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Posts posted by ShawnFish

  1. I normally don't respond to very much here, but this is an EXCELLENT addition to the BH story. Really fleshes it out..


    I'm enjoying it very much, in fact I woke up today and hoped that more was added, and there was!


    Anyway, thanks for sharing this and I look forward to more.


    I'm enjoying the darkness of it, the intimate feel, you've captured the image of the female bounty hunter in my mind perfectly. :D

  2. I love healing on my sorc. I actually dropped my PT as my main so I could focus solely on gearing up and being a dedicated healer. Leveling I switched from DPS to heal often. Only once I got Innervate and Resurgence did I stay specced into heals. Add in revivication :D and there you go.


    For PvE the aoe heal is king. I've learned when to do the instant heal and when to stop for a minute to do a channel. PvP is way more situational because it isnt scripted. With the new instant cast self heal, which crits for well over 6k, I stay alive longer, its been a great improvement. You will have to kite as a sorc, especially in PvP, but I absolutely love when I get a melee on me just hammering away, while I heal up, kite, and throw out more heals on other people, I LOL when they just give up and go to another target that I just heal anyway. :D Now getting focused, there really isnt too much you can do about that. But am I having a blast playing a sorc healer?? Hell yea I am.


    I've leveled an operative as well, but to me, not as much fun as healing on my sorc. I could solo most 2 man heroics if I had Khem geared up, and even a couple 4 mans, although I did tend to die a couple times before reaching the objective.


    At this point I like healing more than DPS. It stil CHALENGES me in ways playing DPS never did. I'd like to level a commando at some point to see how that healing is.

  3. On my main I purchased the BH QT, DK QT, mail and repair droid.


    On my other toons I purchased speeder at level 10. I DREAD leveling without a speeder at 10, that is way worth it to me. I would pay 10 times more for it, seriously. I buy the exploration EX buffs, all of them since they are cumulative, it only makes sense to buy them all to get the 10 percent buff at the end. I got the increase in comp affection through gifts, that ends up saving me money because typically as soon as i get a new comp I pretty much max out their affection.


    The ship mailbox, kinda a waste of credits. The field one is way less and you can just use it on your ship if you need it.


    I've thought about the rocket boosts, that would be kind of cool.


    I dont get how people say these things are too much money. Credits are very easy to get in the game. I guess if i was one of those players that had to rely on dailies for income I'd feel the same way. It did take me a little while to figure out how to work the GTN. All of my subsequent toons have had financial backing from my first 50, so that a big plus.


    I'm currently legacy level 33, I just wish there was more of an incentive to gaining legacy levels. There really isnt, and there should be.

  4. Skyrim is that way >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


    You arent getting "punished" once you get to level 50, if you think it is, you self-administered the punishment by choosing not to engage in the end-game content.


    Sure, if you had a couple bad experiences it could get to you, but don't let it poison your well. Put them on ignore and never worry about grouping with them again. For the most part, I've had good experiences with grouping up.


    You could always, like an above poster said, start another class story. But a punishment, it most definitely is not.

  5. All this griping i completely don't understand. Bioware will never be able to satisfy everyone's idea of the perfect game.


    It's a Flashpoint, not an exam in aeronautical engineering. If I was trying to satisfy an MMO playerbase I'd bang my head against the wall continuously.


    Strangely enough, I would bet if the quest line were completely solo, there would be some derp thread saying how this is an MMO and we should group up to get him. There is just no way to make everyone happy.


    I think its great they are adding him. I'll have a good time doing the quests. Just be happy. 1.5 is going to come out much sooner than i had anticipated and I'm looking forward to it.

  6. I found cybertech to be the most useful while leveling. Being able to craft your own armorings, mods, and earpieces is great as well as keeping your active companion geared up. I think all of the crew skill have at least some practical purpose for gearing up, especially while leveling.


    As far as end game goes, biochem is definitely great for the reusable adrenals and stims. Cybertech can RE Black Hole mods and BH earpieces to learn the schematic, and artifice can do the same with enhancements i believe. The Columi earpieces are BoE as well, so I can sell them on the GTN, although they really don't sell well with how easy it is to get Rakata and BH nowadays. Armoring schematics can be learned by RE'ing the armoring that Kephess drops. My armormech can craft some Rakata items; belt and bracers, but seeing that they are BoP, there really isnt a reason to craft them once you get yourself and your companions one each. The moddable ones end up being better anyway.


    I only have 2 crew skills at this point maxed out, but I'm working on more. My PT can craft the augmentation kits for any of my toons, as well as aim/cunning/shield/absorb augments.


    Now, I mostly just craft or send comps out for mats to make credits. I like not having to ever to dailies unless I want to. It's like a mini-game to me and I enjoy it very much.

  7. Hi, I'm a solo player that doesn't use group finder. In fact, all of my game time is spent doing my own thing and ignoring all group/guild/chat invites other than general chat. I don't bother with Heroics. Flashpoints. Warzones or anything else that involves having to group up with people.


    Have a nice day.




    So you come to the forum and make a thread for OTHER people to see complaining that you have to play a part of the game with other people???


    So you'll post about things in an MMO online forum but wont play with other people in an MMO game. . . . . . . . . I'm confused right now . . . . . . . :eek:

  8. I just want to play the game honestly. Everything else . . . . . . . not so much.


    What would i rather have, blah, blah - - are you having fun playing the game? If yes, keep playing, if not, move on.


    I pla a 15 monthly sub too, but i dont think i OWN the game. 50 cents a day is nothing.

  9. Honestly I don't really care about this so-called "reputation" of terrible PvP. I'm having fun doing it, and when the day comes that I'm not having fun anymore, I'll leave the game.


    Is it going to stop Free to Play people from joining?? Hell no, free is free, and people love free stuff. I'm sure that a potential F2P'er is NOT going to be sitting at their house contemplating signing up for a FREE account when suddenly they have this epiphany: "Oh NOOOO, I heard that SWTOR has this terrible reputation for PvP. I've changed my mind. I don't want to play this FREE game now because I'm SOOO influenced by some nameless entity or article on the web. I better go out and PURCHASE a game now."


    So to sum up the answer . . . . . . . No, not at all.

  10. Pretty much what the above posters said. Make sure you check the PvE mission terminal everyday to get the missions. There is one for a HM FP you can do everyday, and a weekly for 3 HM FP's.


    The weekly awards columi comm's, I forget how many, but it's a big boost when trying to purchase a specific item. If I remember right in False Emperor Malgus drops the Columi Mainhand weopon, so you could do that a couple times to get your drop.


    Other than that have fun.


    Oh yea, I'm not sure if you know this but by the speeder vendor there are a few quests for getting speeders. You have to do certain things like completeling all the HM FP's to get a certain speeder. It's pretty cool. I know I was happy the first time I drove around in my Aratech Ice :D

  11. From what I understand the War Hero Power Relic of Boundless Ages is BiS.


    I dont remember what relic it is that you're talking about. What were the stats on it?

  12. /signed


    Although this topic has been brought up on these forums numerous times. I would think that coding it wouldnt be all that difficult.


    But that would make things SOOOOO convenient for my main and alts, being that I'm always mailing mats to and from toons.

  13. Holy crap, man...cry some more please. You wouldnt take someone in PVE greens to do hardmode EC would you? NOPE. Its the same thing, rateds right now tend to be for the best of the best. Not the noobs. If you want to be on even par with someone who has spent a huge amount of time dedicated to playing as soon as you turn the computer on...then this isn't your game. Maybe you should try Call of Duty...or better yet the sims sounds more like your kind of game. Damn right my guardian will roflstomp your *** in 5 seconds if you just dinged 50. Ive been playing him since the game came out. I don't complain when i switch to my combat medic or my shadow in recruit/bm gear that i cant just face roll everyone, I havent put the time in on them to earn that. Go vote for Obama maybe he'll tell you "they didn't build their toons" and give you a free set of WH.




    That said I do think they need an arena system for small groups of 2-4, would make it much easier to get people into competetive pvp and much easier to group the bads with the bads and the pros with the pros so we don't have to listen to so much QQ.


    Dude I LMAO so hard at the Obama reference. But it's spot on.

    You are absolutely right. Gear progression is part of this MMO. I know that I cant down HM EC with tionese gear. I also know that it is going to be more difficult to win games for my team in all recruit gear. But lets be honest, and this has been said time and time again on these forums. The BM grind does not take that long, once its augmented, you are competitive. I know I was with my PT and Sorc. Add in legacy gear and with mailing mods, etc - you can have it sooner on any alts you would make.

  14. It clears it up, but it doesn't make it better. 350 Coms for a very minimal stat increase are really no incentive to grind them, and having them is still nothing special if that was the intention behind this strange price. It's only a grind.


    Ok, then dont get them. It's such a minor stat increase anyway right?? Although, I'm pretty sure some players have an abundance of daily comm's they've been saving for whatever reason and they will be the ones to purchase it.


    But you answered you're on quandary. Such a large grind for such a minor stat increase. Once again the answer is so simplistic. Forget the item, don't get it. I know I wont grind for it.


    Although, the SM Op's now give you 30 Daily comm's I beleive, so that a pretty significant boost.

  15. I'm not positive about this but I always thought it was WHENEVER player vs player happened. Doesn't it say it effects your companion as well?


    I purposefully wear my PvP gear when I'm in places like Ilum and the Black Hole because I could see an opposite faction player there, and do quite often. But I sacrifice some stats in my PvP gear for the expertise in those PvE areas.

  16. I agree with the prior poster about cybertech. You won't see a HUGE increase in the size of your wallet in a day or so, but you can and will get a steady stream of income. It all depends on how many items you craft and sell. And ALWAYS make sure you look at the price of an item before you sell it, and NEVER go with the default price.


    When augments first hit I made millions with my armormech off of kits and augments. Now my armormech primarily sells purple level 49 augments and UT medals.


    I would also suggest going with a couple gathering skills. Mats sell extremely well. You just have to be patient and find a niche to fill like an above poster said. It does take some time initially to understand the GTN and know what you're going to do but the rewards are great. I NEVER do dailies, unless I want to do them, except the BH once a week. I can do FP's or OP's or level alts instead. It has made my experience with this game all that much better. If I was broke or concerned with paying for extraction or repair costs I know I wouldn't be having as much fun playing this game as i do.

  17. I think this would solve a lot of issues with pug vs. pre-made and new 50s from dying every two seconds, dishearten them from playing PvP...I mean there is no reason you should be playing normal if you are WH status.


    Terrible and stupid idea. I wont even explain why, I'm sure someone else already has.

  18. The best thing i can suggest is to go BACK to the trainer and see if you can learn more schematics. New ones will open up to you once you get to a certain crafting level.


    Also, some of the missions skills, like UWT and slicing will provide schematics you can learn - also the GTN you can buy schematics. If you've learned all of the blue recipes, then you will get a tool tip that says "no research available" or something like that. Some crew skills, such as cybertech, the percent of learning a purple earpiece from a blue one os 10 percent, so be prepared to get a lot of fails. You're right though, it does cost credits initially. It's a lot easier once you have a rich higher level character to help you out with money.


    As far as selling is concerned, look at what price things are going for on the market and under cut by 1 credit :D


    If the items are grey you wont increase your crafting level, that's why you have to learn new schematics from the trainer on the fleet or on a planet, if they have trainers on that planet, or get them from missions or the GTN.


    Hope I could help you out a bit.

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