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Posts posted by nrevox

  1. You might, but probably not. Judging by many of the replies, lots of folks have tried raiding, had bad experiences, gave up on raiding. Now, since this is just a game and since the only reason to play a game is to have fun, if I am having fun playing the way I am playing (which I obviously am or I would not be posting in these forums), what incentive do I have to again seek out a play style I have already found to not be fun?


    Well YOU might not have any desire to do that content, which is fine. But I was speaking to the OP who obviously does. I'm not trying to convince you or declare any incentives to play any style. If you don't like raiding, then don't raid. If he wants to learn and experience that part of the game, then good for him! I hope he gets to experience it.

  2. If the amount of posts determine the validity of the subject, then there are a hell of a lot more people that want ops / fps / warzones. Those threads are nearing the hundred page mark across websites.


    Most of those threads are the same regulars that always post on the forums. Imagine all of the people who don't visit the forums at all. You will never get an accurate consensus from the forums. I wish Bioware would send out polls and surveys to each account to get REAL feedback and rate content.

  3. Who here has never done operations in TOR? Just curious how common this.


    Ops/raids always seemed really fun to me and I wished I could do them, but it never happened, for one reason or another. When I do actually participate in group or ops content, I'm decent at it I swear, but the addition of more solo and tactical modes means I may finally get to see some content I haven't seen before.


    For me, getting into a raid meant:


    Figure out how to get geared

    Spend enough time in the game to get geared in time for That Op Everyone is Doing Right Now

    Find a guild in the same time zone / schedule

    with friendly players

    who are adults

    who don't care if I don't log in for days because I also have a family and an rl social life

    who are patient and willing to take on someone who's never done the fights

    who cry-laugh hysterically over wipes because omg why were you standing there you moron ok let's do this again


    So, yeah. My why-I'm-a-non-raider story, everyone. :jawa_tongue:


    Raiding is probably the most fun part of the game in my personal opinion, especially if you raid with irl friends or a great group of people that make it fun. It is really the only reason i play since i quit pvp. Don't get discouraged man. I see guilds recruiting all the time on gen chat. take a chance with some of them. You might find a group of people that you really connect with. With all of the operations being boosted to level 60 and 65 soon, it will be a great time to experience the classics if you have never done them.


    good luck!

  4. So where is the group content? New endgame content? Or new Warzone maps? You know the content that actually keeps people engaged for long periods of time and keeps them playing when they've finished going through the story?


    I thought this was supposed to be an MMO (that stands for MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER online BTW) but you guys are turning this into a single player RPG and that's very very disappointing to see.


    Lets see what happens, they just announced an expansion ... I'm sure more details will come out soon.

  5. Hey gang,


    Let me start off by saying I know this does not apply to ALL players but, for the most part, I base this post on my own experiences.


    I have been browsing the forums for some time but never felt the desire to post anything. That is, until today. I direct this post to all the people in the " "merge the servers because the queues take too long" crowd. The servers really aren't to blame and I don't think Bioware/EA is either. It is the players...


    Here's why I say that. As someone who is still relatively new to the game, I have experienced my fair share of comments and criticism because I lack the PVP skills to bolster the team or, more often, I am not putting out enough DPS on Underlurker or some other OPS mob. This might be attributed to the fact that I have been engaged/attempting to do end game content for a relatively short amount of time when compared to most players. Almost every player I have run in to when doing end game content has been playing since launch or shortly there after. I, on the other hand have been playing less than 1 year and endgame content less than 3 months. Also, most players have had the benefit of honing their skills on the following ops; Eternity Vault, Karagga's Palace, Explosive Conflict, Terror From Beyond, Scum and Villainy, The Dread Fortress, and The Dread Palace. That's 7 ops to run before hitting The Ravagers and Temple of Sacrifice!!! Then throw in hard mode and nightmare mode and that's is even more experience before hitting the 2 newest OPS!!!


    So along comes a new player, such as myself. The whole "mechanics" thing to the boss fights are pretty complicated and not something players have a lot of experience with during leveling via PVE. So, DPS drops because a player is trying to do things they've never really done before. It takes time to learn these things!!


    However, some of the comments I received today and in the past have really made me hesitant to want to join OPS in the future. I know there are others out there that feel the same way as I had a real-life friend that quit because of the verbal abuse he continued to get in PVP and PUG groups. If a player continues to be verbally abused, insulted and degraded because they aren't putting up the numbers in and OPS group, why would they want to queue up for one? I have stopped queuing at all simply because I am not going to subject myself to that sort of situation.


    We as a player community need to do better. Just because it is your 100th time running Ravagers and you could do it in your sleep, doesn't mean everyone who joins the queue or the guild is going to be as efficient at their rotation as you. And bad mouthing or talking down to others isn't going to help them learn. The only way to learn the operations to the point of being comfortable is to do them. Over time, DPS will come up as a player gets comfortable and knowledgeable as to what to expect during the fight. Doesn't matter what kind of numbers you can put up on a targeting dummy, when your having to worry about mechanics of a fight on top of working your rotation, those numbers are going to drop until you become comfortable with the flow of the fight.


    Just my 2 cents worth anyway. You can agree or disagree. Just be patient with the person who may not be putting up the most ideal numbers.



    man I saw a paragraph and I my first thought was "uggh here we go" .. but I started reading and you are pretty much right about a lot of things. there are plenty of wannabe champions in these forums that will say "its your fault for not doing your research" and cant be bothered with new players blah blah. but there are also a lot of good people scattered in game in almost every guild that would generally help new players if they somehow found each other in guild. I have met some great friends here that will probably last longer than this game. the guilds have changed, merged, ended, reformed, etc, but we still hang out everyday on various games. I also see people get discouraged and leave all together. don't get discouraged man.

  6. That's more of a problem when you run with random elitist snobs who very stupidly don't care about the skill of the player or other intelligent qualifiers like gear, experience (run this op before or not), etc.


    There will always be the flavor of the month for simple and/or elitists who want to 'theoretically' be the 'best' despite that to be the best with a class/role you need to put in the time to master it not just show up in the same outfit like the best.


    TLDR: Putting on a pair of air jordan's never made anyone play like mike.


    ^^Agree totally. If a class is deemed "overpowered" that usually means it is over performing what it should be. That doesn't mean the other classes can't do the job if played properly. When snipers were at the top, people rushed to level a sniper because they thought they would instantly be great. It doesn't work that way.


    As far as the original post, making 2 separate balancing systems, they have already said "not going to happen". If I'm not mistaken they even said it again in the "Bad Feeling Podcast" with Alex and Eric. I feel your pain, and you absolutely get to express your dislike for the changes, but they are not going to split them up. Just send them ideas you like and hope for the best. I play sorc/sage and merc/commando heals mostly in PVE and I will wait to see how they play before I get all upset.

  7. Changes: I like it. Send it to print!!


    BoL Titles: Yes! If I earned it I should be able to show it. Just like the Manhunter title (which we need a newer and larger title since lots of us have passed this a long time ago) that I earned on my legacy.


    AOE change: I can see where it would encourage spam caps on voidstar where you could be outnumbered on one side since the defending team has to send people to each door and the attackers could just zerg one side. But I would be willing to see how it goes. It should not effect Ranked since there are no nodes or capping involved.


    Suggestions: Make PVP gear sets look completely different from PVE gear sets. This would encourage people who PVE that like the look of the PVP gear to go and earn the gear if they want it. Adds some encouragement for participating. Makes no sense to have them look identical. It just makes sense to see a gear set and recognize that the player earned it from PVP or that he/she earned it from doing the hardest raids. I do both and I would love to know that I didn't do all of that work for 2 sets that look exactly the same (excluding color).



  8. Hey everyone, I hope y'all enjoy the podcast. Chuck and Brian are awesome and I hope you enjoy their show (and don't find my ummmming too obnoxious :sul_embarrassed:). Despite Chuck's protest it really was an honor to be on their show and it was very special for me personally.


    There is a lot of information on the changes that we covered and we are going to make an official post about all the changes next week but until then please ask away if you have questions about the podcast that I can answer.


    Ummmmmm, cheers!


    dude, THANK YOU for the "warzone comm transfers" and "revamped comm system and costs". THANK YOU SIR!!!! I quit PVP all together since the current system was too restrictive and I was less inspired to roll alts on the opposite faction or to roll new toons. This is truly great news for me personally. I know you will never make EVERYONE happy and there will always be haters, but you guys are appreciated more than you know.



  9. I have been on a pvp strike since 3.1.2 dropped. No more ranked, no more regs, no more lowbie or mids for me at all. I have been raiding and making new raiding toons on different servers.. I even started a couple of toons on Euro servers. No pvp is a pretty radical change for me.
  10. Hey folks!


    We have seen some confusion around the Grand Nightlife Pack, what it is, and why it costs a bit more than you normally see on a Cartel Pack. Admittedly, we could have been a little bit more clear in the store tooltips and we will make sure that is better in the future.


    So, what is in the Grand Nightlife Pack? This pack is basically all of the best items from The Star Cluster and Club Vertica Nightlife Packs all in one place. Here is a basic idea of the items you will find in the pack:

    • Complete armor sets (ex: Tulak Hord Disciple’s Armor)
      • Note: All armor sets pieces are contained in a single lockbox, you do not need to get pieces individually

      [*]Mounts (ex: Dathomir Rancor)

      [*]Weapons (ex: Exquisite Champion's Dualsaber)

      [*]Color Crystals (ex: Advanced Yellow Core)

      [*]Rest & Recharge Items (ex: Credit Flip)



    What you will not find in the pack is the following:

    • Minipets
    • Titles
    • Emotes


    As a last note, this is how each part of this 4 slot pack works:

    • Slot one: A random super rare or better item
    • Slot two: A random item
    • Slot three: A fortuitous dye kit (these contain two random dyes and have a change to drop rare dyes like black/black)
    • Slot four: A Minor or Major XP Boost (the general boosts, not the specific ones such as Exploration, Flashpoints, etc)


    As you can see these packs are very special in that they provide you a high chance to get some really great items. I hope this explains a bit about the new Grand Nighlife Pack and why you will definitely want to get your hands on one, or ten, while they are around.






    awesome. finally a pack that has the complete set in one shot. i would totally pay more if i knew that when a gear set drops i was getting the whole set. nothing worse than getting 20 wrist pieces or belts in a row.

  11. That is how I feel too sadly. Long term 12x imo will kill this game. Ill go to ESO to see what is going on there, even though some people say that game is dead. So far im having fun there, and doesnt look dead to me. Maybe one day I will come back when 12xp is over and it is still live and kicking...


    I want 12xp because it will allow me to roll alts faster on other servers to play with different people in endgame. I have already been through each story several times so I would like the option to have it. It is not mandatory either from what I understand. I think it is a buff or something that you can remove if you do not want it so not sure why that would effect you if someone else gets it. It is also going away around the fall season, so it is not permanent.

  12. Oh there's definitely an audience.


    Making a decent game is what's going to keep the audience. ESO had the audience, but lost it because the game wasn't good enough, just like this game. This game had the sales, the subs, but lost them because for millions this game wasn't worth a sub.


    yeah, plenty of people will play MMO's ... but the ones that have been released lately all have design flaws that make people lose interest. I have searched around and they are all Anime and ... well crappy. I was so excited for ESO and Wildstar to come out ...but they both have major issues that I can't seem to get passed. This game has issues but I still like it more than the others. But if Bioware doesn't meet my personal list of demands though ... I will be forced to hold somebody's teddy bear ransom and possibly shoot somebody with a rubber band ... on the elbow.

  13. Being allowed to PvP on Rishii and Yavin makes zero sense to the story being played out on those two planets. Same with Ziost.


    Exactly. The problem is that "gankers want to gank". All they really want to do is gank undergeared players as they load into the area (before someone says "NOT TRUE!!" ... shhhh yes you do ... stop with the "I want to fight other pvp'ers!! and the best competition! " ... just staahhp.) The unfortunate truth is that OWPVP is dead in this game already. There are plenty of places that people can go to participate, yet these areas are barely used in proportion to the rest of the game. I would love to see some OWPVP grow and more people participate. It is truly fun, but casual players aren't going to enter Ziost if they get attacked when they load in (which is what gankers really want when they cry for OWPVP). Gankers cried when they fixed Yavin, you hear "omg!!! you ruined the game!!! how are we supposed to OWPVP??!!". As if that one little area defines the entire OWPVP lifeblood. You can still flag on Yavin, and you can still fight the other faction if you want, just not at the load in area and yet most people choose not to. Participation is extremely low, and gank areas will not increase participation it will drive casual players away from those areas (*coughcough*OutlawsDen*cough*Ilum*cough).

  14. Hey folks,


    As I mentioned earlier this morning, we very quickly isolated what the exploit entailed and began an investigation into players who have participated. As of now, we have identified those unique accounts which have gone into the blocked off area of Ziost, and killed one of the two bosses present. For each of these players, they will receive a minimum of the following action:

    • Multiple day suspension
    • Removal of all gear earned through defeating those bosses
    • Removal of all achievements earned through defeating those bosses
    • Reduction in Elite and Ultimate Commendations


    We will continue to monitor the blocked off area of Ziost throughout Monday, May the 4th, which is when it opens officially. Any player who is found to participate in this exploit beyond today’s notice will likely receive more aggressive action. Thank you all for bringing this to our attention.




    fair and handled like a boss ... well done.

  15. One of the things we tried to be clear about with the Ravagers is that we are serious about handling exploits. With that exploit, the Ravagers we were open about our process and the action we were taking. For this issue with Ziost, we are going to do the same.


    If a player is bypassing the environment to access an area they should not be able to, and then killing a boss to get loot they should also not have access to, we absolutely consider this an exploit. We are investigating this issue right now, and will be actioning any player who participates, or has participated, in this exploit.


    If you ever hear of or find something that can be exploited, do not test it yourself. Please notify us immediately and privately. Some of you brought this issue to our attention on PTS and we thank you for that. We closed that opening, but it seems that there is another method of getting into the area.


    We would also like to thank those of you who did not exploit and who have brought this to our attention. Our goal will always be to create a safe and fair environment for our players.






    THIS all day ^^^ It is amazing and freaking hilarious that some people have to be "told directly" the difference between right and wrong and then we have to wade through floods of tears when punishments get mentioned. I know its just a video game but c'mon, some people need to grow up already. You accepted the "Terms of Service" just like everyone else. If you don't understand the words in that agreement, then it is a YOU issue, not a Bioware issue. :rolleyes:

  16. 11/10 for still trolling people after 2 pages of it being confirmed a troll thread.

    im jealous tbh.


    LOL im still laughing as I keep reading through. Great stuff.

  17. I was trying to illustrate a point. In PvP, gear is not the deciding factor. Better play is.



    We could do without the gear.


    I get what you are saying bro, not trying to create an argument.. I am saying that it really takes both. Nobody is winning very many ranked matches or topping leader boards in 162 gear. But my main issue is that something needs to change with the current comm system and how to acquire gear. I would love to see the PVP community grow, but I know too many people playing that won't queue because they are tired of the grind. If gear doesn't matter then BW should loosen up on the WZ comms. Allow comm transfers between alts, and raise the cap that you can hold. I think we all agree that 2750 is not enough.

  18. This was very well written.


    I just want to add one point: The top tier PvP gear (or any pvp gear, for that matter) is not necessary to be competitive. A player in bolstered 162s can outplay someone in full Dark Reaver. This can never happen in PvE, but PvP is a different animal.


    Yes it is possible, but that usually means the guy in full Dark Reaver is not very good. You ABSOLUTELY have the advantage having full DR against 162 gear. You are doing more damage and taking less. The 2018 expertise might be the same, but the stats that go with it are a huge difference. Otherwise nobody would be grinding for the DR at all .... nobody would care if it didn't make a difference. I entered 3.0 with crap 162 gear on a fresh lvl 60 and went up against a guild that came out of the gates in full DR and they did so much more damage to me than I was doing to them. As I started getting my DR pieces, things started to change and I was taking them down just as much as they took me down. Same skill ...just better gear.

  19. I agree 100%. I am totally fine with having a grind. The grind from tier 1 to tier 2 is completely fine and keeps the hard core pvp'ers happy that top gear is not "given" away. The problem could easily be solved if they allowed us to transfer comms to other alts. 1. you are still earning them through pvp 2. you are still having to grind for that top gear. which is extensive enough having to convert ranked at a 3 to 1 ratio takes forever. And that is okay with me. 3. it will get more people doing pvp in all brackets (which is a good thing), because your comms are actually worth something and not wasted on medpacs (that most of us already have collecting in our storage) or crappy low level pvp gear that does nothing for you in warzones. 4. it gets rid of having people enter 60 pvp with crappy pve gear to get 2018 expertise. 5. Those old pve alts that I started with that have been collecting dust can be given some coms to get some gear.


    Content alone will not save PVP from the low participation that is sees now. It just isn't enough to throw in a map here or there. I don't like arenas as it is and so I do ranked mostly as an unhappy participant. I stopped queuing completely since 3.1.2 dropped and took away the stronghold title thing. New content wont get me to come back to it, I want the comm system to be changed to make this process more fun. I love the pvp here, and I want to participate but something needs to change to make me want to pvp again. I'm just raiding until that happens. If it never happens then pvp will not be interesting to me at all.

  20. Still no response on this. It makes no sense to waste WZ coms that I earned on medpacs, low level pvp gear that does nothing for you in WZ's, or basic coms. I have plenty of that stuff already. 60 pvp is fun on the 2 geared alts I have, but I wanted to roll on other servers as well, and not really going to go through all of that now. Ranked queues are slow as is, and it is mostly the same people over and over in the matches. I keep seeing "C'MON!! PLS QUEUE TEAM RANKED!!" or "Is solo ranked popping?" all night in chat. Something needs to change in order to get more people interested in queuing. The transfer of coms would encourage more people to play low and mid pvp as well as help get more people into 60 pvp with the correct gear (which EVERYBODY wants to see). I'm done with pvp for now. I will just keep raiding with my raid teams. The day I can transfer my coms that I earned is the day I might be interested to make more alts and get back in there. The pvp in this game is so much fun, but the current blockade on WZ coms is not.
  21. Yeah don't worry too much about the votes. People usually vote for their mates first. Make no mistake ... you will get noticed and appreciated for healing. People always notice you if you are keeping them alive. When you see "great heals man!" or "thanks for the heals!" whispered to you, that is really all it takes to feel appreciated. I know after a match I hit the vote button so fast sometimes that I forget "oh man I should have gave it to that healer who was doing a great job, oh well i'll get him next time." it happens a lot.
  22. No way man, you have no idea of what you're talking about.


    Try to get Ranked gear during season and then tell me how much it took.


    Hint: a lot of time. During season you don't want to enter Ranked without having full Dark Reaver gear, meaning that you have to get gear by converting regular warzone commendations (at a 3:1 rate). Plus, you need to buy Exhumed gear first ebcause you need to turn them back in.


    Quick math (without talking about min/maxing, just to make things easier, and hoping that I not left any piece behind):

    • Full Exhumed Set: 12500 regular commendations
    • Full Dark Reaver Set: 28975 ranked commendations = 86925 regular warzone commendations


    Now, doing dailies + weeklies, you can get 2300 regular commendations and 500 ranked commendations each week. Add 150 commendations per each game played and, if you win them all, you'll have 3150 more regular commendations.


    So, the total is 5450 regular and 500 ranked commendations each week.


    Converting Ranked commendations into regular will allow you to get almost 6000 regular commendations each week, meaning that you will need a little more than 2 weeks to get your gear which is totally fine.


    But coming to Ranked gear here's wehre the magic comes: you can convert that 5450 regular commendations to ranked, having a pool of 2316 Ranked commendations per week.


    This means that you will need the insane amount of 37.5 weeks to finish your set.


    Luckily we had pre season to gear up using ranked games and this helped a lot, but given that there won't be a preseson between S4 and S5 and that I don't want to play Ranked with my alt because I don't want to ruin other people's game, can you please tell me how am I supposed to gear him for then next Ranked season if I can't transfer commendations from my Ranked toons?


    Just in case you missed it, we're talking of a 37 weeks long grid, are you still sure that getting Ranked gear is easy?


    absolutely 100% THIS. rock>scissors and math>silliness

  23. In all fairness to Eric, he's just the messenger. I'm guessing he actually went out on a limb to make a separate post about this and highlight the issue to alert the PvP community. The change is terrible, but he doesn't make those decisions. Thanks to him some peeps were afforded the opportunity to clean house or do whatever was needed before the Patch.


    Pretty good of the dude if you ask me.





    Personally, I would like to see a Legacy Wallet of some sort that stores all of our Comms. H*ll I would even buy it from the Cartel Market.


    But if we aren't going to get something like that, I agree with you. Raising the Comm limit makes perfect sense.


    I agree, Eric takes a lot of heat for being the messenger. but that comes with being the messenger. lol

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