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Posts posted by Paul_Gr

  1. - Since drop of 6.1.4 Item Rating is dropping from 306 to 262 when changing instances. This can be fixed by unequipping and re-equipping gear, but it does cause all loot to drop at 270 Item Rating


    Gif example: https://gyazo.com/94b59e9f8b788d7e81b7f9d9d1ffa03e


    Do ya mean that gear rating fixed back to 306 but ya still got 270 from boxes&?


    I asking cuz i have the same problem - and not only me, 2 buddies aswell ! - and choose not to open boxes till fix :)


    But yeah the problem ARE here, not for ya only! :rak_04:

  2. ... may be people already asked about it, so sorry if its repeat post


    Dear developers :)


    You let us to do Field Respec which is really awesome, yep. But can you add a possibility to save skill preset as we can do with interface variants??? Ofc it could be obtainable via CC/ingame creds through legacy unloks, as it's with Respec. Trust me - a lot of players really need this one, cuz its boring to allocate skill points every time from the scratch


    Just for example: i have 2 sets of gear - DPS and tanking - on my Assassin, and respec-ed/ re-geared every time when its needed for fp or ops. Pls, help me - and many others!!! - to save time with skill points, it would be a real pleasure tbh.


    BTW: can we have such preset for gear too?) It would be miracle to switch roles in 2 clicks!


    Respectfully yours!:cool:

  3. Yeah, totally agree with you: set bonuses certainly must be transferrable, in my opinion with armoring mod


    The first - and simplest - reason for it are ugly lookings of most "stock" premium armor. To be honest this gloves with spikes and chestguards with horns looks stupid even for picturesque Sith )))


    It would be better to have - for example - "Tionese chestguard box" containing all 3 mods along with assembled chestguard itself. If "box" with mods will cost 1 comm lesser then assembled armor piece it wont ruin ingame balance and economics, but offers more flexibility in customization

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