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Posts posted by VelumArgentum

  1. I'm not trying to be unconstructive here... I just really want to know why the plethora of stuns available in a pvp match are present.


    As a melee dps, most of my time spent within CQB is as a stunned avatar. Whenever I attack. Stun. Break free. Stun. Dead.


    It's not so much the mechanic that I misunderstand, its the implementation of it.


    To me it seems as though the pervasive use of the ubiquitous stun is just a crutch for the developers. Sure, it would be hard to actually implement some kind of class balance. Instead, we'll just make you freeze. That way everyone is even!


    That's my point... I don't mind dying to someone who can outplay/out-damage/out-maneuver me. But I'm seriously tired of dying because I'm frozen in the same spot 3 or 4 times in a row. That's like telling me... hey, you want to play and gain skill? Tough luck, this game mechanic is going to make you into a immobile newt. Enjoy!



  2. You have a meal. It's just not the one that you were expecting to get in your head.



    Again, the restaurant analogy is completely wrong.


    #1: Meals are necessary for life and wellbeing - I can't wait 4 days for the meal because otherwise I would, literally, starve

    #2: Persistence over time: Your contract with the restaurant is for a one-time deal only. You get the meal (service) and then that's it. For an MMO, they are essentially selling access to their game servers. Completely different time scale.


    The point isn't if you can order something else, the point is not getting your order at all.


    Look above with regards to my response to the restaurant analogy, which is entirely incorrect.


    Finally, your last point shows why you have the wrong perception of this: No one is not getting any order at all. If the servers were shut down 24/7 then you would be right, no one would be getting an order. They ordered what they wanted and they simply got something different from what they were expecting. Resources were spent to provide for that order nonetheless and you have to pay for it even if you didn't like what you got.


    Next time you go to a restaurant, try eating 90% of your meal and then tell them that it wasn't good so you didn't consider it to be 'worthy' of paying for it.

  4. These folks have every right to complain, whine, moan, shout about this.


    They have the right but it doesn't mean that they are in the right.


    Okay fine, you want to see the population and how the transfers go. Fine. Then open up the rest on Saturday. Either that or act with more haste to issues like this.


    You see how you just contradicted yourself within literally the space between your period and the next sentence?



    They have just got on the bad side of some loyal customers who are WAITING to be able to play the game with others. These people have waited for a while now and they are watching everyone else get transfers.


    If they are loyal customers then they will wait. You are right about that. That is what it means to be a loyal customer.


    It's like if everyone entered a restaurant at the same time. Say 10 couples entered a restaurant at the same time. 7 of the couples get their meals before the night is over and the other three are told "Sorry, the chef won't be able to get to your order tonight. Maybe tomorrow. Have a good day!"


    Completely incorrect as you have your idea of time and services muddled. A restaurant is not a persistent service, nor is the service being offered at all alike. Access to game servers does not equate with a meal that can be eaten and your contract with the restaurant being over.

  5. Here is the biggest joke about f2p.....


    Wait for it....


    It sucks.


    It's nothing like the gaming experience you're used to in any game you've ever played (probably) before. Trust me, you'll end up spending more and you won't be happy because someone spent even more and got *just* that much better than you.


    Welcome to the new market of gouging out consumers.


    I support the subscription model and so should you.

  6. Maybe you should've built a sense of community in your guild before you blame bioware that once you were transferred and other guild opportunities presented themselves people chose otherwise?


    My guild had contingency plans in place for a long time, as soon as these transfers were announced. Most people were incredibly willing to work with everyone else to make the transfer as smooth as possible. Luckily we were a destination server, although we knew if we were origin we would lose a chunk but the "great" members would stay around and continue to support the people they shared their gaming experiences with.


    Sorry, but this one's on you.

  7. Well what can I say... it feels like we're playing an MMO again!


    Quite literally within minutes of the server transfers being open into The Shadowlands, the amount of people pouring into fleet was astounding. Every 5min the population on fleet would jump by 10. We now have two instances of fleet at about 300 each.


    Our guild alone picked up 45 new members as the new influx of people were coming into the server looking for a new guild. That took about 1.5 to 2 hours alone.


    And this is all just within the initial influx of people from those servers. I'm certain more will come as the weekend comes along.


    Many people who were coming into our server were friendly and saying hello and everyone was in good spirits as they were surprised to see planet populations (i.e. 43 people on Belsavis alone) outpace fleet populations at peak times on their old servers.


    Excellent job! Keep up the good changes!


    I'm rooting for you guys... and I'll do what I can to help make this the #1 MMO, a distinction that I believe this game deserves.

  8. The notion that you can actually complete an MMORPG is quite ridiculous. You want people to keep subbing, give them a reason to, not everyone wants to have to make a new alt every time they complete their char, some people want to be able to use their easily acquired items for a purpose. You know what kept me playing UO and Mir for so long? The prospects that one day I might actually get an epic item, you'd have to slay thousands of mob bosses on average to get something amazing.


    Also I think that there should be unique items with unique abilities ingame, an example, a set that summons all group members to your location. These drops should be rare, and non instanced to entice a bit of PvP here and there (guess the PvE carebears will be first come first serve).


    Legendary items please :)


    Here is the problem:


    Pre-1.2: Kids: "OMG BM gear is so ridiculously hard to get."

    BioWare: "Ok. in order to make newcomers not be completely useless in PvP, we will lessen the stringency to acquire that gear."

    Kids: "OMG! It's too easy to get that gear now, ***."


    See the problem?


    Your proposed solution is to kill "thousands of mobs to get an epic item."


    I can think of a lot of reasons why this is not a good course of action.


    But then again, your name has Diablo in it... so I guess that explains quite a bit.

  9. Excellent post! +12 for your pro-active approach


    Just so I understand this better, what you're saying is that the alternate letters only prevent people from searching for it when it's at the front... in other words, if there is an alternate letter in the name itself, the in-game search function will try to match the next-best name?


    Say I type in Markov, instead of your Mark*v - will the system show me both of yours, or do I have to type in the wildcard there?

  10. You DO realize this is 2012 right?


    Yes, that was the point of the edit. To show that even though its 2012 the exact same things are being said as before, and not much has changed in terms of adolescent responses. Case in point: See the GW1 quote. Sound familiar to something happening right now?


    Every MMO that launches is compared to 2012 WoW, and rightly so. By that comparison SWTOR has been severely lacking in several categories and the game has all but died within the last 3 months with most servers literally ghost towns.


    I'm not sure how losing 30% of subs is exactly "all but dead" but this is in line with the imaginary quantitative analysis that is featured so prominently on these forums.


    Welcome back though, maybe BW can turn it around with these transfers. Here's hoping they do!


    Thanks! I've joined a great guild on my server and I've been having a lot of fun ever since I got back!

  11. I will probably get flamed to high heaven for this but personally I think that if you're not subbed you shouldn't get the any benefits of paying customers. Want a free transfer when it's first offered? Be a paying customer.


    Agreed. Pay the $15 for the month if you are that worried about not getting free server transfers (hell, you might end up paying that much, if not more, in the future for a paid transfer).


    $15 is not a lot of money. Don't buy that pop or coffee today, and after a few days you'll have saved enough to enjoy full membership in this game!

  12. Because servers like these are paid for ahead of time.


    Secondly, it would take longer to merge servers, making people wait even more to get off of dead servers. These kinds of transfers ensure that people can experience the game the way it was meant to be as quickly as possible. Unless you would like to wait another 3 months?

  13. No such thing as Ilum battles anymore. Around the PvP vendors where crap loads of people gather is smooth as butter for me and i'd say there are usually significantly more than 40 people there.


    I'm aware of the Illum situation.


    If that's the case then it's anecdotal evidence that they have worked on optimizing the engine. Has BW said anything on this issue?

  14. My server: The Shadowlands


    Prediction: Next wave


    Status: Destination server


    Reason: We are 3rd largest PVE US EAST server. So, third wave, since the first two have been addressed in the first two waves, respectively.


    So far I was right about the first two!

  15. First off, excellent job on the smooth transfers! I'm glad to hear everything is going well. I'm also crossing my fingers that The Shadowlands becomes a destination server. Can't wait to find out.


    Anyhow, I was just wondering if anyone knows or if a dev could comment on the following question:


    With the expected increase in active population and concurrent logins, what can we expect in terms of engine performance? I have a very high end rig (I'll be honest, SWTOR made me finally get a new computer!) and I would greatly lag before when there was a large amount of people standing in a group on fleet (perhaps ~40). Has the engine been optimized since to allow for these higher populated servers to function without the heavy drop in fps?



    If this question has already been answered, please forgive me . I only returned a few days ago after leaving shortly before 1.2

  16. On the transfer information page there is a little link that is for the FAQ's for character transfers.


    The very first few lines:


    Your account...

    ...must have an active subscription or game time remaining.

    ...must not be banned.



    *Correction: The link is actually labeled as addition guidelines for transfers (Not the FAQ's)


    Codek... you're implying that we have to read and think about what we read. That is a ridiculous proposition. I want to see shiny things go pew pew pew!

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