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Posts posted by TuF_WOLVERINE

  1. If a stack of items is for sale on GTN there is no option to buy individual items. Just spent 1.5 hours listing items from two hyper crates just to find out that all the stacks of furniture I put up for sale wont get looked at because they're stacks of 8 and 12 and people can only buy the entire stacks. No I have to wait 2 days to get my stuff back and relist them again individually with 8 times as many auctions.. and time.. cant wait :|



    Also I have noticed people mistakenly listing stacks of items for the individual price.. So they are getting screwed out of a lot of credits. There is no visible calculation between typing in the individual cost per item and the total cost of the stack. You have to sit here with a calculator on your lap to figure out how much your stack is worth versus the individual cost.

  2. Some friends from the other side of the world have asked me to move from Harbinger to their EU server. I started a new character and pre-orded the the new expansion for the class xp boost.. that should help.. but still would be nice to have the option of moving some characters I spent so much time building to the EU servers instead of starting almost from scratch.


    if we cant move, perhaps they could make that xp boost a buyable option for not having the option to transfer.. atleast that is something.. or even a shared bank in which I could send my new characters gear and money etc..

  3. Can't wait till it comes back. Ready to start trolling the whiners and cry babies... lol .. this girl started freaking out and swearing me because I got on the balloon on tatooine with her while I was infected lol.. she started swearing me and trying to spam me with dual request ... what a spaz .. vaccine is $1000 .. big deal. .. just wish I had a Troll Face I could wear while she was tripping out :rak_04:
  4. Why do you need more then one package? HK comes with full 50 gear, the package is for those that had him come naked as part of a glitch thus the package to fix that. If you had a full HK enjoy the free $. If you unlocked him on another comp he comes with full 50 gear, he will never have lower gear so how does getting more level 50 packs help that?


    My HK-51 when unlocked did not come with gear at all. Nothing in mail either. One of my characters has the package but it can not be mailed to my other character.. All my other character I unlocked HK-51 , they came with gear.. except this one...

  5. I agree with not needing the notification of sale emails.. they are annoying. but more annoying than that.. is the random mail from people offering to sale credits... and they include 1cr ***.. I never accept the credits and just deletes those emails. but im curious.. why do they all include 1cr ??? need a spam folder or something...
  6. PST 2am-4am and 11am-1:30pm


    Can't seem to find anywhere that has a list of guilds with info about them... so thought I would just take a shot in the dark and see if anyone here could point me in the right direction. I haven't played for several months and decided to start playing again.. get the new HK-51 companion and level up my crafting skills etc in anticipation of the new level cap coming. I've done very little pvp or hard mode flashpoints. not a highly skilled player by any means.. just looking for a guild for running dailies and flashpoints etc..


    seems my old guild disappeared while I was gone and my entire friends list is a ghost town...

  7. Get an armormech to make you some custom (orange) pants. They come in both medium and heavy. Light armor pants are quite lacking though.

    I have an armor tech but he can only make medium and heavy armor ? weird... my jedi sage can only wear light.


    Wish I could use the smuggler outfits.

  8. where is the game room... even in movie they played some sort of chess.. against the wookie and flailed around at some floating orbs with sabers and blind folds.... drop bombs on womprats from gliders.... tripped up at-at with cables ... where are the fun mini games :| .. invite some friends to your ship.. play some cards.. shoot some pool.. earn some social points... something...
  9. i searched for awhile trying to locate a custom techblade for one of my characters. I used another character and all of his credits 17,543cr to buy the only modifiable techblade I was able to find near lvl 15. I didn't even have enough credits left over to mail it to my republic player that can use that item and began to examine it and noticed the yellow crystal in it was worthless.. gave no stats at all so I removed it.. F())))))CK BOUND ...................... my imperial player or any of his companion can not even equip this item. I intended to mail it to my republic player when I got a few credits to mail it.. I tried to mail it COD first but.. apparently you have to have credits to send it COD ... lol


    God I was so pissed.. now I have worthless unusable item and broke.. :p

  10. why not two sets of servers. one set that can be patched offline and one set to keep things going. then only taking us offline for 30 min instead of 4 hours every other day or so. Or some offline crafting, mini games, or space missions inside our ship to pass the time. Thus only shutting down pvp and world maps.:rak_02:


    not enough servers to go around? close least populated servers, consolidate populations.. use the extra servers for offline patches / maintenance.

  11. I'm getting too annoyed because its always the same time two or more times a week which happens to be 10 minutes or so after I get home and I am finally able to play. I took all day yesterday off of work just because I've come to expect getting screwed tonight. For gods sake cant we at least do space missions or crafting offline or something to pass the time.


    Any votes for offline crafting, space missions ?

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