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Posts posted by Nyvan

  1. List of locations to pick up dailies:

    1) Belsavis

    2) Corellia - The Black Hole

    3) Illum


    I can't remember exactly what the taxi points are for Belsavis and Illum, someone else will have to fill in those details :( .


    You can indeed make enough credits to sort of fund your alts. But as far as I can tell it really takes about (keep in mind I am a sith sorc in heal spec, i run solo most quests with Khem Val tanking) 2-3 hours if you take your time with all the dailies. If you rush i guess it might take an hour to solo the ones you can solo and maybe another 15 mins to a 1/2 hour to get thru the heroics which do require groups.


    I like to run Belsavis and Black Hole dailies. You can still make enough creds to do casual play if you just run those. If you like raiding though....I really don't know.


    Hope that helps a little :)

  2. Honestly, no. I've run with a sniper in several Operations and maybe he only got boots. I think it took my husband, who is a sith assasin, about three weeks of doing several Operations a week to get full Rakata. I beleive it took our sniper friend a little longer. But I sympathize. I've been on several Ops in which nothing but heavy armour dropped - all Bounty Hunter and Jugg stuff :(
  3. Honestly, the responses you've gotten so far have it right. With crafting, its all about finding the niche that you can occupy. However, my personal experience is that most of the crafts you can pick require you to make mostly garbage you can RE for skill ups. Once you max your crafting and start picking up rare schematics from different Operations and Flashpoints (and even some regular missions or Heroic missions) then you can start making stuff to actually sell on the GTN. For example, my husband is working up the skill Artifice also and he's already looted some schematics for the high level crystal colors (like Magenta) which sell for a pretty penny on the GTN. He will however, have to sink quite a bit more time (and credits) on maxing out his skills in Artifice before he can craft and sell this crystal. So, bascially, crafting can be a good way to earn credits on a daily basis without doing a lot of farming (since you can buy some mats on the GTN or from vendors and also send out companions to gather for you) but only once you have maxed out your crafting skill, found your niche, and undercut other crafters for the more rare items.


    For general farming though, the only thing I know about is farming the FP Boarding Party. You can earn about 40-60k every 10-15 minute run. So if money is really a problem, I would check out BP and see if its a viable cred farming option for you. I'm not sure what level it is though, so check it out, and see if it is soloable at your level.


    All in all, once you have one level 50 character and can farm creds doing the daily missions, you will have more money to level up other toons. There are lots of credit sinks in the game, so spend money on abilities and gear repair. You should be able to get all the gear (and companion gear - pick the companion that you like the most and try to out fit that one first) you need either from your mission rewards or from planetary commendation vendors. The way the game is supposed to work (I think) is that each person levels up a toon wearing blue (prototype) gear from missions and maybe some orange gear (to change the way they look) that you can earn from FPs. Once they have a level 50 they can farm creds doing Ops, FPs, PVP, and dailies, which will help thier alt toons to level up (you can now buy legacy xp perks by mailing your alts creds and buying the perks on the alt). So, maybe just focus on leveing up one toon for now? Its really up to you. I'm an alt-aholic, so I usually level up a lot of toons at once :p.


    Hope that helps! :)

  4. To the question about how many players of each class there are on most servers - you pretty much already know. There are millions of DPS, like 12 tanks, and about 5 healers (lol). Pick tank or heals if you enjoy those roles; you will get groups easily. However if you hate tanking and healing just do the dps you find most interesting. Personally i like having a lot of ranged dps in my groups/ops becuase melee dps has to be right up in the fight so i have to throw out more heals on them (probably about 2 melee dps is all i can heal in an Ops, but ranged dps is pretty easy cuz they all stand in my aoe heal with me). Hope that helps!
  5. So, honestly, you should be turning in a set of quests after completion at each quest hub. That means you should not leave your local map until you have turned in all your quests in that region. Its showing the taxi point so that you know which quest hub to return to to either do or turn in quests. I usually pick up all the quests at a taxi point/quest hub, bang em all out, and have someone either at that quest hub tell me the next place to quest at or follow my class quest to the next hub. It won't show you all the quests you need to turn in on the planet. At least, I've never seen it do that. Most people don't finish a whole planet and then do all the turn ins - you don't get the gear upgrades and xp you need or the creds for repair and such. So yeah, your map doens't show all the quest turn ins on the planet. You have to turn in quests in each region when you are done with them if possible and/or taxi/quick travel to the other turn ins. The quest log itself will tell you each turn in outpost. Hope that helps :)
  6. I'm on The Bastion and its a great server for PvP - lots of open world stuff too. You should join that one, especially if you are on the west coast. If you aren't, the Fatman is probably the best on for you.
  7. Oh of course, I'm so sorry, you're right, I was referring to in combat healing. Since I play 3 healing classes I often don't distinguish between the out of combat heals and the in combat ones. My advice to you, since you clearly don't understand how the MMO genre works, is please go play Diablo 3 where apparently healing - in or out of combat - is totally in the control of each individual player. In all of the MMOs I've played, the tank is called a "meat shield" becuase he is dead unless he has a healer constantly on his butt healing him up. If you are not a healing class it is just dumb to play with a tank companion. In fact, in other MMOs there is NO out of combat health regen ability and you just have stand around waiting for health/mana to come back. I can't tell you how many hours I've spent standing around on my ranger in EQ2 waiting for her health to regen cuz she just got her butt whooped by some giants.


    Personally I hate playing a Merc BECAUSE I needed a traige healer (Mako) to support me. I've also found that the Commando is similar in that regard - it feels more comfortable to play with Dorn as my back - up on the way up to 50. However I also know a lot of really great Merc healers (not so many Commandos) who have done just fine on the level up. Its actually a WAAAY faster class to level up than the sorc or sage (in light armour).


    It sounds to me like you have a problem with the fact that it takes a while to heal yourself, because you simply don't have the patience to play MMOs. Please go back to your fast-paced, adrenaline pumping FPS games and leave the nice MMO people alone.


    Thank you :)

  8. So, since I made my previous post when I was actually running out the door to have dinner with some friends lol...


    If my tank can heal himself, what's the point of me, as a healer, playing at all? Khem Val actually already does something that heals himself and me to some extent; in other games it would be called a "life burn" or "death touch". He basically sucks the enemies health out of them. I understand that the O.P. wants to play very quickly and burn through enemies like they're nothing, but that's not really how I like to play. I LIKE healing my companion and throwing out the occaisional cc here or there, maybe burning down an add or two, but mainly just healing Khem. I don't care how fast or slow it goes becuase healing is fun for me. The solution to your problem is that you simply shouldn't play classes that rely heavily on tank companions for solo content. Or you could do everything in groups, since playing with actual people is much better than using companions anyway. But to ask BW to make tank companions self-healing would negate my role as a healer and pretty much make me unsub! :mad: I hope you understand, O.P., that you simply need to modify YOUR playstyle so that YOU enjoy the game and not ruin it for the rest of us!

  9. I play a sith sorc healer and if my comp is geared properly i never have trouble with him dying. I also play a sniper and have had to let Kaliyo die a couple times, but I just use my out of combat health regen after combat and she heals up super fast.
  10. Why would you want to be in more than one guild? I was in a guild with a bunch of my friends and family, but the guild itself didn't have the leadership and community that I was really looking for. The majority of people in that guild also play in a more fast-paced style than I do, so I was looking for more like-minded people in general. So, even though my friends and family are still in the old guild, I play in the one I like best. You should do the same, imo. Hope that helps :).
  11. You should invest in as many customizable pieces as you can, as you level up. That is the orange gear. That way, you can have the look you want up until max level (you put mods on it every couple of levels). By the time you get to level 50 you should be getting level 50 purple mods to put on your orange gear, which will make you able to do the story mode operations much easier. You can buy orange gear on the GTN or get it from questing. You can also buy it using commendations, but I prefer to save my commendations for mods. You can find quite a bit of modable gear that looks like that early level stuff if you look on the GTN too. Hope that helps! :o
  12. I think the most important thing you have to realize, O.P., is that not everyone is specced for tanking or healing if they are say a Sorc or a Warrior. A lot of tank classes and healing classes spec dps - most of them actually - from what I've seen. So, if you like healing, play a sorc or sage, or ops or scoundrel, or merc, or mando, and if you would like to bow out of healing for a bit, spec those classes in dps and let someone else heal. Same goes for tanking. I know a few Powertechs who are currently in dps spec right now so they can learn the fights to get ready for tanking. Ultimately, pick the class you like playing and don't worry about how many people out there also carry the AC "sage" or "gaurdian".
  13. Honestly, O.P., I was also a little disappointed with the way I was tossed my lightsaber (ugly as F by the way) as I also expected that it might be more exciting to get one. But I have since gotten over that bit - the sorcerer and assasin are really fun classes to play. If you are looking for a really twisty plot line though, you might try the Imperial Agent.
  14. All the healers look fun to me, although I only have a sorc, sage, and commando in heal spec atm. My operative is dps spec, since I thought it would be fun to try, but ops are good heals too. It depends on the kind of playstyle you think you would enjoy, ultimately. Sorcs are really good healers all around, but they do have some issues with mobility (only mobile abilites are bubble, one small single target reactive, and one small single target HoT). Pretty much, sorc and sage are fun if you want to use force based abilites and carry a saber. If you like guns better than sabers, you should go with one of the other healing classes. Ops and Scoundrel can use stealth and cover to mitigate incoming damage so they don't have to heal themselves as much (if the Tank holds agro and dps isn't being stupid that is). I can't really give any pointers to the Merc though, since I didn't really enjoy it much (heard Merc doesn't really come into their own until like level 30 or something).


    ALL the healing classes have resource issues! Don't let anyone tell you different! Just because I can use Consumption to convert my health to force power, doesn't mean its no problem for me to manage my resources. Any time ANY HEALER gets below (or in the case of Mercs, above) 50% of their resources they have to make tough decisions about how to regain force (or whichever resource they use) and who to heal or even if they can heal at all.

  15. I have a level 50 sith sorcerer and she is a lot of fun. The aoe heal is the best in the game, but healing mobility is limited, so if you plan to pvp a lot you might want to pick a mercenary healer. Operations as a sorcerer can be challenging as well for the same reason. You definitly will not be bored as a sorc healer, so if you are ready for the challenge pick that. Personally I love my powertech, she is really tough and has some great aoes. So, if I were you I would pick sorcerer for my healer and powertech for my tank. If you like melee tanking though and would like to wield a saber, the assasin tank seems like a lot of fun. It really depends on whether you'd like to shoot or saber-cut I suppose.
  16. Don't we all get some crappy aoe abilities? I don't really use Force Storm that much since I'm heal spec, so my main aoes are Revivication and the aoe knockback. But i have another aoe that sucks, so I don't use it. I know that my husband, who plays an assasin, has an aoe abillity that he doesn't really use much either. Like the others said, Force Storm doesn't need to be nerfed (perhaps all of our crappy aoes could use a boost though), you just need to use better aoes. I don't know why any BH would use anything but Death From Above and Flamethrower anyways, they just look so cool :p
  17. Nope, no way to change that stuff yet :(. I've deleted and rerolled toons just to change hair and make - up lol. I'm sure its a low thing on the priority list too, just below reducing the cost of mod extraction.
  18. Just to be clear: Ashara is not my apprentice! She is a stupid and very annoying padawan I picked up to further my own evil ends! Xalek is my apprentice; an Assasin tank. So, your whole argument is pretty much based on misinformation. I use Ashara for farming Boarding Party and nothing else. Her survivability is totally lame compared to a fully geared Xalek! Please re-adjust your argument to fit the facts! I also use Khem over Xalek anyway, as a Sith Sorcerer Healer. Shadow/ Assasin tanks are wicked good, so your Shadow/ Assasin tank companion should be just as good, as long as you gear them appropriately. I understand that if you would rather use your Shadow/Assasin companion as a dps buddy, then you will need to gear them properly for that, but keep in mind that the survivability will go out the window again. So, there you go...hope that clarifies things for you :p
  19. HA. these forums are rich all right. my hubby and i just redownloaded UO. its sooo much harder and sooo much more ghetto than SW right? Like, you start out naked and have to herd cattle for like 6 weeks before you can even get enough clothes and money to GO OUTSIDE!!! People pay $15 a month to play THAT lol. I'm on a budget, I work for a living, and guess what? I am patient enough to wait until the server transfers are officially closed before complaining about the process. Of course, I'm not patient enough not to troll the forums :p. I hope I get transfered to your server man, it would be fun to whoop your bum and watch you whine about that too :p.
  20. I think that a good way to deal with that issue is target forwarding (which although I've sugested it several times on the forums, has yet to appear in SWTOR). But the answer to your question is yes, you have to do this the old fashioned way. That is: hit F2, heal, heal heal, hit F3 Bubble, heal, heal, hit F4 heal, heal, heal and so on and so forth. I would suggest that you limit the damage (and therefore retargeting) you are doing and focus on the healing. I usually limit my non- healing stuff to CC, unless I can squeeze in a shock or affliction here or there.
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