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Posts posted by Amkay

  1. This is thread that has lazy, I don't want to grind, Gimmie a hand out written all over it. Go back to your 360 and stop crying. This is a MMO/PC game......THAT MEANS SOME THINGS ARE EASY, SOME THINGS REQUIRE A LOOOOONG GRIND. I got a grind for you from and old school MMO player. Took me 8 months to unlock a padawan in sw galaxies. And after that long grind, it felt awesome to have. Not one regret. Patience is the key in MMOs. Here is the old man war story..... "Back in the good old swg days, I use to go on Squill hunts and get my arse kicked every day for a few hundred mission terminal credits."


    This game has barely been live for 6 month. Thats a new born baby in the MMO world. Hell, WOW launched in 2004. HERE IS A BETTER IDEA INSTEAD OF CRYING. Make positive post of good additions you would like to see in the game. Such as cross server ques and dual spec options. Ques that match you based on gear lvl first, Creature mounts, Guest appearances from future jedi, Live player bounties on jedi players to spice it up a bit. The list goes on. But the I cancel my sub because I'm crying is just a poor excuse for you being lonely in game. Make a few buddies or join a good guild and you will have fun doing anything because your not ALONE.

  2. When you get a LFG que and a dual spec option it makes life for non-alldayquestjunkies much more bearable with gaming. And at lvl 50 being able to que for ops or heroics would make it a lot less boring. Que systems for grouping should always be in place. Games like COD and Battlefield made it a must. Image being on COD and having to ask other players to group with you. That game would never last console or not. It ok for a while but the que option is now a mmo staple. Dual spec-ing just makes your toon more viable for the que system to operate smoothly. Some may say this is stealing from other MMOs. They are right. Your suppose to steal the good ideas. Then you turn around and make them better. That is called MMO evolution. Think about it like this. Bacon is AWESOME, but the guy to took bacon and smoked it in applewood is pure UBER.
  3. When you get a LFG que and a dual spec option. 90 percent of those worries will go away. Que systems for grouping should always be in place. Games like COD and Battlefield made it a must. Image being on COD and having to ask other players to group with you. That game would never last console or not. It ok for a while but the que option is now a mmo staple. Dual spec-ing just makes your toon more viable for the que system to operate smoothly. Some may say this is stealing from other MMOs. They are right. Your suppose to steal the good ideas. Then you turn around and make them better. That is called MMO evolution. Think about it like this. Bacon is AWESOME, but the guy to took bacon and smoked it in applewood is pure UBER.
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