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Posts posted by Gronkaarr

  1. it's not fixed, still happens to me. really annoying when my team is winning a WZ and I have to quit it because the roll bug leaves me stuck in place and then I get killed and end up stuck at the spawn point. I've reported the bug in-game many times, never get a response
  2. Still waiting for your advice on this one Eric, I have a friend who is having this issue. He can't post in these forums himself, nor can he raise a ticket. How should be proceed. And while we are on the topic which idiot and which logic decided that non-subscribers can't join the community in the forums, and are not given in game support.




    If you're a non-subscriber why would you expect customer support? you're not a paying customer. customer support costs money and subscribers are paying to cover that overhead cost. stop being a free-loader and subscribe if you want customer support

  3. I didn't have much problems with leveling with concealment but i did it before a lot of the nerfs hit. I did make the switch to medicine at around level 48 or 49, and did the 50-55 leveling also as medicine. if you're having difficulty with concealment I would definitely give medicine a try. I think in general some fights will take longer because you're depending on your companion to do more dps, but your survivability will increase and you'll be able to solo a lot of the more difficult stuff like heroic 2 missions and stuff. When fighting elites I do find the tank companions to work better for me because they have their taunt ability, but if you only have good gear for your dps companion then use her
  4. You augmented the gear you knew you were going to have to turn in? Interesting choice.


    why do they make us turn in the lower tier gear anyway? if it's just a way of inflating the cost of the conqueror gear, they should just include a token that you get when you purchase the partisan and make you turn in that token when you buy the conqueror

  5. hmm i don't think there will be a new set of comms because I think BW really tried to reduce the number of different types of comms in 2.0


    Wouldn't it be more logical to make the Conqueror set purchasable with WZ comms while the new set is purchased with Ranked comms? And then maybe make the Partisan set available at reduced WZ comms prices?

  6. if you vanish after the fight has started then your companion will remain in combat. you can either let your companion die before hitting your vanish, or you can vanish and get to a safe distance, then wait out your vanish cooldown timer, unstealth and then vanish again. then you'll be out of combat. i usually let my companion die, then vanish cuz it's faster than waiting out the cooldown
  7. i mostly pvp now and I have cybertech for the reusable grenades. as a healer you'll probably get marked and then draw a lot of attention so having a grenade for an extra cc ability to help you get away is nice. only problem is that its a long cooldown so use it wisely
  8. 1) Spec - you can move points from sedatives into med shield or chem resistant inlays. both of these will give you more survivability. or you can put them into slip away in the lethality tree, which is useful in pvp


    2) UI - I use the two main bars plus the cover bar, and I also use the side bars, but resized them to be smaller and adjusted rows/columns to make them shaped as boxes. i group the abilities in a way that lets me see the cooldowns easily. also you should enable the view party frames as raid frames and then resize the party frames to see a large health bar with percentage value displayed. this helps you see the low hp targets quickly and also see which ones are below 30% for the free SP heal


    3) keybinds - i use a razer naga mouse which makes it so easy. for targeting i mostly use tab targeting but its sometimes unreliable so I also will left click my target from the raid frame when needed. with the naga mouse, it's just left click target and then another mouse button click to heal, very fast and easy. don't use the keyboard to turn, it's so slow. learn to use the mouse to turn, especially in pvp. just unbind the keys that let you turn and you'll learn to use the mouse quickly


    4) gear - it's so straightforward now, just grind comms. read the dulfy.net guide if you can't figure it out. if you do operations you can get the better gear that has set bonuses, from the boss drops. if you dont do ops then just run the weekly quests in sectionx, makeb and black hole and do your FP/Group finder dailies and FP weekly. you'll quickly get a lot of basic and elite comms and you'll get black hole and black market drops too from the HMs. if you don't raid, this is pretty much the top end of pve gear you'll be able to get, and it's pretty much all you need

  9. It's not around you, it's around your target. Toss it on the tank and your melee dps will benefit also.


    and it heals someone within 10 meters of your target. So if you are out of range to heal someone but you can land RN on someone else within 10m of them, you can get a heal on that intended target from outside the range

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