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Posts posted by Capt_Beers

  1. Any chance of the engine ever getting an overhaul? Or is that just a layman's pipe dream?




    Since that would likely require a very significant portion of the code being rewritten I would go with no.

  2. The graphics were updated a bit in 4.0, I believe. And also, your 770 is starting to show it's age: 256 bit, and 2gb ram. That's probably your bottleneck. No more ultra for you. gg


    This game is older than that card

  3. You're wasting all your Recklessness charges. You should use DF when you have one charge of Reck left. If you use DF first it will consume all 3 charges. If you sue it when you have one charge it will still crit the same but you could have used it for a crit Force Leech and a channel of Lightning/Demolish and then a DF crit on multiple people.
  4. The amount of "exceptional individuals" in WZ's is the problem. I see "exceptional individuals" not using LoS, DCD's or even properly executing a 4 button rotation. These "exceptional individuals" go on to ***** about losing.


    Getting better is the solution. Always has been, always will be.

  5. Level through PvP and do heroics on planets you are over leveled for while waiting on pops. They will be stupid easy since you are over leveled but the basic comms still spend the same. Or just buy mods with basic comms and mail them to your new alt. If you have any characters that even started Riishi they should be overflowing with the damn things.


    Basic comms are super easy to get and are the easiest way to gear while leveling.

  6. I doubt apac makes up even a quarter of the ranked pop let alone half.


    The APAC pop is so big all their servers got shut down so gonna have to agree with Raansu


    EDIT: Although on second thought since the group ranked community is about 50 people I suppose it's possible 20-25 of them are from APAC

  7. Orbs are a huge waste of time. IT was stated by a dev on here (I'm not looking for the post) that they were never meant to be the main method of scoring. In the time it takes you channel and run back to your pylon and then come back to mid you could have helped secure multiple kills which would be worth more points than the single orb.
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