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Posts posted by Resurrectioned

  1. My experience of using 3D-modelling software is that it takes a *lot* of patience and almost all of the *existing* software out there is substantially difficult to use (sometimes for good reasons, like because it's a complicated subject, and sometimes for bad reasons, like because the designers are clueless(1) [REDACTED]s) and very niche as a result.


    (1) clueless about good usability design, that is.


    EDIT: it's unlikely, as a result, to be successful.


    You're not wrong when you say its difficult, because people get overwhelmed by the amount of tools. But its also not impossible to learn and there are countless tutorials to help people. There's also been plenty of success with it in other games such as skyrim, dragonage, pretty much any game that includes mods as well. I've seen some other MMO's do it in the past I just can't think of the names as they weren't big name projects.

  2. Where this falls down is that there's pretty much a total idea that if you pick any two players, they won't agree on exactly what it should look like. Each one knows his or her preference and "perfect" look, but is mine the same as yours?


    I'm not at all saying we all have the same taste. But players as a whole know how they want their own characters to look and a lot of us go through A LOT of effort to customize our toons. Therefore if there was software we could use to create our own and submit it to swtor staff for approval, I think it would make the game more enjoyable by being able to wear the gear we've created.

  3. I think it would be cool if players were able to be more involved with designing weapons and armor. If we had the option to design gear I think a lot of us would utilize it. Most players know exactly what we want our gear to look like and unfortunately (no disrespect to EA or Bioware) there's too much gear that we feel are insufficient to our taste and there just aren't enough customization options. If some special software were to be released that we could use to create our own and use our creativity to design and create custom gear, and submit it I think many of us would take advantage of this and it would most certainly enhance gameplay because all of us have a good general idea for what we think star wars equipment should look like. Any player designed gear I think should have an approval process and SWTOR staff will decide to either approve or decline player submitted designs.
  4. I think it would be cool if there was a MOBA style warzone. Where both factions have a spawn point along with a spawn point for NPC troops. Try to destroy each other's towers until you reach each others main base and whoever's base gets destroyed first loses and I think it would also be more entertaining if both factions had bonus objectives to gain more victory points. A lot of sith and jedi were field generals and I think this would help give it that vibe, such as in attack of the clones when the jedi are lifted out of the arena and Mace Windu lands in the middle of the battlefield on geonosis and he's giving out orders
  5. When I'm trying to decide on new armor sets I preview which dyes look the best with it. But it would make things more convenient if we had the option to preview dyes for individual pieces so that we can decide if we want to use it for that particular piece and decide if we want to use that dye or a different one. I mean we could remove the other pieces, but that is an inconvenience and makes things harder since we can't see how it looks with the whole set.
  6. It would be nice if dyes could be included in your collection. I spend A LOT of credits on dyes for my toons and its rather inconvenient spending a jack ton of credits on dyes every time I make a new toon. So it would certainly be nice if they could be added to collections so that I wouldn't have to spend so much.
  7. So here's something I thought would be a cool idea. When you reach level 75 and acquire your last combat proficiency point you can spend a reasonable sum of credits to level up your skill tree to the next tier of abilities which would include new activated and passive abilities, as well as new passive abilities. This would allow your characters to become even stronger, which I think would be beneficial to pvp, it gives room for the developers to create more content and more content would potentially be released sooner, and with more content tougher NPC's would also help balance this. Let me know what y'all think!
  8. So I had a couple ideas for guild invasions that I thought would be pretty cool, rather than just receiving conquest points for completing quests and such. A certain number of guild members need to be active and the guild master queues the guild for a guild invasion warzone against other guilds who are also queued.


    Planetary Guild Warzones


    Due to the fact the guilds are fighting each other and came from a vessel that looks to contain a very large crew I think it would be fitting if it actually looks and has a realistic warzone feel to it. I think it would be cool if guild masters had the option to summon NPC troops with a cooldown. Both participating guilds have objectives they need to complete. Completing the objectives earns you conquest points and how quickly you completed the objectives after being assigned the objective determines how many conquest points are received, player & npc kills also earn you conquest points. The amount of conquest points received from all players and how many kills should determine who won the planetary battle.


    Fleet Battles


    I thought it would be cool if we could have fleet battles with our flagships. Guildmaster pilots the ship while other members participate in other duties depending on their rank. For example the lowest rank could be responsible for piloting fighters in the hangar, the next rank could operate the ship guns, next rank could be on the bridge issuing commands, etc. When one flagship has been weakened enough the opposing guild uses a shuttle to board it. The guild can use NPC's they've placed as decorations to defend the ship but guild members receive a penalty such as reduced health and negative buffs due to damage from the ship. The defending guild has the option to surrender and the battle is not over until the boarding party fails and are killed, every defending NPC & guild member has been killed, or the defending guild master issues a surrender. You get conquest points for damage inflicted to enemy guild flagship, player & NPC kills, and the amount of time it took you to cripple the enemy flagship.


    Something I think would help make this work is to add purchasable upgrades to the flagship such as different guns, cannons, etc. Add improvements to weaponry, add different armor plating, different shields, bigger hangar to support more fighters so that more guild members can pilot them, etc.


    I'd love to hear people's opinions as well!

  9. Hi so I'd like to make some recommendations for the game to help players feel more immersed in the star wars universe. Despite the time difference I think some players including myself would like to see an AT-AT mount (make it a mini so its not too big to take up the whole screen) or make it a taxi on hoth, as well as more beast mounts that are considered to be incredibly vicious and deadly. Personally I'd love to see more immersive sith & jedi gear, such as robes that reflect the world of star wars or perhaps even some stylish armor. I'd also like to see some lightsabers that mirror the styles of certain characters such as darth nihilus (he has the most elegant lightsaber design in my opinion), obiwan, etc. I also think some people would like to mirror the appearance of certain characters and wear all the gear that they're seen with in either the movies or the games. I think it would also be fun to personalize your starship and use custom skins as well as interior designs to make the ship look the way "you" want it to look or perhaps even make bigger ships purchasable for those who want larger vessels and feel like they're in command of a military vehicle with their own NPC troops. This one might be difficult, but in attack of the clones and revenge of the sith you witness obiwan, mace windu, and yoda leading an army into battle and I think that kind of environment and strategy options as a way of leading and commanding the troops in your charge would promote more realism for specific events or gameplay features if this kind of thing were a possiblity. Some new playable species would also be appreciated such as trandoshan (bounty hunter players would love this option), I've always wanted to play as one of yoda's species, gormak, kaleesh, kit fisto fans would love to play as a nautolan, nikto would also be fun, esh-ka would be cool, there aren't too many bith fans but I know there are some who would enjoy playing as one, gen'dai would be another cool one, gouk, I can name several people who would appreciate being able to play as a gamorrean, duros, or even a devaronian playable species. Aside from starship battles, I think fleet battles would be a fun addition to space battle warzone kind of environment. I have several other ideas, which I may introduce later when I remember them. Let me know what y'all think.
  10. So I'm wondering if anyone else is having problems with the client. I clicked on the client and logged in. But during initializing, at the bottom left it says "this application has encountered an unspecified error. please try this patch again." Anyone else having this issue?
  11. A couple things I would like to see is firstly, like in a previous post a guild capitol ship. Secondly, guild tournaments. In these tournaments I would suggest multiple events. Warzone tournaments, galactic star fighter tournaments, or even some side events such as the quantity for crafting, enemies killed, players killed in guild pvp, world bosses killed, etc. On the capitol ship the it should at least include a trophy hall for each victory in events, and it should include the guild bank. If the guild bank is on the guild ship then the developers can remove it from fleet and replace it with something better and more useful. For each tournament match completed your guild would receive tournament commendations to use for purchasing better gear for future tournaments or guild purchases such as upgrades for the guild ship or guild perks such as a permanent or temporary xp boost, character stats increase, companion stats increase, increase credits earned for quest or from drops, increase in the chances of finding better gear from drops and so on. Bioware has listened and developed every idea I've suggested to them, so I don't see why they wouldn't listen to me now. I have a very creative mind and I'm hopeful that this could be added in the future or even made better than how I have suggested.
  12. So irritating, I started getting kicked from the server constantly this weekend at the time of double xp, then the mail system went down, chat went down, server went down, server is up and now the mail system is down AGAIN and I have 12.5 mil and mats just lingering. So, bw definitely isn't giving me my moneys worth for my subscription this month.
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