you understand that even tho the windows are grape flavored this week, you must fight the urge to lick them you are fine. Grab the latest FoTM team set up go play your 10 games and profit.


    Lets go ahead and compare other MMOS shall we...


    Aion pvp is all bout running in a group and understanding that once you are officer rank, the only pvp you do is in dredge. Why? Because you lose a metric fuk ton of abyss points if killed outside of dredge. Deity transformation on CD? Log on an alt and wait for the timer to be up..


    Rift PvP... Chain queue and semi afk your way to "good gear"




    *Self edit.. Copied the wrong post. This is in response to the idiot 3 up from this one :rolleyes:

  6. has nothing to do with the cheap kill, mmos are meant to be a game were you grind your way to new and better gear, one thing we both can agree on this game is not made for power gamers.


    Other words... I have no skill and without having an obvious advantage I will quit!!!



    Bye have a good one. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Good pvpers will still roll baddies. Regardless if the gear is comparable or even the same. I mean unless Bioware is putting in an auto control function for said characters.. Bad players will still be bad players.


    Maybe you should take this as a sign, leave the basement and get a job. Stop being a leech on society. TBH I as well as others are tired of paying for your groceries.


    "Power gamers" are a thing of the past. There is NOT a single game out that supports this type of playing. If you are unhappy with this fact. Create a game that is built around basement dwellers having a huge advantage. I am sure you can pull this off with your 8th grade education. :rolleyes:

  7. It is stupid because it is for free NOW.


    You see the true problem is not that im pissed everyone got the freaking gear , i only use it cause i like my class one , i find it cool at least.


    the problem is that we spent a freaking load of time getting it , and BW gives it for free later.


    If they did it from the freaking beginning i would not even care about it.


    Then again this is BW , QQ and ya shall receive , im thinking about begin to QQ about getting the PvE gear, should be given much faster.



    The logic behind your post is mind numbing. You spent time pvping.. Working towards a goal.. I suppose.. But what happened to pvping for the fun of it? O thats right people like yourself feel they have to feel special in a virtual world.. Regardless of how you say it or explain it.. It boils down to the following..


    Bad player with good gear still equals a bad player..


    Good player with good gear will roll said bad player..


    In most cases the true class restriction is not built into the code of the game. You can tell an amazing player by how well they perform.. However most fall into the void known as the problem is not the game but what is found between the keyboard and the chair.



  8. Well sir I will be totally honest with you!


    I dont know whats wrong with ur logic/IQ/ but I know one thing and that thing is in ur post actually,that thing is ur anwere and its very very simple :


    People will reach bm gear 2-3 times faster than before


    Remember this sentence?Read it again mr, 5-30 valor rank casual player


    What does his valor rank of 5-30 have to do with anything? I could point out that there is life outside of your basement or point out the fact just so you know there is a magical thing called THE SUN.. You should go see it sometime. Does the valor change suck for those that grinded the rank before the patch? Sure but is it a game changer on any lvl.. No.. He could have the title of Doughnut master or Captain Slong and neither would directly impact your game play.. The worst thing it could is make you feel even less of a man.. Ever heard of Little man syndrome? Because the way you and others are acting its really like you are trying to over compensate for areas where you are lacking..

  9. You should really only be healing Khem against either multiple strongs or elites. Shock normals on CD to stun them and burn them down first to limit the incoming damage, keep a shield on Khem, Whirlwind the strongest target in a big pull, interrupt/stun dangerous casts or heals. Rarely should you need to be focusing 100% of your efforts into keeping Khem alive.



    Eh let him get as low as you want.. If you are outside.. Just mount and dismount and it auto heals him.. If inside just dismiss and resummon.. Much faster than healing him back to full between pulls

  10. I'd say level in lightning tree until you unlock The skill that gives no CD to force lightning. Then switch to full madness. Then once you level, put points into tier 1 lightning that increases damage to force lightning.


    FL is your bread and butter for damage output. Then later on it'll be your main way of regeneratig force while in combat. So while leveling you need to focus around that.



    Your information is backwards boss.. The no CD on FL is in the madness tree.. Throw enough points in madness until you get wrath.. Then start dumping poings into the lightning tree until you get CL.. Then switch back and finish the madness tree or put some in healing.. Is your best bet IMO

  11. Where in the lvl 49 pvp did you forget about being cc'd? Do you think it actually gets better in lvl 50 bracket?


    And you didn't bother to gear up before going into those arenas? I spent 100k on getting geared with lvl 49 gear once I hit 49 and I was doing fairly well in WZs.


    You people are dense. You've been Nancyin' around in the 49 pvp and now instead of doing a reboot on what to expect you've expected to have the same success that you did before. Really? There's not much helping you man. Bye bye.



  12. the problem is, you should lose valor and credits when your team loses. If you do not have any skin in the game, you have nothing to lose. Heck, losing fast is a very viable option as you still get rewarded. everyone wins in the end.


    Would be cool, I know in Aion it was nice to find an Asmodian Army General out in the world.. Rare but nice.. If you managed to kill him you would gain 5k or so "valor" and he would lose said amount.. Was fun until I become a 5 Star General then the only time I would go out in the world is if my Deity transformation was not on cd. Because it was cheaper for me to transform into a Deity than it was to die. As a Deity you were not getting killed unless it was a raid group.. Go go 150k health and mana..


    Every system has its flaws.. Even the losing valor on death as proven above ^

  13. They could always just get rid of the stacking mechanic.


    You should try thinking outside the box sometimes.


    Either way, I think it's Pyro that's going to get the nerf bat, personally. Not that I want it, of course, but I've been saying it would be nerfed from the moment I started playing it.


    Top damage/kills in 95% of warzones from 10-50 felt a little ridiculous.


    I do think outside the box, I actually play a Sorc now (switched from a Merc) and you know what the funny thing is... I was top dmg in kills/dmg as a Merc and now I am almost always top dmg/kills near if not top in healing and die at best 1-2 times a game (if I even die) but thats in the 10-49 bracket. See a pattern? Its not the class its the player in alot of cases..



    Will things change in the 50 bracket as a sorc? Sure but for the lowbie bracket its the player not the class in most cases :D

  14. a 10sec CD would be nice on it. its a decent CD timer for it. and why would bw nerf sorces/sages? theyr fine.


    Do you even play a Merc? Quick question for you since you seem to be the all knowing of everything. If you put a 10 second CD on tracer, exactly what ability to you expect a mercenary to use when trying to dps anything (ops boss,FP or even PvP)? Auto shot? Unload? O Wait I know! Heatseeker!! O wait thats right, it requires tracers to be stacked up to make it hit harder than a wet noodle.. So what you are saying is have the mercenary dps rotation take 30ish seconds to do a full rotation.. Thanks for your information but as it stands.. You are bad

  15. There are some medals you can trip and fall into..


    75k dmg

    75k healing

    2.5k single heal

    killing Blow

    Solo Kill

    1k Defender (depending on map)

    3k Defender (depending on map)

    300k dmg (after low 30s and depending on map)

    2.5k hit (high 30s to low 40s DON'T forget Self BUFF + Adrenal + Relic + Expertise buff)


    In a good stalemate Zergstar all of the above are fairly easy to obtain.. The 300k healing one is hard to get unless you focus solely on healing the entire game..

  16. Name 5 that have good PVP that do let you mark all the healers/players



    WOW,RIFT.Conan,GW don't let you mark all the enemies players


    WoW : Yes you can Mark


    RIFT : Yes you can mark


    GW : Never played


    Conan : Never played


    Get your facts straight before coming to this forum with vocal diarrhea :mad:

  17. PvP is not PvE there should be no marks no matter what it needs to go. Even in Rated Battleground in WoW they don't let you pull that with even Organized 10 people vent groups. Its called having to play the game in pvp not look for a mark on the guy. It needs to go away and make it more fair for not only Pug WF but when they get rated WF it will still be fair having to look for the player not the mark.



    LOL Really??? Funny how I always marked targets in wow pvp. Even in arenas. I would mark my team so I could tell where they were and I would mark the other team to get a focus order.. Care to share whatever you are smoking if you think you can not mark targets in WoW while pvping?? Must be some potent stuff imo

  18. Not that I care all that much, but I agree with the OP. Silly that something like this is allowed. And the "if you don't like it reroll" attitude is derp. I guess all WZs should just be 8 dps going pew pew for 15 minutes.



    You sir are terrible...


    OP you are terrible...


    Anybody that thinks this shouldn't be happening is terrible. See a pattern here? Any decent group will zerg healers 1st regardless. Hell alot of games if we are going against a pug or a piss poor wannabe premade. I will find a healer and kill them every time they spawn. Reason behind this? My team is good enough to win without me and it totally removes the healer from the match.. Which considering I would be just another dps, its a bigger benefit for me to harass the healer the entire match. Love teams that run 1 healer. I can completely remove said healer from the equation. Less heals means my team can face roll the other team because we are smart enough to protect our healers. They ALWAYS have guard on them and our ranged hugs our healers like they have candy in their pockets. Reason behind this is so people like me can't reverse our strategy. In the end, welcome to organized pvp. Enjoy your stay..



    This is our care cup. Its empty c[_]

  19. Also yes the game has issues and some things need tweaking. But as I have stated several times, if the game was perfect. You sir would not have the ability to come to this forum and type a wall of text 3 pages long with your perspective on the game. I mean I hear Bioware is hiring testers.. You should totally apply.



    The game isn't perfect by any means. Its not expected to be by anybody other than people from WoW.



    To the pvp complaints. I don't know about others but I enjoy the pvp, is it perfect no.. But to know that I can have a ****** day at work and come home and kill people on a video game is plenty of reward for me. Maybe you should try pvping for fun instead of personal gain. Who cares about gear. Its nice to have but if soon as you joined a wz all of your gear got stripped off you and you were left totally naked.. Would you pvp? I would as well as most of the people I run with would.


    The only thing I agree with in your post is the pvp gear issue. But since you sir are obviously a WoW fanboi.. You should know how impossible say a disc priest or resto druid or hell even a frost mage is in the top tier pvp gear is to kill.. Its not happening unless they have downs..;)

  20. LOL if your lagging in 4vs4 you must have a ****** PC or ISP.




    Yes please go back to your carebear WoW PVP.



    Ya lol I think my lil $400 laptop that I use for work could run the game better than that..



    You can't expect to play this game on a intel 286 with on-board video card and 1gig of ram.. :mad:

  21. Yup, pvp is fail, due to the gliches, lag, and broke azz que system. I just love getting thrown in a game 1/2 over or with 1/2 a team.Then oooh yea the cool down at the rez shrine just great with 6 players on your team. There is no penalty for leaving, or for the leechers trying to hide, but every game has those i suppose. And accepting a wz que then being transported to log on screen is the best, but i suppose all that could be overlooked if it was actually a good pvp system..its really a noob v noob death race. Sorry to be so judgmeental but i come from a game thats over 6 years old and puts this to shame...just counting down the days till gw2 comes out.



    Please go back to said game. Every game has issues at launch. You want to compare everything to WoW.. Did you even play the game at launch? Remember the ALL DAY queue times to get into AV?? The 12hr+ matches in AV? If not then you have no right to use it as a comparison. Lets not forget about how buggy and glitchy the game was for the first year or so. I am sorry to inform you but if you think GW2 is worth playing.. Have fun but obviously you have never had any dealings with NCFAIL.. They are hands down one of the worst gaming companys around. Their customer service could be compared 1-900 sex line. All they care about is your money. Your gaming experience doesn't matter long as you pay that monthly fee. So by all means, have fun and **** of our forums.


    To the pvp issues, bugs happen. If there wasn't bugs you people wouldn't have reasons to come bit*h and moan on these forums about the game sucking. With that said, thank Bioware for giving you something that you feel is constructive to do. :cool:

  22. SHUT THE **** UP




    So I tell u why im more skilled than u in PVP IN SWTOR :


    1. Im much more intelligent than you

    2. I have much better reflex than u / I give u example , enemy Throw ball to ally in huttbal,and they are near our line to score and guess what? I REACT SO FAST THAT I STEAL THE BALL (standing in middle of circle when the ball fall down) and save our team from score,just pure example of many)

    3. I have binded like 25 hotkey that i constanly use them,my APM is about 250-380 in WZs while ur is not even 50

    4. I have better combo than because i know when to press which button/skill

    5. Im getting 10-12 medals per wz, u never get 8 medals considering on ur station which is > oh theres no skill in swtor


    Well,there is skill in swtor my little newb,I truly hope so u will see and feel it one day.


    And yeah so this patch mean those scrubs im facerolling in wzs will get same amount of valor/and MAYBE EVEN wz COMMS ?


    Omg BW, im totally shocked and u just gave other players WHO ARE NOT DESERVED to get same comms/valor like SKILLED players.


    Thats sad...


    Congrats? You also have the grammar of a 12yr old...


    Cookies and milk ------------------->

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